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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Empoleon Lv. 52
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.90
Limited: 2.50
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
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Arbok14 |
Hello to everybody, today we are reviewing the new
metal-type Empoleon!
Name: Empoleon Lv.
Set: Stormfront
Rarity: Rare Holo
HP: (130) - Pretty average for Stage 2's these days, but
it is still pretty good.
Weakness/Resistance: (Lightning+30/none) - Not terrible.
Trust me, there are much worse weaknesses.
Retreat Cost: (2) - Not terrible, but you would probably
want Warp Points to have to avoid the retreat cost.
Poke-POWER: (Emperor Aura) - This power is really good,
especially early game, like on turn 2. To be able to
prevent your opponent from attaching energy that early,
that is nice and opens windows for you to pull ahead in
the game.
Attack #1: (CC - Steel Wing) - For the cost, this attack
is really good. I like the Buffer Piece/Defender effect
always, especially when it also involves doing damage.
And remember, if you have special metal energy attached
to Empoleon, you defend yourself even more. I just wish
it cost more so it could do more damage.
Attack #2: (WCC - Whirlpool) - This attack is pretty
average. It would be much better with an automatic
Final Analysis: This version of Empoleon could certain
fit in decks, mainly for the Poke-Power. It is useful
early game, but it could have problems if you have
trouble getting it early. Also, it wouldn't be as
effective against low energy decks and stuff that can
replenish energy. It could possibly find a fit somewhere
with something that discards energy, to create an
energy-destroying deck.
Modified: Not the best thing in the set, but the Power
can lead to nice possibilities. (3/5)
Limited: The first attack would be worth it, and
Whirlpool would even be nice. (3.5/5)
Jigglypuff13 |
Empoleon Lv.52 (MD)
Hello people reading this review! Today, we are
reviewing the final preview card from Stormfront,
Empoleon! Remember, Stormfront has been officially
released today as well! There's even more stuff to be
excited about and put exclamation marks after in the
news over the last few days, but I can't be bothered to
mention it here. Anyway, Empoleon, and the basics of the
card are alright really. 130 HP on a Stage 2 is a little
over average at the moment, so Empoleon should be able
to survive a few hits, especially considering it's Metal
typing, and thus Metal energies helping it's
survivability. +30 Lightning Weakness could be it's
downfall, thanks to Raichu (SF) having a massive chance
of being on of the biggest decks in the format, and can
do the magical 100 damage, which unless Special Metals
have been used, will get a OHKO against Empoleon. No
Resistance, well, considering it's a Metal Pokémon, it
is a little disappointing, but still, it is more of a
Water type, so I'll let it off. 2 Retreat Cost is
alright, and is average, but Switches and/or Warp Points
may be wanted anyway.
Abilities, and Emperor Aura is extremely nice. Evolve
your active Prinplup (or Piplup) into this and your
opponent can't attach any energies from their hand to
any of their Pokémon. There are ways round this, such as
using a Deck or Discard orientated Energy accelerator,
such as Electivire (SW), Togekiss (GE) or Typhlosion
(MT), but considering you can't attach your normal
energy per turn and maybe can't use Hand orientated
Energy accelerators (I'm not certain about this, though
it seems to make sense), that is fantastic really.
However, it only lasts a turn, but you can't really
expect much more to be honest. It's just a shame the
attacks aren't quite so good really. Steel Wing does an
unimpressive 40 for CC. Sure, it reduces damage done to
Empoleon by 20, but it's still just average, though the
idea of loading Empoleon up with 4 Special Metals and
using Steel Win every turn is tempting, reducing all
damage done to Empoleon by 60, and thus needs to be hit
for 190 damage for a OHKO against it. However, the
downfalls are if Empoleon is KOed, you loss all of you
Special Metals, and you won't be KOing anything quickly
yourself. Still, with a few more stalling cards, does
seem like a fun little stall deck. Whirlpool, on the
other hand, has no real potential. 60 and possible
Discard for WCC is again, alright, but I still wish
there was a little more damage. Mind you, if you can
pull it off on the same turn as Emperor Aura, it could
make for great energy denial, but still lacking a
little, but without Energy Removal 2 or similar, I don't
think it would work well.
Combos, well, I like that Steel Wing idea, though you
need a way of getting the Special Metals back. The best
way I can think of is using Aggron (MT) to get the
Metals back into the deck, though if you realise one of
your Empoleons is going to be KOed, Energy Link is a
nice way of moving the energies to another Empoleon. To
be totally honest though, I'd much prefer to use
Empoleon (MD) rather than this one, with this new one
maybe being more a tricky Empoleon, wanting more subtle
effects to win through, but it stills doesn't match MD
Empoleon in my opinion.
Survivability, and since I still don't know what the
biggest decks will be (though I can probably guess a
couple), so I won't put here how it does against the
biggest decks, but needless to say, it will probably
have a hard time against Raichu due to the OHKO it can
cause without any Special Metals being attached. Also,
Pokémon that place Damage Counters are nice to get round
Steel Wing and Metal energies. Gengar (SF) and Dusknoir
(just about any) are goood at this.
Modified: I don't think it will be that good to be
honest. It has a nice couple of effects in Energy denial
and damage reduction, but it's lacking a lot in doing
any real damage or anything to really build a good deck
around. Mind you, I could see a good rouge using this
card, using some combo I just haven't seen at the
moment. 2.5/5
Limited: Energy Denial is great here, and with 130 HP
and 20 damage reduction it's a massive tank. Still not
hitty, but it doesn't need to be here, it just needs to
wear your opponent down. 3/5 |
Narctiss |
Steel Empoleon (Haha,
Steel Type. There aren't that many pokemon around that
you'll encounter with Steel weakness besides Froslass.
There are a few with resistance though..
HP: 130 for a stage 2, Good! Will last a little.
Weakness to Lightning. Not so great! With the new Raichu
LvX, it will be hurt quite badly whenever facing one of
these opponents. Especially since he's one of the
currents with Steel resistance.
No resistance is... Nothing really. It'd be nice to have
one though...
2 Retread costs is a little high for a penguin, but I
suppose with some warp point's + Switch's this could be
okay. Just keep attacking until it KO's! OR...
Poke-Power: Emperor Aura.
When you evolve into Empoleon, you can stop your
opponent from attaching energy to his/her pokemon, from
their hand, during their next turn :P. This is pretty
awesome. It can ruin an opponents setup if they have an
energy costly attack, or one that relies on having a lot
of energy (Tyran, Leafeon (for more damage), Raichu
(slows it down), etc..). On top of this, we'll look at
how this combos with it's second attack shortly!
P.s. This is pretty good :P It's a shame it's only one
use... ... .. SSU? ^_^;;
Steel Wing. 2C - 40dmg. Not so great! -20dmg taken next
turn. Okay, but, still, it's a little costly for what
it's worth. I doubt it's an attack you'll be using
Whirlpool. 1W2C - 60dmg. The damage given for 3 energy
seems a little weak in the current format. However, it's
condition of flipping a coin and the possibility to
remove an energy on your opponents defending is actually
quite nice! Couple this with it's Poke-body and you may
well set your opponent back a couple of turns :P
Will it be played? Mmm. Difficult to say. The current MD
Empoleon is such a good attacker and spreader that most
players that use Emperor Penguin decks will be pretty
set on playing that one. You might see one or two teched
into Empoleon decks as a bit of a stall to the opponent,
maybe some SSU too to repeat it's effect, or to just use
it, stall your opponent, and then attack with the MD
This card could combo with other energy removers like
Vaporeon, who, if I remember correctly, has an attack
very similar to it's own. You could also use Tentacruel
(if you're lucky enough to get a lot of heads and
discard some energy). You could attack with this
Empoleon, discard some energy and disturb the opponents
setup, then SSU, bring out MD Empoleon and spread some
damage, then use Tentacruel to reattach some energy and
maybe get some bench KO's.
It doubt it'd work too well though XD I just couldn't
think of a better combo! I don't like this card too much
personnaly. I think it's a little too weak. A good
disruption, but I don't see any decks based around it. I
could be proven wrong!
Modified: 3
Limited: 1. Why? Because there are no Piplup/Prinplup in
this set! (otherwise it would be 2) |