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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Poke Healer +
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.88
Limited: 3.13
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Narctiss |
Poke Healer+! Our first in the set of + Trainers.
Play 1 and get 1 dmg counter removed and 1 special
condition. In ways better and worse than Potion and Full
heal respectively.
Play 2 and remove 8 dmg counters and all special
conditions. Yay.
Both times from the active Pokemon.
Playing two sounds great! 8dmg counters removed AND all
special conditions?! Woahhh... ... But it stops there.
It will work well when you're in a pinch, have a lot of
damage, need to be un-paralyzed or else and it'll also
help if you're up against Heatran Lv.X. If you have no
way to retreat, that is (especially for Raichu X if you
can't retreat for some reason, since it's Body is
stopped by conditions).
Although, are you really hurt for 80 that often without
a backup plan, or hit by special condition so much? No
and No. Mainly because most will do more than 80 to you
and special conditions aren't often played (At least
one's that last forever..).
So is stocking your deck with 3-4 of these a great idea?
No, no it's not.
If you're really worried about your HP, special
conditions, etc. Then go ahead, but in most games this
card will be a wasted stock. It's a very nice effect.
But won't be used much and is too costly for a one use
kind of thing.
I like this card, I really do! I just can't see it being
the best thing to fill a deck with.
Modified: 2/5
Limited: 3/5 Any trainer is good!
Jigglypuff13 |
Healer + (SF)
Hello, and welcome to a card
with one of the latest game mechanics, the first of the
+ cards,
Healer +! For those who don't know about the
+ mechanic because either a) you haven't read the card,
at which point, scroll up a little, or b) you've been
living in a cave for the past , er, 6 months (I
think) or so since the Japanese spoilers were released,
and the card scan won't load for you, at which point, I
shall explain the mechanic.
these cards can either played as a single Trainer like
every other trainer released, or, if you have 2 in your
hand, you can play 2 at
the same time to get a fantastic effect (seriously, just
wait until
Draw + for probably the best one, though
Blower + will bring back memories for people who have
played since Base Set).
one is
Healer +, which, as I think you may be able to guess
from the name, is used for healing your Pokémon. If you
just play 1 of these, you get a Heal Energy effect of
removing 1 damage counter and 1 Special Condition from
one of your Pokémon. Actually, that's worse than Heal
Energy because that could remove all Special Conditions
from the Pokémon you attached it to. However, who on
Earth would want to use that effect when you get such
brilliance from playing 2 at a time. Play 2, and you get
to remove all Special Conditions from one of your
Pokémon and 8 (8!) damage counters. The last trainer to
loads of damage counters was Life Herb, and that was a
flip to remove only 6 damage counters. Just imagine
Healer + in a stall deck (a
(DP) based
deck), and you've got the right idea.
Of course, there are
downsides, and the big one is that, if you want the best
the effect, you will only be using it twice a game at
most. However, you will still be removing up to 16
damage counters from 2 of your Pokémon, which is still
great. And, of course, only stall decks or ones that
focus on healing will be able to make good use of this
card, with aggro or sniping decks much
either of the other 2
+ cards.
Modified: Out of all of the
+ cards, this has probably the least useful in most
decks, along with another other good healing/stall decks
you can think of. The other two are all more useful in
more decks, but I doubt they can be as annoying as
seeing 80 damage counters of hard work removed. 2.5/5
Chances are, you won't get more than 1, but healing
here, even if it is only 1 damage counter, can be quite
helpful here, leading to an extra little survivability.
The other two are still more useful here though. 2/5 |

Otaku |
Greetings readers! I haven’t been able to
review in a long time. I haven’t been able to
attend League lately, let alone any tournaments
and even my online opponent’s just kept
disappearing (I think because they got lives).
So I am reviewing mostly “for fun” as I struggle
to get back into the game. This means my
reviews will be sort of half-newbie,
half-veteran, and all ignorant of the current
Poké Healer +
Card #:
You may play 2 Poké Healer + at the same time.
If you play 1 Poké Healer +. Remove 1 damage
counter and a Special Condition from 1 of your
Active Pokémon. If you play 2 Poké Healer +,
remove 8 damage counters and all Special
Conditions from 1 of your Active Pokémon.
Is there a card that punishes use of Trainers? I
did a quick search on Poképedia, and it didn’t show
any currently legal for Modified play (though
Stormfront cards don’t appear to have been added
yet). If not, then the fact that this card is a
Trainer is, of course, a good thing: you can save
your Supporter use for something else. I know that
listing this as a “Trainer Trainer” in my text
spoiler seems redundant, but the card itself lists
that it is a Trainer twice, hence so did I.
I like cards with variable effects. A single copy
of Poké Healer + will let you get out of an
annoying Special Condition like Paralysis or Poison
and shed a damage counter. Many cards can do
something similar, and usually better: Potion
has been with this game since Base Set, and it
removes up to two damage counters. Several cards
can remove all Special Conditions, with only a few
being limited to a single (usually specified)
Special Condition. Decks that layered on multiple
Special Conditions have never been common. Even
when it proves a sound strategy, Confusion,
Paralysis, and Sleep all replace each other. So the
most you could ever be afflicted with was three
Special Conditions at once (one of the
aforementioned plus being Burned and Poisoned). So
this first effect is weak, and probably just there
since having nothing is of course worse.
When you can play two at once to trigger the removal
of a massive eight damage counters and all Special
Conditions. That is fantastic. Pokémon is a game
of either big hitters or nasty effects. As long as
the nasty effect isn’t blocking out Trainers, a lot
of the more technical fighters just had the meat of
their attack erased. Heavy hitters… probably still
OHKO you.
Uses and
Unless the nature of this game has radically
changed, this card probably won’t be huge, because
healing has only mattered in key decks and in such
decks they required total healing. Still, this card
should and will see some use.
First, healing cards are the ultimate “filler” when
deck testing: they prolong a game you’d lose long
enough you can still learn. Second, I remember a
group of players who were very budget conscious, and
I always kidded them that they’d main four copies of
Potion. After a while of them winning (not
all the time, but enough battles against even the
better players) I found out that some decks can use
even that tiny healing from Potion to great
use. Pokémon has always been a math oriented game,
even if its just basic addition and subtraction for
damage. So when a single Potion changes the
amount of turns their big hitter was up and running…
it’d throw me. I mean, who ran Potion? In
many ways, it is the same principle as Plus Power,
but less effective.
The hard part of utilizing this card will be finding
something that truly benefits from the extra turn
this card should provide. Either it needs to be
something that is a veritable wall, or something
that spreads the damage around or creates some kind
of “lock”. In the case of the former, instead of
flushing away the effect of “one” opponent’s attack,
you’ll be getting rid of the accumulated effects of
two or three. In the case of the latter, by
surviving just one more turn you should be attacking
for multiple prizes at once (or some similar power
2/5 – In a select few decks, this could matter: many
Pokémon in this format have 80 or less HP, so its
yet another Pokémon Nurse or Scoop Up
but you get to keep your Energy.
3/5 – This card isn’t especially good or bad, though
I doubt the top decks will be running it unless they
fit the criteria I gave above.
4/5 – Trainers are precious in this format.
Draw/search cards are automatic “must runs”, and
healing isn’t far behind. A single damage counter
or removal of a Special Condition” is great. Still,
I’ve scored it high because of the chance you can
run two. If you have two, it will be amazing in
your deck here. So basically one copy is really a
three out of five, two is four out of five, and any
more should be treated as a five out of five.
This is one of the new crop of “Trainer +” cards
that have one “better than nothing” effect if used
as a single and some truly amazing effects when used
two at a time. This is the weakest of the three in
this set and as far as healing goes, its one of the
best options we’ve had in a long time.

master |
Ghostpkmnmaster here with another card of the day
today's card is poke healer +. This trainer card is one
of the new cards from Stormfront that you can play
multiple copies of to get a better effect. The effect
you get if you play one of this card is remove one
damage counter and all special conditions from your
active Pokémon. Now for the better effect if you play
two of these cards at the same time remove 8 damage
counters and all conditions from your active Pokémon. I
don't know what kind of deck you will see this card in
that is being played in the current format but you can
bet if you play against a deck with 4 of these you will
get frustrated. In all poke healer + is a very annoying
card when played in twos and I bet someone will find
some crazy deck that this card will work wonders in.
Modified: 4/5- if you play this card use 4 of it because
removing 80 damage can go a LONG WAY
Limited: 3.5/4
See you next time
Ghost PKMN master |