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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day


Marley's Request


Date Reviewed: 10.23.08

Ratings & Reviews Summary

Modified: 3.50
Limited: 3.25

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 
3 ... average.  
5 is the highest rating.

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Hello fellow Pokemaniacs, today we are reviewing a brand new supporter from Stormfront, Marley's Request.

Name: Marley's Request
Set: Stormfront
Rarity: Uncommon

Analysis: This card is tricky. I like it early game, and I like it late game. Why do I like it early game? Well, if you only have 1 rare candy in your hand, you can use it first and then use this to pick it right back up (considering the rare candy is only thing in the discard. Or if you basically need draw, go for that supporter you used the turn before. Late game it can be good, grabbing stuff you need and basing your strategy on each thing you can potentially get. The bad thing is that you have to depend on your opponent. Alas, this is really the only thing you can use to get trainers back (a mediocre modified Item Finder).

Modified: I could see running maybe 2 in a deck. I would not want to depend on it because of the dependence on my opponent's mercy, but it is wise to put at least one in every deck for any situation. (3.5/5)

Limited: Depending on what else you get, this could be good... (2.5/5)
 San Bernardino,
HEYA AND WELCOME to another exciting Stormfront Preview card Review!!!! Today we have one of the most talked about new Supporters from the set, yep, that crazy little goth girl herself, Marley! And she's REQUESTING that we review her REQUEST. So, without anymore wait on me trying to find another sentence to JAM in this introduction, let's get onto the card!

Supporter: Of course, Marley's is a supporter, so it has a leetle competition with other supporters to find a slot in a deck. Typically getting a hand FULL of supporters is a bad thing, not letting you fully branch out early in the game. But with this card, it's not that terrible. You're probably gonna want at least two supporters in the graveyard anyways since the diversity will improve the effect, or not, depending on what you need, you might want to play one type of supporter for the third time in the game. Marley's ability to wait until other cards have been played first is a hidden plus, but not THAT much because, well, haha you still have to wait until other cards are played first. So this card is useless early game. BUT, The biggest way that this card being a supporter is gonna hurt is when you NEED that supporter you intend to find with it, THIS turn. Obviously, you can't play it because of Marley's, which could slow you down to the point of losing.

Effect:........very tricky. This card is like Rival, involving your opponent in trying to stop you from getting the most advantage from your supporter. Truth be told, though, everything aside, this is a very situational card. It can make or break you at any moment throughout the game. First, you need to have already played the card that you need at the time you have Marley's. Then, unless that card is all the Trainer stuff you used (in which case you're probably going to NOT need to play the same card a third time), you're going to need a backup card that will PRACTICALLY do the same thing (kinda like Poke Ball/Bebe's Search, they could Possibly do the same thing). USUALLY, you're opponent will choose the card that WILL be worse for you, just be looking at your side of the table. This is going to be a huge problem when all you have in the discards are: card that you could REALLY use again, and flat out wrong situation card (case in point: Rare Candy, Energy Charge). Another thing you should realize about this card is how it doesn't give card advantage , like Roseanne's or Oak's Court-Ordered Visitation Rights. You're simply trading this card for the second best Trainer/Supporter/Stadium in your discard pile. The last fault I see is one I mentioned above, but really is so big that it should be mentioned again. THIS. IS. A. SUPPORTER. You have to wait a turn to play the card you get with it which will most likely ALSO be a supporter.

Combos: Being a Trainer, this card transcends the whole idea of specific combos (how many cards COMBO with Bebe's Search? All evolutions?). This card should be used for decks that need Trainers from the discards back into their hand, which is all of them. But I actually see little practical use for this card. It is SOOO situational to the point of being completely useless, even IN the late game. I just don't see it as very good, enen played at 1. Most supporters are powerful and easily played, but Marley's isn't either of those.

Modified: 2.5/5 It's just too unplayable at times throughout the game

Limited: 3/5 POSSIBLY more powerful here, as ANY Trainer is worth playing again in Limited.

Marley requested that I not make the little paragragh at the end where I give my email address for feedback purposes a complete debauchery this time. She also let me know how many bodies were buried in that flowery meadow behind here in the picture, and I must say..........who the hell is giving birth to all those Nurse Joys so quickly that people haven't even noticed there disappearances..........and how many Officer Jennies are searching for Officer Jennies right now...........



Today's card of the day is Marley's request a new supporter card from Stormfront. Let's look at its effect search your discard pile for two different trainer, supporter, or stadium cards show them to your opponent and your opponent chooses one of them and you add that card to your hand discard the other card. Ok this card is kind of like Holon farmer it gives a player a way to  recycle used trainer, supporters, and stadiums so I think that this card will see allot of play in the current format. This card can give a player an opportunity to get back cards they already used or got discarded so it is quite useful. Against a milling deck this card will be a life saver getting back that one or more card can help you in the game such as getting back a technical machine, a rare candy, or a supporter card can really affect the way a game flows. Overall expect to see this card being ran in many decks.


Modified: 4.5/5


Limited: 4/5


Art: 3/5


Until next time
Ghost Pokémon Master

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