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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Raichu Lv. X
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 4.40
Limited: 4.50
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD

master |
Ghost pokemon master is back and ready to review today's
card is Raichu LV. X. Let's check out his stats 110HP, a
poke-body, one attack, a times two weakness to fighting,
a minus 20 resistance to steel, and no retreat cost. Now
on to his poke-body Link Lightning which allows you on
the turn you play Raichu LV.X to level up one of your
Pokémon and you use the attack Voltage Shoot after that
attack you can use any other of Raichus attacks. Ok this
card is going to see play because it can attack TWICE in
a single turn. His attack Voltage Shoot for two
lightning and another energy makes you discard two
lightning energy from him and does 80 damage to one of
your opponents Pokémon. This attack ties into his body
and is just loads of fun to play in the correct deck.
There is not too much not to like about this card the
only thing that could pose a problem is the times two
weaknesses to fighting otherwise id say that this card
is almost perfect. Overall expect to see alot of Raichu
decks being played because this card is a beast.
Modified: 4.8/5- no complaints here but if you play this
just watch out for the dreaded Machamp
Limited; 4.5/5
Art; 5/5
See you next week
Ghost PKMN master |
Narctiss |
My favourite card :D And one I've been waiting for, for
so very long!
Raichu Lv.X -
HP 110. Not bad for a Stage 1, but a little
under-average for a Stage 1 Lv.X. 120 would have been
much better.
2xFighting weakness. Bad with Machamp being played a
little, and there will still be some Kabutops and
possibly Armaldo decks played that will hurt it.
-20 Resistance to Steel. Always nice to have a
resistance! This helps against the new Empoleon,
Magnezone's and any Metagross'.
0 Retreat cost is perfect :P.
It's poke-body is broken, I think :D
Link Lightning: This allows you to use 2 attacks of
Raichu (it's X or previous level). As long as the first
you use is Voltage Shoot and it's on the turn you level
Raichu up. There's the slight drawback of it being
prevented if you're affected by special condition, but
if you're up against anybody except Toxicroak or Heatran
Lv.X, I'm pretty sure this won't bother you at all.
Attacking twice in one turn is amazingly good however!
Voltage Shoot. 2L 1C. Attack any of your opponents
Pokemon for 80 damage, and discard two Lightning energy
from your hand. so overall, it costs 5 energy
technically. Which is pretty hefty! However this works
well in a number of ways. 80 damage for a start is
pretty good, especially to be able to do it to benched
pokemon! (Goodbye Claydol!), it's pretty good for 3
energy too. Having to discard 2 Lightning energy is kind
of bad too, but it's from your hand, so you can search
them and discard in the same turn. Plus if you did just
level up, you could do this attack twice if you could
manage it. KO'ing 2 on the bench, or the active and a
benched Pokemon!
Combos. The main combo people keep wanting to pair this
with are Electivire SW and Magnezone (all of them!). The
main reason for these are because of it's previous level
from S(tormfront). It's thrid attack gives 100dmg to the
active, and discards three energy from ANY of your
pokemon in play. So if you run Electivire, for example,
you can Motor Drive energy to one/two on your bench, and
then use that attack to discard from those two, and one
energy you put down from your hand, every turn! And then
when you Level up into this, attack twice, possibly
using Voltage Shoot and then Burst Ball (the 100dmg
attack), you get to do a total of 180 damage in a single
turn, two a possibility of two different pokemon!!
It takes a little while to set up and is at least a T3
Pokemon. But if it can be done, it's such a good
attacker, and there's not much your opponent can do
about it.
In my own Raichu deck, I do use TM TS-2: Devoluter. It's
a very surprising combo and always catches the opponent
off guard with such a surprise KO! You can level up
Raichu, use voltage shoot, and then devolute in the same
turn. Sometimes it is better to damage an opponent
twice, but having this option is always nice. I'm sure
there are many other combos, and I'm planning to use
this deck for Cities, as many others are! So watch out
for this deck :)
Counters: Unown G for benched pokemon can stop Voltage
shoot, anything fighting really hurts this Lv.X (Machamp,
Kabutops, Mamoswine XD haha, etc)
Modified: 4.. wait.. gah, I'm so biased with this card I
want to put 5! But, it does have drawbacks, so only 4.
It's HP and extreme energy usage let it down.
Limited: 3 Here. I think it would take way too long to
set up, and be able to get that many energies into your
hand to use it's attack and then also discard two when
you level up. If it would work, it'd be so broken in
Limited play that your opponent wouldn't have a chance.