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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Delcatty Lv. 46
Legends Awakened
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.67
Limited: 3.25
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Jigglypuff13 |
10/2 Delcatty Lv.46 (LA)
Hello, and today is a curious a little card in the form
of the latest Delcatty. Before going on to it's serious
abilities, the basics. First off, 80 HP on a
non-evolving Stage 1 is ever so slightly below average.
I wish it had 90 HP, but 10 HP isn't a massive problem
for the card, since even with 90 HP, it wouldn't be too
much more survivable. + 20 Fighting Weakness isn't that
big really, since the only Fighting Pokémon that may end
up being played as main attackers this format are the
Gliscor line (holo and Lv.X, LA), Ryhperior Lv.X (LA)
and Gallade (SW), and apart from Gallade and Gliscor
Lv.X (which isn't going to be attacking much anyway),
they would need the effect of their attacks to get a
OHKO or need Lake Boundary. No Resistance, well, how
many cards actually have a Resistance anymore? 1 Retreat
Cost is about average really, thus isn't too bad really.
Now for abilities, and first, Attracting Body, which is
a nice, passive way of inflicting of possibly Confusion
on your opponents active. The catch? You need Delcatty
active and to be damaged. With only 80 HP, chances are,
you will only be able to Confuse one Pokémon per 2
Delcatty's since Delcatty will probably get OHKOed, thus
have a 50-50 chance of inflicting Confusion per damaging
attack. Confusion is probably the worst of the special
conditions because it's incredibly easy to get out of
without suffering any major drawbacks, but if you can
get it from a Poké-Body, then I have no grumbles about
getting that, and could set up a Pester attack or
something similar (such as for Gliscor (LA Holo)),
though I still don't like the trigger. Energy Assist
isn't as bad as the attack may first seem. Yes, it
requires an attack to do it's otherwise fantastic
effect, but for 1 energy and doing 30 damage in the
process, you can't grumble that much really. It may only
get a Basic Energy from the attack, but since it's any
Basic Energy card you can get, it might be quite useful
in some situations. Early game with the aid of a
Felicity's Drawing or Lunatone (GE), you can get some
helpful energy acceleration early game, though it use
does tapper off later on in the game, even when there
are lots of energy in your discard pile, since you'll
only really get one use of Energy Assist before Delcatty
gets KOed, and even then, that will make up for the
energy you used to pay for the attack in the first
place, which makes it completely useless.
Combos, and I've said the main 2. The first uses Energy
Assist with the discarding prowess of Lunatone or
Felicity's Drawing to power up your main attacker.
However, to really make it useful, it needs to be a real
energy hog that you are trying to power up. Also, this
is a nice combo that can get around Electivire Lv.X's
(MT) Poké-Body. The second combo is to place Delcatty
active, let it get damaged, hopefully flip heads for
Attracting Body, then use a Pester or similar attack. Of
course, this is rubbish way of using this Poké-Body
since it's flippy, and basically requires a sacrifice in
order to do it. If you want to use Delcatty, go with the
first combo.
Survivability, and obviously, once your opponent gets
their main attacker out, it's essentially as good as
KOed. Kingdra (LA) may not get a OHKO with a single
fully Dragon Pump without help from previous sniping or
a couple of Plus Powers/Buck's Training. Even without
any sniping, an 8 energy powered Aqua Stream will get a
OHKO. Luxray (LA) will get a OHKO with Shock Bolt, but
even then, Plasma gets a 2HKO, though with a Lv.X out,
it will get a 2HKO instead. AMU can obviously use
Mesprit Lv.X (LA) to use Supreme Blast to get a OHKO,
but the other 2 AMU Lv.X's should get a 2HKO. Azelf Lv.X
(LA) has the big advantage of not being effected by
Attracting Body. Skittles will only need 4 different
Basic Energies attached to Ho-Oh (SW) in order to get
the OHKO on Delcatty, though with the aid of a Plus
Power/Buck's Training, Togekiss (GE) could possibly get
a OHKO, otherwise it's a solid 2HKO. Eeveelutions will
obviously get a OHKO with the aid of Leafeon Lv.X (MD)
and having 5 energies in play, or using Jolteon (MD) and
the discarding of it's Lightning energies for a OHKO as
well, otherwise it's going to be a 2HKO (unless you use
a 70 damage dealing Eeveelutions and a Plus Power/Buck's
Training). Magnezone Lv.X (LA) will just use Cyber Shock
or a 3 Metal energy powered normal Magnezone (DP) attack
for a OHKO.
Modified: I like the card, and can see it has a number
of uses for retrieving energy, though probably better
early than late game, since late game will just see
Delcatty get OHKOed, and thus be prize bait. Attracting
Body is a nice little extra, but I would've preferred
something a little more useful. Energy Draw would've
been nice (now where have I seen that before?), but with
a single energy attack like Energy Assist, you can't
complain that much really. 2.75/5
Limited: Energy Assist can be of major use here, even
late game as a way of getting energy back onto the
field, which after a couple of your Pokémon have been
KOed, will probably be quite useful. Attracting Body can
be useful here, as just about any Special Condition is
really helpful here. Also, only needing 1 energy is
quite helpful as well. 3.5/5 |
San Bernardino,
CA |
WHEW! I'm taking a day off today from doing another
section of my State of the Metagame series, mostly
because my recent trip from Los Angeles to Davenport,
Iowa was SO muddled and mishandled by the THREE airports
I ended up having to work through, that I only have
enough patience points to do a nice, short review, and
not a twenty deck concept marathon. Anywayz, today's
Pokemon is Delcatty, a delectable kitty who has some big
shoes to fill, looking back at Delcatty's older
incarnations. Is this new cat on the block up to the
task? On to the Catty!
Stage 1: Delcatty, like all Delcatties, is an evolved
Pokemon. It's basic, Skitty, is pretty meh, so it won't
really be helping Delcatty's case. The neccessity to
evolve into Delcatty is actually a pretty bad drawback,
considering the nature of it's attack. You want to be
able to put it down and start having it bring back
energy immediately, and not worry about having to find
an evolution. This is a real -1 for this card.
80 HP: KINDA low for a Stage 1, but not TOO bad. It's
not as low as a nonlegendary nonevolver, but it is still
low enough that it WILL be OHKO'd 90% of the time. This
is bad concerning the use of the Poke-Power, but I'll
get to that. Most likely, this Catty's one life will be
spent while it's active.
Attracting Body: This Power.....seems kind of just
thrown on here. You'll probably only get to use it once,
and even if it's heads, in coinciding with it's attack,
whatever you bring up should be able to KO your
opponent's early attacker. If you're building energy
double time on something, it should at least be able to
KO a whatever killed the Catty. I don't think this Power
is very good on this card. Maybe on something with more
Energy Assist: Ah, the main reason, if any, you'd play
Delcatty. Like I said, depending of you have enough
energy in the discard pile, this attack lets you put two
energy in one turn onto one of your Pokemon. The only
problem is, you have to evolve to do this, and Rotom, a
Basic, can put TWO onto a Pokemon for free! The only
reason you'd play this over Rotom is if you value the
damage this thing can give out early game over the more
clear-of-purpose Rotom. Not many people, or decks, do,
Weakness: This can be bad. Gallade doesn't have to flip
anything over to KO it, and if Riolu hit the Skitty,
Lucario will KO this thing T2 also. It's fragile even if
they don't play fighting, though, so I guess this
doesn't matter too much.
Retreat Cost: I'd want no retreat cost here, but this
Delcatty isn't really about recieving what the player
Combos: This card combos with many decks, but the
problem is Rotom combos with them even better.
Modified: 2.5/5 I didn't want to give it below average,
but it really is. Maybe if the newer Rotom wasn't made
it would see a higher rating, but it still wouldn't see
a higher amount of play.
Limited: 3/5 A lot better here, where it can't be easily
KO'd, and it's attack could provide energy where it's
really needed.
If you would like to talk about the review or any of the
deck concepts in my State of the Metagame (I swear it's
like my GOOD child), I'd be happy to chat if you send it
Summonerofillusions@yahoo.com. Or, if you're an
airport, and like to be personally attacked and
ridiculed you can also reach me at the above address. |