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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Tentacruel Lv. 37
Legends Awakened
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 3.50
Limited: 3.00
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD

master |
The card of the day today is Tentacruel from Legends
Awakened. Let's look at his stats 90HP, two attacks, a
plus 20 weakness to electric, no resistance, and one
retreat cost. Tentacruels first attack is tentacle
strike a free attack that allows you to search your
opponents discard pile for up to two energies and attach
them to any one of their Pokémon and it does 20 for each
energy card attached in this way. His second attack
dangerous poison for three energies one must be water
energy it does 60 damage and if Tentacruel has less
energies than the defending Pokémon they are paralyzed
and poisoned. I saw this card in a deck with Swalot and
Lanturn the decks main focus is bench damage but overall
the card is annoying.
Modified: 3/5
Limited: 3.5/5
Art: 2/5
See you next week
Ghost Pokémon Master |
Arbok14 |
Hey, sorry for missing yesterday's COTD, I had an
important exam to study for, but today I'm back in time
to review Tentacruel.
Name: Tentacruel Lv. 37
Set: Legends Awakened
Rarity: Uncommon
HP: (90) - 90 isn't terrible for a stage 1, but it isn't
much to survive a typical late-game hit.
Weakness/Resistance: (Lightning+20/none) - Lightning
isn't much to worry about, but beware of Electivire and
Retreat Cost: (1) - This is pretty good for something
looking like Tentacruel.
Attack #1: (0 - Tentacle Strike) - At first glance, you
may think, "Why would I ever want to do that?" Well,
this attack is pretty good considering today's metagame,
namely Kingdra. This will take energy out of your
opponent's discard pile, therefore crippling Kingdra's
first attack, until your opponent's pokemon are knocked
out, which would be good for you. It also helps to
spread damage, and knock out those necessary Claydols of
your opponent (they usually don't attack anyway, so why
would energy on them be bad?)
Attack #2: (WCC - Dangerous Poison) - This attack is OK,
but you would rarely have an opponent with more than 3
energy. In those cases (probably against Leafeon,
Magmortar, or Sceptile), this attack is probably a much
better idea than the first one.
Final Analysis: Tentacruel is pretty good because it can
be used to fight against two archetypes out there now (Kingdra
and then Leafeon/Magmortar). Tentacle Strike also pairs
well with Lanturn, creating a pretty unique deck idea.
You essentially attach energy to all of your opponent's
pokemon, and then bring out Lanturn to do damage to
everything with energy on it. Dangerous Poison works
well against energy abusers like Magmortar and Leafeon
(though Leafeon has resistance).
Modified: Definitely worth mentioning in the metagame.
The only problem is the fact that it only has 90 HP.
Limited: Not as great here, because it may not be a good
idea to bring back your opponent's dead energy. (2.5/5) |