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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Lv. 58
Legends Awakened
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 3.80
Limited: 4.00
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Arbok14 |
Hey all, sorry about my lack of
reviews, but I've been really busy this week.
Nonetheless, I will give you at least one this week.
Today we have Metagross.
Metagross Lv. 58
Legends Awakened
Rare Holo
Type: (Metal) - Metal is not
necessarily a bad type these days. It is becoming more
playable, especially with cards like this, Magnezone Lv.
X, Probopass, and Scizor.
HP: (120) - This is pretty good for a
Stage 2; it should stick around for a few turns.
(Fire+30/Psychic-20) - Weakness to fire is not bad,
especially with water dominating as it has. Resistance
to psychic is very good.
Retreat Cost: (3) - This is... not so
good. Use some switches or warp points... or Magnezone!
Poke-POWER: (Magnetic Reversal) -
This is what makes this card playable. Essentially, this
is just like Erika's Victreebel (I know, that was about
8 years ago!). You get a 50/50 chance of a Gust of Wind,
and better chances when more of these are in play. This
is a fantastic power, especially considering Magnezone
Lv X's ability to transfer energy, and Magnezone's
attack which can do any amount of damage with enough
energy. This is a stage 2, which is a fault for sure,
but this could certainly work in the right Magnezone
Attack #1: (MCC - Extra Comet Punch)
- This attack is...eh. It can possibly do 100 damage
which is great, but there are a bunch of things your
opponent can do to get around this. I'll have to
research a bit more for this attack...
Final Analysis: Really, its only
downfall is the fact that it is a Stage 2. It has a
great Power and a decent attack. This can really do well
in a Magnezone deck. I'm really considering playing a
deck like that (when I get a chance unfortunately).
Modified: Look for this... It can be
dangerous. (4/5)
Limited: Stage 2's can be difficult
to get out, but if you get this guy out, you have pretty
much won the game. (4/5)
Chicago, IL |
Metagross Lv.58
"When two Metangs love each other
very much (yada yada yada) Metagross is born and starts
to stomp the yard."
Let check out this card's stats. 120
HP is average for a Stage 2. A
+30 weakness to fire is not all that
bad as it seems since this card
will most likely not see battle
unless it is needed. Resistance to anything is always
nice to have and having it to Psychic is pretty cool. A
retreat cost of 3 is big for this card since it needs 3
anyways to attack and no less. It's a pain in the butt
to get it out of the active spot.
The Poke-Power, Magnetic Reversal, is
flippy. If you are able to get at least one heads out of
any amount of times you had to use this power, you gain
control of the match. Imagine using this power and
pushing up your opponent's Claydol into the active spot
or a Pokemon that can be Ko'ed in one shot or unloaded
up main attacker of their deck. It is amazing.
Extra Comet Punch (should be called
Meteor Mash if anything) is an actual decent attack. For
a Metal (or Multi) and two random energies it does 50
BUT after the first shot, it does 100 after that for
each hit Metagross does until it stops attacking. It's a
great attack but it takes too much time to set up
Metagross is the new Dusknoir of how
it can be played. It can be played as a 1-0-1 tech in
any deck. It disrupts your opponent the same way
Dusknoir does but Dusknoir is more guaranteed of what it
does compared to Metagross. This card can be combo'ed
well with certain decks like Probopass, maybe Kingdra (Regice
does it less effectively but easier to use), or just as
a piece of hot tech.
Modified: 3.5/ 5. It is a great tech
but you would have to find room to fit it in and some
rare candies if you do not run it already.
Limited: 5/ 5. If you can bring this
out, you win. No question.
Jigglypuff13 |
9/12 Metagross Lv.58 (LA)
Hello, and welcome to the end of the week, and we have
another great card here in the form of Metagross, which
has been quite below the radar, for reasons that I'm
still not quite sure of. First, the basics of the card,
and 120 HP on a Stage 2 is about average really. Expect
to take at least 1 hit, but just expect that something
may come up to OHKO at some point in the tournament.
Mind you, if you really are worried about that, Special
Metal energies should help sort that problem out. +30
Fire Weakness isn't too bad. Chances are, there will
only be one big Fire archetype in the form of Meatloaf (Leafeon
Lv.X (MD) + Magmortar/Lv.X (SW/MT)), with any others
being rouges (like more Magmortar (SW) decks and
Infernape (MD) decks). -20 Psychic Resistance isn't too
bad either, providing help against AMU and Gardevoir
(SW), but not much else to be honest. 3 Retreat Cost is
a bit hefty really, so make sure you pack some Switches
and/or Warp Points (probably Switches for reasons
explained later) to get it to the bench, or use
Magnezone (DP).
Now, Magnetic Reversal, and the reason not to play the
often better Warp Point. Basically, it's Pokémon
Reversal (UF) (if you can remember back that far), but
in a Poké-Power, and one that can be stacked, which is
just brilliant. Don't like that Claydol (GE) sitting on
the bench of your opponent? Use Magnetic Reversal. Don't
like any bench sitter at all? Magnetic Reversal them.
Basically, it's your answer to everything, be it big,
nasty active attacker, or soft, vulnerable bench sitter.
However, it is only a 50% chance of working, which is
going to be a bit of a problem. However, if you swarm
Metagross, then the chance of failure becomes
significantly less (25% for 2, 12.5% for 3 and a meagre
6.25% for 4). Just remember, it can still fail, just you
have to be supremely unlucky (like me really) to have it
happen. Extra Comet Punch isn't too bad as an attack,
which has been seen on a couple of Pokémon before, could
leave it as a main attacker. Basically, so long as you
use one Metagross's Extra Comet Punch every turn, the
one will do 50 damage, but will be 100 damage from every
subsequent turn, with for MCC is actually quite good,
and should 2HKO most without any real difficulty.
Combos and uses, and Metagross has 2 uses. The first is
as a tech. I like this idea as it becomes a great way of
removing threats from the active position for at least 1
turn, or bringing up a really weak bench Pokémon. Also,
if you have an problems with Froslass (LA) using Destiny
Bond, then Magnetic Reversal becomes a great way of
getting rid of the effect. The second use is as a main
attacker in a swarm deck. admittedly, it might be a bit
tough to swarm them and get all the energies needed onto
them, but it can work. Magnetic Reversal becomes better
than it already was due to the increased amount of times
that you get to use it, and Extra Comet Punch becomes a
rather nice attack. With Metagross, you should run the
obligatory Claydol (GE) and a tech or 2, like Magnezone
Survivability, and these figures are going to be based
on not having any Special Metals attached, so the figure
could quite easily be raised. Kingdra (LA) will have to
settle for a 2HKO from 2 fully powered Dragon Pumps, but
the snipe it causes could reduce this figure. Luxray
(LA) will only get a 2HKO so long as least one of the
attacks is Shock Bolt, unless you have a Lv.X in play
(which might be slightly unlikely), at which point it
becomes a OHKO. AMU will always get a OHKO from Supreme
Blast from Mesprit Lv.X (LA), but other attacks struggle
to get more than a 2 or 3HKO thanks to that Psychic
Resistance. Eeveelutions gets the advantage of stopping
Magnetic Reversal thanks to Glaceon Lv.X (MD), but
Glaceon will have to watch out for Metagross thanks to
that Metal Weakness (unless Umbreon (MD) is played), but
Glaceon Lv.X can get a 2HKO from Avalanche, but the 20
spread could reduce this figure. Leafeon Lv.X can get a
OHKO, but would need 9 energies in play to get the OHKO.
Other Eeveelutions would get a 2HKO at best (apart from
Flareon (MD) wil Lake Boundary (MT) in play), though
Jolteon (MD) is probably the best of these thanks to
it's Metal Resistance. Skittles just need 5 (or 4 and a
Plus Power/Buck's Training) different Basic energies
attached to Ho-Oh (SW) to get the OHKO. Magnezone Lv.X
(LA) and Cyber Shock will get a 2HKO, but the automatic
Paralysis will stop your active Metagross from doing
anything, unless you Switch it.
Modified: It's brilliant, and just because of Magnetic
Reversal giving you a Pokémon Reversal you can use every
turn, making it a brilliant tech. Swarm them, and it
becomes even more likely to work every turn. As an
attacker, it's fairly decent, but there are better
attackers. Still, it can work as a main attacker. I
think other people haven't really noticed it too much,
or just don't like it, but I think this will become a
very good and popular card once people start using it.
Limited: Magnetic Reversal is still quite good here, but
the swarming capability is extremely limited, so your
going to have to live with the 50% chance of success and
failure. Extra Comet Punch, after the first turn at
least, becomes extremely powerful here, OHKOing most of
what you should see here, but only if you can get basic
Metal energies from your TO, otherwise, you won't be
able to attack with it. 3.25/5 |
San Bernardino,
CA |
oHow ya'll doing?........GREAT!!!
Well, welcome to an all-new Cotd, featuring that big
metal beastie Metagross. Will METAgross be changing the
METAgame? Only we here at pojo know, so let's get going!
On to the card!
Stage 2: First things first.Metagross
is a stage two that evolves from Metang-Beldum. Neither
of these pokemon are very impressive, but Beldum can
grab an extra Beldum when a Metal Energy is attached,
and Metang is not that bad if evolved from an Acitve
Beldum. Truthfully, I'd say either version of Beldum and
Metang are alright, since they both don't offer anything
special (one energy Collect on Beldum/ Metal for Beldum
on other but no one energy attack, both Metang have
decent two and three energy attacks). Whichever one you
have is fine.
Magnetic Reversal: The calling card
of the whole line, this Poke-Power can be devestating.
Obviously, you're gonna want to raise Metagross like
caddle on your bench in order to be able to reliably use
this (think back to Slowking). The more you have, the
better the chance. This powers strength lie in it's
ability to bring up unfavorable pokemon to the active
spot, i.e. starters, already beat up pokeys, bench
sitters with low HP like Spiritomb and possibly Claydol.
When your opponent sees the Beldum, though, he'll start
thinking twice of what he's dropping down. And remember,
Dusknoir and Metagross don't return each other's
phone calls.
Extra Comet Punch: This attack is
actually REALLY good. Even starting out, 150 for two
attacks is not bad, and it's probably all you'll need.
100 for three energy is simply great. I gotta say, I
actually like even the MECHANICS used on this Metagross.
It's just a well made card.
Weakness: Fire types are a common
sight, especially big damaging fire types. Although many
can't CONSISTENTLY OHKO Metagross, if it's
attacked at it's earlier stages, it will be going down
with one blow as a Metagross. There's really no card out
there to help against this, save Bubble Coat, which I'm
not sure is even worth it. But, remember, pokemon with
Metal weakness, like Froslass, are out there, so I'd say
it balances it out by enough.
Resistance: This is pretty good.
Prevents it from being KO'd by two 60s, so it is a
worthwhile bonus. Metagross being resisted by Lightning
types doesn't really MATTER though, since he'll still do
enough to 2KO them.
Retreat Cost: Honestly, I expected
this to be higher. I mean, the pokemon weighs close to a
ton! But I guess it's mobile enough to warrant this. Low
enough to pay when you need to, but high enough that you
won't be hitting with it next turn if you needed to.
Combos:......alot. Hahaha. This guy
fits into many decks that have the space or support to
run him. The best partner I think for Metagross is
Magnezone, actually. They complement each other's
abilities well. Another excellent partner is Probopass.
Relatively quick, Probopass can put damage on the bench
which will lead to easy KO's for Metagross, who can even
pick his victims. Other than that, options like Garchomp
and Mewtwo should keep you enticed with this Iron Legged
Modified: 4/5 Metagross is a powerful
pokemon who can easily team up with a lot of pokes out
there. You'll see him at least once, I guarantee it
Limited: 4/5 Stilla killa in Limited,
he can drag up easy prizes from the bench
Summonerofillusions@yahoo.com: for all your feedback
and illusionary needs!