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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Gyarados Lv. 52
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.75
Limited: 3.33
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD

Otaku |
Lv.52 is a Stage 1 Water Pokémon. As I don’t
know about the value of being a Water Pokémon, I
will let you figure that out for yourself based upon
your local metagame (or anticipated metagame if
heading to a larger venue). It has 130 HP, which is
great: few Stage 1 cards match or beat that, and it
matches or is just barely beaten by many Stage 2 and
Pokémon Lv.X. The bottom stats aren’t as nice, but
aren’t as rare either: +30 damage from Electric Type
Pokémon, which makes even tiny random TecH a
concern, -20 Fighting Resistance which should
frustrate “speed” based Fighting set ups, and a
three Energy Retreat Cost that means you’ll need
something to get Gyarados out of the Active
Slot if you don’t want it to go down fighting. I’ll
also mention Gyarados classic disadvantage:
it Evolves from the lowly Magikarp. For
being a Pokémon that was designed to be “bad”, TPC
has given us some very interesting and dare I say,
fun Magikarp over the years. This new one is
now exception, and of the legal versions, probably
the best at aiding set up: it has a no-Energy
required attack that lets you flip a coin until you
get tails. You draw one card for each heads. As
you are already in trouble if you have to
attack with Magikarp, you might as well have
an extremely luck based attack and hope to benefit
from your inevitable loss of a Pokémon. The
Mysterious Treasures Gyarados (also still
Modified legal) has the ability to use attacks from
its lower Stages, giving you a hard decision about
whether to both Gyarados and Magikarp
together: the older Magikarp actually has
some decent, damage based attacks and would probably
work better with it. You may end up running a copy
or two of each version, or just focusing on one set
or the other.
Gyarados Lv.52
has a zero Energy attack – Tail Revenge – that hits
for 30 damage times the number of Magikarp in
your discard pile. This is probably a better
“clean-up/comeback” attack than an opener: you don’t
want to dump all your Magikarp into the
discard pile since you would then have to retrieve
them to set up any new Gyarados, after all.
Even if it meant 90 damage first turn for no Energy.
The second attack is Wreck Havoc for (WC) and I
really like it. You only get 40 damage out of it,
but you get another “flip until tails” attack. This
one doesn’t do more damage or draw, but instead
discards from your opponent’s deck. That means,
while unlikely, it could win you the game in one
shot! Nearly impossible to do that early game, but
late game it could really turn things around. The
damage is decent for such an attack as well. The
last attack on this card is Dragon Beat. It
requires a massive investment of (WWCCC), but hits
for a big 100 damage. Still, that is lacking.
Fortunately, it has an effect as well: if you get
heads on a coin flip, you get to discard an Energy
card from each of your opponent’s Pokémon. You’ll
probably score a KO with the attack regardless of
the flip unless it was a “fresh” or Resistant
Defending Pokémon. While you’d only do the discard
half the time, it forces your opponent to risk a
broad set up being destroyed or playing in a
dangerous manner: committing most (if not all)
Energy to the next planned attacker and hoping you
can’t force it Active and KO it.
appears to be another great Pokémon in this set. I
believe this could carry its own deck, and can’t
believe that it couldn’t function as a back-up to
another Water Pokémon. You might want to run both
Modified Legal versions together, but you don’t have
to and running one or the other might be just as
preferable. I believe this is the strong version,
because flipping tails just leaves you with a solid
beatstick instead of a dangerously Confused Pokémon
(as the old one does with its big attack).
3/5 – As usual, I must explain why I rate something
so high here. First, one could always try and
squeeze it into a Raindance deck, powering up for
that big attack with ease and abusing
Pokémon Center.
One could run it with Slowking in a Mind
Games deck as the main attacker. I would do the
latter, and focus on letting the opponent deck
themselves out. Remember, you don’t have to prevent
their Trainers from working. Puzzle them by letting
a Professor Oak (or two) go through, but
block anything threatening as your flips allow.
Against a normal, recklessly fast Unlimited deck,
your opponent might burn through half their deck
before they realize what you’re doing. From there,
it’s just a countdown until you force them to deck
out or KO the often smaller Pokémon found in this
format. I don’t expect it to become the new deck to
beat, but something fun to shake up the format.
3.5/5 – I like where this is headed, but I get the
feeling that it will be one of those decks everyone
thinks about playing, but no one really wants to
risk running.
4/5 – Magikarp is normally a huge no-no in this
format, but the possibility of a sick payday from a
lucky streak of heads is tempting enough to make me
at least think about playing Magikarp without
its Evolution. That, in turn, makes the Evolution
better. Here, Wreak Havoc can more easily live up
to its name: one or two streaks are all it’ll take
to deck someone out pronto, and steady use of the
attack would still only probably be five to ten
It is good to see a card that, while heavy on the
coin flips, rewards those flips quite well. I hope
to see Gyarados being played a lot. Hit
hard, mess with their deck, and mess with their
Energy all using the same big beatstick.
Jigglypuff13 |
11/20 Gyarados Lv.52 (SF)
Hello, and I'm afraid, due to lack of time, that I will
have to make this be another short review. The basics of
todays card, the latest version of Gyarados, aren't too
bad in all honesty. 130 HP on a Stage 1 is brilliant.
Only Blissey (MT) (if my memory serves me correctly) has
been able to match that amount on a normal Stage 1, and
Wailord (GE) the only one to surpass it (again, if my
memory is correct), so Gyarados should survive a hit or
two. +30 Lightning Weakness probably won't be too good
with Raichu (SF) dealing 100 damage with one attack, and
Electivire (SW), which is likely to be played in Raichu
and Magnezone decks, just needs 2 heads with it's attack
to do the magical 100 damage needed for the OHKO. -20
Fighting Resistance is alright, so will be able to take
a hit or two from Machamp (SF) and any other Fighting
types that get in it's way (apart from a Ryhperior Lv.X
(LA) that discards 3 or more energies with it's first
attack). 3 Retreat Cost is slightly harsh though, so
make sure you pack at least a couple of Warp Points
and/or Switches into your deck to make sure you can get
it back to the bench.
Attacks, and first of all, Tail Revenge looks both
horrible and nice at the same time. For no energies, it
does 30 time the number of Magikarp in your Discard
Pile. If you don't put in Felicity's Drawing, then you
will have to get your Magikarps KOed, thus letting your
opponent draw prizes for each one, before doing your
maximum damage of 90. Or, Felicity's and Garchomp Lv.X
(MD), allow you to do a max 120. Sounds nice, but
requires a little too much effort to really be of any
use. Wreak Havoc is too bad I suppose. WC for 40 is
alright, but the deck discarding effect is a little iffy
really. If you are good with "Flip until you get tails"
cards, then you will find Wreak Havoc to be very
powerful, especially if you combine it with Rhyperior
(DP) for even more deck discarding (or "milling").
However, if, like most of use, you aren't any good with
"Flip until you get tails" cards and find they fail 50%
(or more) of the time, then you may be slightly more
interested in Gyarados's final attack, Dragon Beat.
WWCCC is pretty steep for an attack cost (though not
quite as bad as DDDDD on Tyranitar (SF) now), and even
if the 100 damage isn't enough to tempt you, the
possibility of discarding an energy from each of your
opponents Pokémon might. Of course, you will probably
never actually be able to do the discard from everything
since your opponent will probably have bench sitters
like Claydol (GE) or Uxie (LA) that won't have any
energies attached. Also, the discard is more effect
against some decks more that others. For example, I
don't think Kingdra (LA) will mind the discard quite as
much as, say, a Raichu deck. However, it's just a little
too unreliable and costly to really be a good attack.
Combos, and I pretty much mentioned all of them in the
anlysis of the attacks. Felicity's Drawing and Garchomp
Lv.X (MD) is probably the best one, allowing Tail
Revenge to hit the important 120 damage mark, but also
allows Gyarados to be powered quickly for a Wreak Havoc
or Dragon Beat. However, if you don't go down that route
and would prefer the "milling" strategy with Rhyperior
and Wreak Havoc, you will have to look after your litte
Magikarps, otherwise you will yourself down on prizes
very quickly and very easily.
Survivability, well, 130 HP should see it take a couple
of hits, but just watch out for those 100 damage dealing
Lightning types. Unless you like fried Gyarados for your
dinner, that is.
Of course, Gyarados's main weakness is Magikarp. If you
can keep this 30 HP Basic alive for just one of your
opponents turn or decide to use Rare Candy, then it's
not too bad. However, if you are running any Stage 2's,
you will not waste too many Rare Candies on Gyarados's,
and your opponent will do everything in their power to
KO Magikarp ASAP. Snipers and spreaders will be
particularly effective at this, as will any deck with a
tech Metagross (LA) or at least 1 Poké Blower + pair.
Modified: No matter which way you look at it, this
Gyarados is a slow card. You will have to combo it with
at least a stage 2 for best effect, and will need 3
energies for that Stage 2 combo, the Stage 2 Lv.X may
not need any energies for it or Gyarados to use their
attacks, but will need to wait for at least 3 Felcity's
Drawing or 5 lots of Lunatone's (GE) (yes, I forgot
about it earlier) or similar Poké-Power or a combination
of the two to actually then become useful, but that will
take too long. These combos are slow enough, so I
wouldn't even think about Dragon Beat. Seriously, it's
too slow, and will never be used in a really competitive
deck, and you can quote me on that if you want. Gyarados
wins more than 1 Cities in Masters anywhere, I will put
a retraction in another review to give this card a max
score. Until then, looks useful, but too slow. 1.5/5
Limited: Not that much more useful here I'm afraid. Tail
Revenge becomes useless unless you are willing sacrifice
2 or more Magikarps every game. Wreak Havoc Might be
quite nice, but only if you can keep your Magikarps
alive. 40 is a great amount, but the effect can be
devastating here in a game when people only have 40
cards in their deck. Dragon Beat is, again, an attack to
not think about due it's massive energy cost. Get it set
up, though, and you will be getting a KO almost every
turn, essentially giving you the game (unless your
opponent gets something really powerful out here). 2/5
A bit rushed, so I hope that all makes sense. |

master |
Thursday's card of the day is Gyarados from Stormfront.
As usual let's review stats first 130HP, 3 attacks, a
+30 weakness to lightning, a -20 resistance to fighting,
and three retreat cost. Now onto his first attack Tail
Revenge a free attack that does 30 damage times the
number of Magikarp in your discard pile. This attack is
really tricky to use because the most damage it could do
is 90 because you have one Gyarados out and three
Magikarp in your discard pile. Gyarados' second attack
Wreak Havoc for two energies one of which has to be
water does 40 damage than you flip a coin until you get
tails and for each heads discard the top card from your
opponent's deck. I like this attack because with
Gyarados cards in the past all they had were high damage
attacks but this one adds a milling attack ton its
arsenal. And his final attack is Dragon Beat for a
whopping five energies two of which have to be water
does 100 damage plus you flip a coin until you get tails
and for each heads you discard an energy attached to one
of your opponents' Pokémon. The only problem I have with
this attack is the energy cost because five energy is a
bit too much for an attack these days but overall
besides the attacks cost it's really good it does 100
damage and will potentially discard energy. In
conclusion the new Gyarados I kind of like because its
attacks provide different ways for the person playing
him to go with like what attacks they could use because
each of his attacks has a different strategy to it. They
could try to deck them with Tail Revenge or they could
discard their energy with Dragon Beat there's so many
things you can do with this card but now the question is
will it see play in the current format.
Modified; 3.25/5- until I see a successful Gyarados deck
being played I can't give it a higher rating but its
attacks are really annoying
Limited; 3.75/5
Art;4.25/5 |