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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Magnezone Lv. 44
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 3.50
Limited: 3.75
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Arbok14 |
Hello everyone, we are starting a new week, and this
week we are continuing our previews of Stormfront cards.
Today is one of the two new Magnezone coming out in the
set! (this one is the metal-type)
Name: Magnezone Lv. 44
Set: Stormfront
Rarity: Rare Holo
HP: (120) - Not bad for a stage, plus the Lv. X can
always add more.
Weakness/Resistance: (Fire+30/Psychic-20) - Weakness to
fire could be a problem, but the psychic resistance is
definitely nice.
Retreat Cost: (2) - I seriously had a double take when I
saw this. How does Magnezone only have a 2 retreat
cost?! The DP Magnezone gets rid of it anyway, but I
thought this was awesome, at least for a Magnezone.
Poke-POWER: (Magnetic Search) - This is a good Power, it
would be better if it attached it (enabling you for
energy acceleration) but what can you do? This is nice
is you use Night Maintenance that turn to get an energy
Attack #1: (LC - Speed Shot) - This is a decent bench
hitter, obviously not the best out there, but you can
pick off something your opponent just retreated.
Attack #2: (LCC - Crush Volt) - This is like a less
damaging version of the Lv. X's attack, but with one
more energy requirement and one less energy discard. And
no paralysis...
Final Analysis: If you are going to use this, I would
hope that it would be solely for the Power, because
neither of its attacks are very good.
Modified: I could see putting maybe 1 in for the Power,
but the other one in this set might be a better choice.
You would definitely want the DP version for the free
retreat. Not bad, not great. (2.5/5)
Limited: This would be pretty good in limited,
especially with the power and bench hitting attack.

master |
We start off the week with the new steel Magnazone from
Stormfront. Let's see his stats 120HP, a poke-power, two
attacks, a plus 30 weakness to fire, a minus 20
resistance to psychic, and two retreat cost. His
poke-power Magnetic Search lets you search your deck for
a lightning or steel Pokémon and add it to your hand.
This is a really useful power because it can get you all
the Pokémon you need and get them quickly. Magnazone's
first attack speed shot for one lightning and one other
energy lets you choose one of your opponents Pokémon and
does 30 damage to that Pokémon not counting any
weakness, resistance, powers, bodies, or any other
effects on the Pokémon. His next attack Crush Volt for
one lightning and two of any other type does 80 damage
and you discard energy attached to Magnazone. I like
this Magnazone better than the new lightning one because
it has only two retreat cost and a resistance to psychic
and magnetic search is really good and will help allot
of steel or lightning decks. Overall a very good card
and it is also very balanced with its attacks and its
Modified: 4.5/5- in the right deck this card will do
Limited: 4/5
Art: 3.5/5
Until next time
Ghost pkmn masteR |
Jigglypuff13 |
10/27 Magnezone Lv.44
Hello, and sorry once again for my lack of reviews. I'll
try to do more than 1 this week. Hope you all had a good
weekend and a good set of pre-releases. Anyway, today's
card, and it's another preview from Stormfront, and one
of 2 cards of the same name, Magnezone! Now, as you may
(or may not) know already, there are 2 Magnezones in
this set, one Lightning and Metal. In case you haven't
been bothered to look at the above picture, you should
today's one is the latter. The basics of this card
aren't too bad. 120 HP on a Stage 2 is about average at
the moment, so should be able to survive a hit or two.
+30 Fire Weakness isn't too bad, with there probably
being very few good Fire types at the moment (Infernape
(any bar SF), Magmortar (SW) and Rapidash (SF) being the
main ones, and even then...), but those that are around
will probably get a OHKO quite easily. -20 Psychic
Resistance is a brilliant Resistance at the moment, with
Gengar (SF) and Dusknoir looking as though they are
probably going to be real forces in the format, and
maybe with the chance of AMU still being played (though
I wouldn't count on it). 2 Retreat Cost is average
again, but with help from Magnezone (DP), you can easily
get rid of the Retreat Cost.
Abilities, and Magnetic Search is a very good Poké-Power.
Being able to search for a Lightning or Metal Pokémon
every turn is great, though whilst being a bit like
Invitation on Nidoqueen d (DF), it is too restrictive to
be very widely used. The worst thing about it is the
fact that it can't search for Claydol (GE) or Uxie (LA
or Lv.X) (unless they have turned into Lightning or
Metal types over night without me knowing), which are
going to be vital due to the fact that they are probably
going to be the main engine in your Magnezone deck.
Still, Magnetic Search is nice in a Magnezone deck of
almost any variety. Just a shame the attacks aren't
quite as good then. Speed Shot will always give do 30
damage to one your opponents Pokémon, but a single 30
snipe just doesn't cut it for 2 energies. Crush Volt
isn't too bad I suppose, giving a solid 80 for 3,
2HKOing most Pokémon, but the discard can be a bit of
pain without a good recycler, and why use it when you
can just Level Up and use Cyber Shock instead, doing the
same damage for the same number of energies after
discard (3 + 1 for discard = 2 + 2 for discard, though
the required types do make the Lv.X a little more
costly) and do automatic Paralysis (unless the Defending
Pokémon is going to get KO’ed anyway, at which point
Crush Volt makes a bit of sense) at the same time? Maybe
I'm just being a little too harsh on Magnezone here.
Combos, and it has to be in a Magnezone Lv.X deck to
really be effective. However, there are 2 other
Magnezones fighting with this one over 3 (or, even
worse, maybe only 2) slots, so is this one worth a space
or 2? Well, first of, you will want at least 1 of the DP
Magnezones. Free Retreat Cost on any Pokémon just by
having a Metal energy attached is too good to pass up
on. So lets say you go with 2 (which I probably would),
that means you have to go with either of the new
Magnezones. This one has it's brilliant searching
ability, but the other one has Super Connectivity, which
if you can remember all the way back to DX, you can get
a Metal or Lightning Energy (Lightning is new for
Magnezone) back from your discard pile and attach it to
your active all for the cost of putting a damage counter
on said Pokémon. It's attack is rubbish, but still, that
Poké-Power is almost too good to pass up on. Almost is
the key word there. You see, Super Connectivity is
great, but with Electivire (SW) and Conductive Quarry
(SF) in the format, it's a lot easier to get the
energies back than it used to be, so the searching
ability of today’s COTD is probably a bit more useful.
But even then, with 4 Bebe's a 1 Luxury Ball in your
deck, along with probably at least 1 Azelf (LA) (and
don't tell me you definitely won't play them, because
they are deck staples), along with you main draw engine
(Claydol or Uxie), you will probably find Magnetic
Search going a little over board on the finding Pokémon
front. Considering this from both sides, I'd probably go
with the Super Connectivity one and leave this ready for
if I think the deck is lacking a little in the searching
department. However, it's up to personal preference
really, so those are just my opinions.
Survivability, and thanks to it's Metal typing, it can
abuse Metal Special Energies. However, since I'm not
certain what the biggest decks in the format will be at
the moment (though I could probably guess), so I won't
give any accurate numbers at the moment. However, it
should be able to survive a hit or two from your
opponents Pokémon.
Modified: It's generally quite a solid card, with nice
basic stats, a brilliant, if a little unnecessary, Poké-Power,
and 2 attacks that are generally quite bad really. It
can be a good attacker, it can survive a for a couple of
turns or so, and it can be a brilliant searcher, but
it's just a little too weak to be a good attacker, a
little to weak with it's average HP, and making you have
a bit too much searching ability when combined with your
deck staples. It's good, but I prefer the other one in
this set. 3/5
Limited: Unless you get a lot of Lightning and Metal
Pokémon in your boosters here, the Poké-Power is going
to be completely useless here. Speed Shot is still too
weak, but Crush Volt is great here for getting OHKOs
every turn you have another Lightning energy in your
hand. Conductive Quarry helps a lot here for getting
discarded Lightning energies back every turn. Hopefully.
3.5/5 |