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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Infernape Lv. 49
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 4.08
Limited: 2.33
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Arbok14 |
Hey, it's an exciting week here, because we get to
review the new previewed Stormfront cards just for you!
Today we will start the week out with Infernape.
Name: Infernape Lv. 49
Set: Stormfront
Rarity: Rare Holo
HP: (120) - This is the best out of the three options
for Infernape at the moment, and 120 is not bad for any
stage 2.
Weakness/Resistance: (Psychic+30/none) - Weakness to
psychic could hurt these days, but there are a few
things to get around it.
Retreat Cost: (0) - This is awesome, especially on a
stage 2!!
Poke-POWER: (Blaze Dance) - This is an AWESOME power.
Yes, it is flippy, but the fact is, it can potentially
get not 2... not 3... but 4 energy and attach them all
to your Pokemon in any way you like. This is a great way
for energy acceleration.
Attack #1: (CC - Close Combat) - This attack is OK, for
the energy, but it makes you defenseless (literally) on
your opponent's turn.
Attack #2: (FFCC - Spreading Fire) - I like this attack
because it does a good amount of damage and it
automatically does 20 damage to each of your opponent's
benched. Sure, it is a tad expensive, but its Power
helps that. The only problem would be getting back the
energy you discard, but free retreat and Typhlosion can
surely aid in that regard.
Final Analysis: I could see this becoming one of the
archetypes once Stormfront comes out. Blaze Dance is
worth the flippiness, and Spreading Fire is a nasty
attack. A lot of the Stormfront cards are more powerful
than anything we have ever seen, so it will be
interesting to see how this fares in the new metagame
(because I'm positive the metagame will be severely
altered once this set comes out).
Modified: In my opinion, the metagame is this card's to
lose. (4.5/5)
Limited: Blaze Dance could prove pivotal in a close
game. Stage 2 is a slight problem. (3/5)
Jigglypuff13 |
10/20 Infernape Lv.49 (SF)
Hello and first of all, sorry for not reviewing anything
last week, but I've been very busy recently, so this had
to take a back seat for a bit. Anyway, welcome to
Stormfront preview week, using the cards that have
already been officially revealed. First of all, we have
Infernape. Now, we already have 3 other Infernapes
(including the Lv.X), so this one has to be very
different to really deserve any play. Just looking at
the card, and you see the first main difference straight
away, it's a Fighting type. Now, there will be a lot of
good and playable Grass types in this set (probably), so
it would've been batter if it was Fire. Also, it's given
a Psychic Weakness, which in format which will gain
another couple of good Psychic decks, that may not be
such a great thing. Essentially, it's already a bit on
the back foot. However, it does get some help for it's
HP, beefing it up to a nice and average 120 for a Stage
2, which is equal to the Lv.X's HP, which is nice
really. Also, it has the Infernape standard, no Retreat
Cost (which is perfect), and no Resistance (which isn't
so great). It's all a bit too predictable at the moment
(apart from the Fighting typing and the Weakness. And
the HP. OK, so it isn't all predictable then), so I
would be expecting cheap attacks, 2 of them to be
precise, and no Poké-Power/Body.
However, I would be a fool to think that before this
English version would be released, mainly since I saw
the Japanese version. This Infernape differs from the
norm again with a Poké-Power and 3 fairly expensive
attacks. Blaze Dance is a flippy one-shot Poké-Power,
that is brilliant if it works, and rubbish if it
doesn't. On Heads, you get 4 Fire energy cards from your
deck and attach them to your Pokémon in anyway you like,
which is brilliant. On Tails, it does nothing, which is
rubbish. Basically, a Heads means you've powered up
Infernape for it's second straight away, or powered
something else up instead. Either way is good. Because
of the flip, it's not something to rely on, and thus
some other energy acceleration would be nice.
The first attack, Close Combat, is another risky element
to the card. CC for 60 is great, but the attack last
seen on Lucario Lv.X (MT) has the same negative side
effect of increasing damage to Infernape next turn. The
great thing about Lucario Lv.X was that it's Poké-Power
let not take a hit for a single turn, and thus get rid
of the negative side effects of Close Combat for a turn.
Infernape doesn't have that, so even a single turn of
using it at the wrong time could be very costly,
especially considering that a lot of Psychic types are
going to be able to hit the 60 damage mark, allowing
them all to get a OHKO on Infernape after a Close
Combat. Still, 60 for CC is nice...
Spreading Fire is possibly the least Infernape-y attack
to appear on Infernape. It needs FFCC, which is double
the maximum energy cost of any other Infernape, and only
does 80 damage for that cost. To the active anyway. It
has a discard, which is very Infernape-y, but it also
does 20 spread to your opponents bench, which isn't
usual for Infernape. However, it doesn't matter if it's
usual or not, it matters if it's any good, and it is,
it's brilliant. Against a deck running a full bench, it
does a total of 180 damage, which is very nice really
for what is esentially a 6 energy cost (4 for using the
attack, 2 for the discard), though not brilliant
compared to some other attackers (I think). even with
the 4 energy attack, it can be a good donking Pokémon
with the flip of a heads. Spreading fire is obviously
the main attack of this card due to it's devastating
However, you need a good way of getting the energies
back onto the card so you can use Spreading every turn
possible. There a re a couple of ways of doing this,
though both are hard to set up. The first is a mix of
Typhlosion (MT) and Stark Mountain, using Firestater to
get the fire energies back onto the bench, then moving
one of them up to Infernape before attaching one from
your hand to Infernape to actually then use the attack.
Admittedly, you would need a energy in your hand every
turn to be able to do this (unless you do a switching
combo with 2 Infernapes, but that's even harder to set
up), but it would be extremely effective if you could do
The other combo is using Infernape Lv.X (DP) to change
the new Infernape to Fire type, and thus be able to use
Heatran Lv.X's Poké-Power to esentially not discard the
energies for the attack. It's a little tough to do since
it's a Stage 2 Lv.X and a basic Lv.X that had 4 Retreat
cost, but still, it would be effective if you could do
Survivability, and it's about average really. Since I'm
not certain what the good decks will be after SF, I'm
not going to say about how it will do, but it should be
alright, taking a hit or 2 against all bar Psychic
Types, but faltering to all of the really powerful hits,
or those after a Close Combat.
Modified: It's a nice card, but a bit unreliable due to
the flip and no real consistent way of getting the
energies back to Infernape for consecutive Spreading
Fires. It could be a nice supporter for the MD Infernape,
giving it a surprise 160 attack, but the flip just makes
a bit too unreliable. It's a good card, but a bit
difficult card to use well consistently. 2.75/5
Limited: Looking at the Japanese set, there is probably
going to be no Chimchar/Monferno to go with Infernape,
making this card useless if so. 1/5
If there are, then it could be useful, but Close Combat
still isn't any good.
San Bernardino,
CA |
Infernape's tradition of being ridiculously powerful,
and really, really goodlooking (watch your Zoolander,
kids), this card is one that is sure to be coming to a
deck near you! BUT will that deck be a winning deck?
Let's find out, together, because sharing Pokemon is
caring....until things get SERIOUS and
*WHEW*..So, on to the card then!!..!..!...
Stage 2: As we all know Infernape, begins as a little
Char, then grows to an inferno, and FINALLY.....an..Inferno..(or
a Chimp to a Monkey to an Ape HE-HAH). Infernape's pre-evos
are pretty basic, Chimchar is nothing special and
Monferno can either Dance an energy onto it from the
discards, or hit for possible 60, both for little
energy. Monferno is ok if you can't evolve it for a
turn, and it has free retreat, which is always good. So
all in all, a pretty good beginning for our Infernal
120 HP: THIS is new! If the next Infernape has 130 HP
then I'll KNOW there playing with us (go check out the
DP Infernape and then the MD Infernape.....DAH Screw it,
I'll just tell you, it takes way too long to go over to
Pokegym's Tower, and, besides, you might get sidetracked
on the way there and never come back. The DP Infernape
had 100 HP, and the MD one had 110). This is actually a
really good plus for this card, as it seems ALOT of
attacks can reach 100 or 110 these days, with Bucks/Plus
or not. Good Bonus.
Blaze Dance: Possibly the most interesting feature of
this card (there are a few), this Poke-Power can fully
power this card up, OR be used like a Togekiss, and help
fuel other Pokemon. Though it is a flip effect, unlike
Togekiss, it is an ENSURED four Fire, which can be head
and shoulders above Togekiss's randomness. I think this
card would be used even if it didn't have the Power, so
really it's just great gravy here. I'm obliged to also
mention, just like with every other come-into-play
Pokemon Power, this card is CAN be combo'ed with Super
Scoop Up, but, since they're BOTH a flip, not so much as
Close Combat: Hmmm, I find this attack..........not so
likeable. It's basically just a smaller version of
Lucario LV. X's Close Combat, but without the protection
of Lucario's obvious Poke-Power (sometimes you don''t
need two cards for a combo). The only time I can EVER
see this being used is when you've just discarded the
energy for Spreading Fire and don't have the Stark
Mountain or Typhlosion to get back to four energy.
Granted, after KOing a Pokemon with Spreading Fire they
might not be able to capitalize on the negative effect,
but unfortunately, for decks like Blissey or Kingdra or
even AMU, that probably is not the case. While I guess I
CAN see this attack helping out late game if you're
trying to swarm with just a bunch of Infernape, other
than that and after Spreading Fire, this attack will
probably not be used. Not BAD, though.
Spreading Fire: This attack is the big hitter for this
card, and reminds me alot of Kyogre's High Tide. In
fact, the only difference is the change to Fire Energy,
and the cost of one more energy resualting in 20 more
damage. In fact, it even has an energy acceleration
ability on it, just like Kyogre. But, the difference is
that Infernape, through the prementioned Stark Mountain
and Typhlosion combo, can EASILY power up to use this
attack every turn. You just attach an energy normally to
Infernape and Firestart one onto the Typhlo', then Stark
Mountain it right onto your Ape. 80 every turn, and 20
to their bench, assuming you can keep putting down the
energy from the hand, which, looking at Houndoom's
example and success, shouldn't be hard. This attack will
clearly start an archetype. HECK, this even supports
Infernape LV. X.
Weakness: DIFFERING once more from the other Infernape,
this one has a potentially dnagerous Weakness to
Psychic. While, in truth, a Weakness to Water would be
just as much a handicap, this Infernape now has a whole
different set of Pokemon to fear. Bronzong can Coat and
then survive a Spreading Fire, and Mismagius can OHKO it
if it has at least three energy on it (why am I even
saying that?). I expect it's biggest concern, though,
will be Dusknoir and Gengar. While I haven't actually
SEEN either of these new cards (I happen to like being
pleasantly suprised by the card itself, not some
mispelled internet Japanese translation), I've HEARD
they're particularly comboatious and will be highly
Retreat Cost: Like it's older versions, this Inferno a
la Ape is fast and painless to retreat. A major bonus
when damaged or intending to swarm using Close Combat.
Combos: This card is just like most of the other big
Fire Pokemon, easily combined with a variety of things.
It can work with energy accelerators like Leafeon,
Typhlosion and Togekiss. It can work with other Fire
spreaders like Magmortar. It can work with Moltres to
power up big attacks quickly. It can work with Groudon
to place a Fire on it, alternate between Drought and
Major Earthquake, and when Groudon's KO'd have an
Infernape or two to take it's place. I MEAN, it can even
be used with Darkrai and Weavile to do 80 for two energy
and then retreat for a different one when you need to,
all the while powering up the Darkrai LV. X. A very
useful card indeed, which is something everyone should
Modified: 4/5 I can't really tell HOW MUCH play this
card is going to see, but I can guarantee it's good and
will SEE play.
Limited: 4/5 Strong here to, Close Combat can actually
be pretty useful here.
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