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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Regigigas Lv. 47
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.15
Limited: 2.40
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Arbok14 |
Today we have dug up another preview, which is Regigigas!
Name: Regigigas Lv. 47
Set: Stormfront
Rarity: Rare Holo
HP: (100) - Pretty good, considering it is only a basic.
Weakness/Resistance: (Fighting x2/none) - Anything x2 is
never good, and one to fighting is definitely never
Retreat Cost: (4) - Terrible...
Poke-BODY: (Regi Form) - This is what would make this
Regigigas worth playing. It may not be worth having to
play the other three, but if you are playing the Lv. X,
I would seriously suggest using this for a cheaper
attack (because having three different energy in the
first place is ridiculous).
Attack #1: (CC - Mega Punch) - Really just not good at
Attack #2: (WFMC - Giga Power) - Definitely not worth
it. This attack is so bad, I can't even describe it.
Three different energy to only do 100 and damage to
myself? No way!
Final Analysis: Um, yeah so its Poke-body is the only
redeeming quality. Everything else is beyond terrible.
Modified: Use this one with the Lv. X, because the other
two versions are even worse. This can help with the Lv.
X's attack and make it more usable. (2.5/5)
Limited: Its attacks aren't really worth it, but it does
have a lot of HP for a basic... (2.5/5)
Jigglypuff13 |
10/28 Regigigas Lv.47 (SF)
Hello, and today, we have the newest Stormfront Preview
card, Regigigas! This is actually our third Regigigas
now thanks to the 2 in LA, and of course, there is also
Regigigas Lv.X (SF). so basically, if you want to run
Regigigas, it had better be for the Lv.X form. The
previous ones were labeled by almost everyone as
"rubbish until the Lv.X comes out, then they become a
bit better". I have to say, I was actually one of them,
but that isn't the point. The latest Regigigas (which
what we are actually reviewing today) is, in my opinion,
the best and the worst Regigigas of the lot. OK, I admit
that makes no sense, so hopefully the rest of this
review will actually make some sense of that.
The basics of the card are alright really. 100 HP on a
non-evolving Basic (though with a Lv.X form) is
absolutely fantastic, even if it is a legendary, so
should be able to survive a least 1 hit, though against
some of the larger attackers, that would be all I'd
expect from Regigigas. x2 Fighting Weakness isn't too
bad with only Machamp being a big Fighting type that
will be played, and even then, it's gets a OHKO thanks
to it's first attack (unless countered by Unwon G (GE),
but that isn't the point). No resistance is annoyingly
common, but to be expected. However, I don't care how
heavy Regigigas is, but does it really deserve a 4
Retreat Cost? Actually, probably, yeah. If you want to
play this card, make sure you pack a lot of Switchs/Warp
Points, otherwise you have a massive retreat cost to pay
Abilities, and this is the main reason why it both is
and isn't the best of the Regigigases (is that right?).
Regi Form is really nice, reducing your attack cost by C
if you have at least one of each normal Regi (Ice, Rock
and Steel for those who can't remember) in play.
Actually, it probably looks nicer that it actually is
since it requires the use of 3 Bench spaces to reduce on
one of your Pokémons attack cost by C, it's probably not
worth it, and thus probably better just to play and
Energy accelerator instead. Mega Punch is rather
uninspiring. CC for 30 is just plain bad, and even a C
for 30 from Regi Form isn't going to make everyone go
"We must play this card!". I'm just guessing Mega Punch
was named for irony really. Until you get Giga Power up,
this will do. Actually, I'm not sure if you'd want to
get Giga Power powered up at all really. FWMC for 60 is
rubbish, and the "Tonage" type effect (read Regirock Ex
(HL) or Piloswine (TRR) for reference if needed) of
damaging Regigigas to do more damage to your opponent is
alright, but you take out almost half of it's maximum HP
in one go. Regigigas Lv.X will be able to get rid of 2
lots of this damage, but I wouldn't want to waste it's
Poké-Power on that to be honest. Even for WFM from Regi
Form, I'd much prefer to use the Lv.X's attack. Still,
it is a 100 damage when you want it, which is never a
bad thing really.
Combos, well, have a guess. Regigigas Lv.X is the
obvious one, as is the use of the other Regi's, though
as I said earlier, it probably isn't actually a good
idea. Probably best to use an Energy accelerator like
Togekiss (GE) or Leafeon Lv.X (MD) with Bronzong (SF) to
get the required energies.
Now for how it shapes up to it's competitors. Of the 2 A
ones, the normal Rare (the Recovery Mechanism) one is
undoubtedly the better of the two. Slow start can't do
anything until your opponent has 3 or less prizes left
(which thanks to the Lv.X, won't really be that hard),
and while it's attack looks nice, you just can't have
them damaged first before you do the 120. However, how
does the SF one fit in here? I'd still much prefer the
Recovery Mechanism one thanks to a relatively good
attack and what can be quite a nice Poké-Body. What
about when compared to Slow Start one though? Er, well,
they are about the same really. Regi Form doesn't have
to wait long before it can attack, but it's attacks lack
the real power without massive side effects to make it
much use. Mind you, the Slow Start one, whilst it has a
lot of power, also needs to make sure it attacks the
right Pokémon at the right time otherwise it's doing
only 40 damage for WFMC. Which one is the worst there is
up to personal preference, though I'd probably go with
the Slow Start one over this (the SF) one. So that's why
it's the worst, but it's also the best because, look at
it like this, it's the only one that will allow you to
do constant 100 damage attacks, which is great because
it makes sure you will 2HKO everything (apart from a
Wailord (GE) with a lot of healing, but it's never
played, so you shouldn't worry about it too much).
Again, since I'm uncertain as to the really big decks of
the format with the release of SF, I'm not going to
survivability stuff. However, with 100 HP, it should be
able to survive at least 1 hit from all by the most
powerful of Pokémon..
Modified: It can do constant 100 damages with a little
help from the Lv.X form, and for getting rid of most of
your bench space allow you to get rid of one C energy
cost from each of it's (and the Lv.X form's if you
leveled this up into it) attacks. Despite this, I still
much prefer to use the Recovery Mechanism one from LA.
Compared to the Slow Start one, I think I'd prefer to
use the Slow Start, so then I can use and abuse
Electrode (SW). 1.75/5
Limited: Regi Form does nothing here, and whilst it can
be a massive tank, it's just going to tickle it's
opponents with (not so) Mega Punch and Giga Power being
quite nice if you can get all those different energies
into your deck and actually get them out and attached to
Regigigas. Just don't use it to damage yourself,
otherwise it's tankiness is just going to go out of the
window. 2/5 |
Narctiss |
Name: Narctiss
Regigigas rave monster!!!
I'll review this card on it's own first.
By itself, this card isn't magical.
100HP on a basic Pokemon is the standard for big
legendaries now, so it's good but not surprising. x2
Weakness to Fighting didn't used to be too bad, but with
the new Machamp possibly being played this might be a
huge problem. 4 retreat cost??.. Ehh, something also
expected from something this huge. It's a mega downpoint
of this card though. Pack some Warp Point/Switch!!
Mega Punch. 30 for 2 colourless? ACK! Horrible. That's
bad, and such a wasted amount of energy.
Giga Power. 60... Plus 40? YES! :D.... 40 damage to
yourself.... : /... Gack, no more power punching giga
megatron. That is not good. Especially for the energy
Here's where things get a tiny bit better. But by tiny I
mean miniscule.
Poke-Body: Regi Form. If you have the other 3 Regi's in
play, then your attack cost is cut by 1 colourless!
Horay! Now you need to actually want to put the other
three Regi's in your deck.. Just for this! 8D... .. ..
.. .. ~tumbleweed blows by in silence...~.
My advice to anyone willing to play this card, and the
only reason for that being to play the Lv.X. Is Don't,
unless you ARE playing the Lv.X. Mmm.. Well.. I know
that Slow Start Regigigas (LA) might seem bad at first
look, and it kind of is, it has more HP than this, same
drawback in weakness and retreat, but can do more
damage, even if your opponent needs to be undamaged. The
other option is Recover Mechanism Regigigas (also LA),
same stats as Regi Form (S), but it's attack is 3
colourless, and does the same amount of damage (base) as
Form. I never wish to play Regigigas, so I haven't
weighed up the odds properly. But in terms of getting it
out and doing damage quickly, I'd probably mix and match
Recover Mechanism with this one.
Why? RMech lets you do a bit of spread damage on a heads
flip and gets the ball rolling. RForm takes a while to
set up, but you can achieve this if you attack quickly
with RMech (as fast as a Regi can..).
As for playing the Lv.X with it. RForm probably is the
best to go with. It allows you to do it's attack
straight away (unlike SStart), you should already have
the energy attached if you powered up it's second
attack, and if you have the other Regi's on your bench,
then you get to attack for less.
But overall, on it's own without the Regi's or Lv.X,
this card is fail. Don't play it. In a Regi deck.. It's
obvious what the answer is. That's like asking if you
should play AMU with Azelf LA..
In Limited, it could be a stall, but otherwise it is
still a failing card and I wouldn't count on playing it
and winning any PR's. Getting the needed energy before
your opponent KO's you, especially when Machoke will be
about at PR's, is just too difficult.
I really shouldn't have to mention any combos.. the clue
is in the name...! ^_^;;
Modified: On it's own and not in a Regi-deck; 2/5
Limited: Tiny bit better, but still no good; 2.5/5