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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Lumineon Lv. 38
Legends Awakened
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 3.33
Limited: 3.33
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Jigglypuff13 |
11/25 Lumineon Lv.38
Right, quick one today on one of Machamp (SF)'s
favourite partners, Lumineon. First of all, the basics,
and 80 HP is not good on a fully evolved Stage 1. Might
survive a hit if you are really lucky. Shame it has +20
Lightning Weakness as well since then, Raichu (SF) will
only need a sinlge Plus Power/Buck's Training to OHKO
this Pokémon with it's second attack (which I have
momentarily forgotten the name of). No Resistance has
been covered so many times before that I won't bore you
with details of it now. It's one redeeming feature here
is it's free Retreat Cost, allowing it to get to the
bench quickly when in danger, which is always.
Abilities, and first of all, don't think you are going
to make a good rouge with this cards attacks. Quick Swim
does a nice and solid 20 for free on anything, isn't
effected by Weakness or Resistance, which is nice, but
is effected by Metal Energy and other such effects.
Admitedtly, there aren't many Metal decks at the moment
apart from Magnezone Lv.X (LA) decks and the odd
Bastiodon (MT) deck. Also, you will have to watch out
for, well, Bastiodon stopping your sniping. Not sure how
many decks will use it, but it's always a bit of threat,
so just remember about it. Elegant Swim is a semi-useful
attack for trying to keep Lumineon alive. 30 for W is
not bad on it's own, but then you get the possibility
(50% chance to be precise) of getting the Agility type
effect, of preventing all effects of attacks, including
damage, done to Lumineon during your opponents next
turn. Not bad and does make up for it's low HP, but it's
flippy, and if you are like me, you will almost never
see this working. If you are any good with flips though,
then this could be your card.
Now for it's main attraction, Fin Luster. When Lumineon
is active, you can have a look at your opponents hand if
their bench isn't full, see if you can find a Basic, and
if so, put it on your opponents bench, then switch it
with your opponents active. How great does that sound,
but how bad does it sound as well. You force your
opponent to have a Basic active that can't attack, but
then, what is likely to be a main attacker is sent
safely to the bench, ready to be recharged or something.
Not great sounding, but does, essentially, give you a
free prize.
Now, this Poké-Power does have some combos. he first is
Machamp (SF). What you do is use Lumineon to put a Basic
active, retreat, then use Machamp's Take Out to get the
OHKO on the basic, then rinse and repeat. Sounds nice,
but there are a couple of flaws here. First, it involves
retreating twice per turn which, unless you've not
looked at the rulebook recently, is not allowed, so you
will need a lot of Switches and/or Warp Points, or just
use Gardevoir (SW) and it's Lv.X for Teleportation,
whilst also getting a free draw engine from Telepass.
The other combo for Lumineon is with Dusknoir (DP). How
this works is to place your opponents main attacker to
the bench and fill it up while dragging the basic
active, then use Dark Palm to shove their main attacker
back into their deck whilst also maybe KOing the basics,
depends on how many of their main attacker they have
out. Can be quite devestating, but if you go for the KO
option, you will need to try and make sure your opponent
will have a bench of size 4 or higher constantly, which
isn't always easy. Also, if you go with the KO option,
you will need to retreat twice per turn again, which
means you will need those Switches/Warp Points or
whatever again.
Survivability, well, if you leave it active and it stays
alive for at least 1 turn, then your opponent is clearly
playing a stall deck. 80 HP just makes it prize bait in
all honesty.
Modified: Has a nice couple of combos here, both of
which could be quite devastating, but also a bit
annoying because they need a fair bit of set up,
including finding some retreating substitute. Apart from
as either a tech or a main supportive line in those
Machamp or Dusknoir decks, it will not see play. Don't
even think about a main attacker Lumineon because that's
just going to be really bad. 2/5
Limited: I suppose dragging a pointless basic out of
your opponents hand might be quite nice, and the attacks
could be quite useful, especially sniping, which is
otherwise quite rare. However, it's still got quite low
HP and a very low damage output, which is just going to
be this cards downfall. Try it, but don't expect
Lumineon to be that useful. 2.5/5 |

master |
It's the final card of the day before Thanksgiving and
the card we will be reviewing is Lumineon from
Stormfront. Now let's see his stats
80HP, 2 attacks, a +20 weakness to electric, no
resistance, a poke-power, and no retreat cost. Lumineons
poke-power Fin Luster is awesome because it can pull
basic Pokémon from your opponents hand onto their bench
but the downside is that Lumineon has to be your active
Pokémon. The one combo that I can think of with this
card is using it in a deck with the Dusknoir from DP and
using Lumineons power each turn than you use Dusknoir to
return their best Pokémon to their hand. His first
attack QUICK Swim a free attack does 20 damage to any
one of your opponents Pokémon not applying weakness &
resistance. With this attack you can snipe the bench and
best of all its free. Now onto Lumineons last attack
Elegant Swim for only one water energy it does 30 damage
and you flip a coin if heads prevent all effects of
attacks done to Lumineon during your opponents next turn
ok I love this attack it's so cheap 30 damage and
possible protection for only one water energy a great
attack I must say. The only downside to this card is
that it has no resistance and only 80HP but for a stage
one it's a very balanced card.
Modified: 4.25/5 use is card with the DP Dusknoir for
great results
Limited: 4/5
Art; 4.75/5
Happy Thanksgiving
Ghost PKMN Master |

Otaku |
Super short on time, but I did submit a late CotD
for yesterday almost as short as this one.
Even more time crunched than normal, I’ll be brief
about Lumineon Lv.38: if you run this small
Stage 1, it will be for its Poké-Power, Fin Luster.
While Active, Fin Luster lets you forcibly Bench a
Basic Pokémon from your opponent’s hand and then
make that into the new Defending Pokémon. It won’t
work if there are no Basic Pokémon in your
opponent’s hand or room on your opponent’s Bench.
When you play this card, your opponent will be
forced to fill their Bench or empty their hand of
Basics. You still get to see their hand, and that
isn’t bad to know what is coming. A free Retreat
Cost means you can use Switch to get
Lumineon Active by Benching
your “real” attacker, since this card is weak in
that position. Lumineon itself has a free
retreat cost, so Retreating then is easy. The best
use I can think of is to run this with Dusknoir
from Diamond and Pearl: combining Dark Palm with Fin
Luster, you should be able to force the opponent to
do what you want with respect to their Bench.