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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
- Normal Forme Lv. 50
Legends Awakened
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.75
Limited: 3.40
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Arbok14 |
Hey, welcome to a new week of Legends
Awakened reviews!! Today we have the new Deoxys (normal
forme). Battle Roads are coming up, so I hope these
Deoxys Normal Forme Lv. 50
Legends Awakened
Rare Holo
Type: (Psychic) - A common type right
now. Oh, and it is double weak to itself.
HP: (90) - This is pretty good for an
unevolvable basic.
Weakness/Resistance: (Psychic
x2/none) - :O Not good. No, not good at all...
Retreat Cost: (1) - This isn't
back-breaking, but I can't see this lasting a turn to be
able to retreat.
Poke-POWER: (Form Change) - This is
the basic form change to find the right Deoxys for the
situation. If your opponent uses few energy, switch to
Attack Forme to do a quick 80. Gain some HP and
protection with Defense Forme. Do bench damage with the
Speed Forme.
Attack #1: (PC - Energy Crush) - This
attack is really good and really cheap for the
possibilities. I can see this as a tech in certain decks
to combat Leafeon, Magmortar, Sceptile, Gardevoir
(weakness), etc. Um, but yeah, watch out for Kingdra and
Final Analysis: This is an OK card.
It has good HP and a great attack, but its weakness
absolutely kills it. A lot of Gardevoir decks still
exist, and AMU and Mewtwo are popular as well. Mewtwo is
immune to this, and AMU uses little energy. This could
be an OK tech in some decks. I wouldn't use this to
combat with Gardevoir and Gallade, etc, but for stuff
like Magmortar and Leafeon. A good partner for this (if
you want to build a deck for this) is Tentacruel.
Modified: Usable as a tech, not as
much as a main attacker. (2.5/5)
Limited: This will be great in
limited. It has a good, potentially big attack and good
HP. (3.5/5)
Chicago, IL |
Deoxys Lv. 50 - Normal Forme
Forme sounds so foreign. I just do
not understand why it could not of been called "form"
instead. ugh.
Well whatever, Let's check out this
card before that forme thing annoys me again later. 90
HP is pretty good for a non-evolving basic.
Double weakness to Psychic is a pain
in the butt mid game but Azelf Lv. X can get rid of the
weakness which is nice. Resistance to nothing, oh well.
A retreat cost of one which is nice since most
Legendary's have a retreat cost of 2 or 3. Stat-wise, it
is pretty good even with a double weakness.
Oh now they want to be American, Form
Change. Form Change allows you to change you current
Deoxys in play with another one from your deck.
The new Deoxys keeps everything it
had on it like energies, tools, damage, effects. It is
like the Deoxys never changed almost. This power is
actually decent when you are playing with Deoxys Speed
Forme so you can free retreat the chosen Deoxys.
The attack, Energy Crush, just sounds
cool. For a Psychic and another energy, this attack does
20 damage plus 10 more for each energy you opponent has
in play. This card goes berserk when faced against most
decks that are energy consuming. This attack will not be
that effective early game but near mid game, the attack
can average about 60-100 damage from one shot.
This card on its own is a good tech
card against certain decks. This card comboes so well
with Tentacruel which is pretty nice. Setting up your
opponent with unnecessary energy is nice and using that
to your advantage with this card creates nice synergy.
It's not even that bad if you have to start with this
card even though there is no way you can attack turn
Modified: 3.75/5. I think it is a bit
too high but it is so versitile how it can fit in a
deck. It is just a problem that it can not be as
effective earlier the game is.
Limited: 3/5. There are a lot of
Psychic types in this format so it poses a problem to
this card. Plus this attack can not get strong enough as
it should. But it is still a solid pokemon with a solid
"In America!"
Jigglypuff13 |
9/15 Deoxys Normal Forme Lv.50 (LA)
Right, short review today, and it's about the first (and
only holographic in the set) Deoxys, the Normal Forme to
be precise. Basics of the card, and the 90 HP on a basic
that doesn't evolve is pretty good really, so it may be
able to survive a hit or 2. Weakness, and x2 Psychic
Weakness is rather bad due to being a x2 Weakness, but
Psychic isn't a well played type, with only AMU and the
occasional Gardevoir (SW) will get a OHKO. However, you
can use Azelf Lv.X (LA) to get rid of the weakness. No
Resistance is no Resistance, and the single Retreat Cost
is average really.
Now, the attack and Poké-Power, and first of all, Form
Change, and it allows Deoxys to switch itself for any
other Forme you like. This can allow you to change your
strategy to fit whatever situation you are in (well,
whatever the Deoxys can do anyway), so you could end up
using Normal Forme if you want, or go with Attack Forme
for a single shot of high damage, or Defense Forme to
try and stall, or Speed Forme for sniping. So, you can
adapt your strategy, but what can Normal Forme do? Well,
it's damage can increase depending upon how many
energies your opponent has in play. This means it's
damage will increase with every turn your opponent plays
an energy, and could work as a nice anti-Leafeon Lv.x
(MD) tech.
Combos, and it could be used as a tech against Leafeon
Lv.X (MD) like I've already said, but will have to fight
against Azelf Lv.X (LA) for the title of the best anti-Leafeon
Lv.X tech. Deoxys has a base damage, meaning it will
always be able to do damage, but Azelf places damage
counters and can snipe. Azelf Lv.x is probably the
better one, by Deoxys Normal Forme is a cheaper
alternative. Next, Deoxys Normal Forme can be used with
all of the other Deoxys Formes! Bet you never thought of
that one. They are all basics, all have Form Change, and
all have roughly the same stats, the main differences
are the attacks, a slight change in HP, and a change in
name, allowing for up to 4 of each forme in a single
deck. A Deoxys deck could be quite fun, but I wouldn't
expect it to be very competitive, but they can all use
Snowpoint Temple to increase the relatively low HP of
the Deoxys.
Survivability, and a lot of main attackers can get a
OHKO, so I'll just talk about the ones that can't. Also,
remember Snowpoint Temple can increase the HP, and thus
increase the following figures. Firstly, Kingdra (LA)
can use 2 fully powered Dragon Pumps to get a 2HKO (or 1
and a non-powered up Dragon Pump), but Aqua Stream can
get a OHKO with 9 Waters in the Discard Pile. AMU can
get OHKOs from Uxie Lv.X and Mesprit Lv.X (both LA), and
Azelf Lv.X can do the same, but the normal forms
probably can't really. Eeveelutions can use Leafeon Lv.X
(MD) to get a OHKO with 6 energies in play, but that
allows Deoxys to be quite against Leafeon Lv.X. Gleaceon
Lv.X (MD) can get a 2HKO from Avalanche, but will also
stop Poké-Powers at the same time, stopping your Form
Changes. Other Eeveelutions get a 2HKO, but Espeon (MD)
gets a OHKO from it's attack, and Jolteon (MD) can get a
OHKO if it discards it's energies. Magnezone Lv.X (LA)
will need a Plus Power/Buck's Training to get a OHKO
with Cyber Shock, otherwise it will just Paralyze Deoxys
and get a 2HKO.
Modified: It is a nice anti-Leafeon Lv.X tech, but it
has a superior rival in the form of Azelf Lv.X. There
are other Deoxys, allowing for a rather cool idea of a
Deoxys deck, but it's probably a little to weak and
maybe a little too slow (2 energies is the smallest
attack cost) to really be competitive. Still, could be
quite fun, and is a cheap alternative to Azelf Lv.X.
Limited: Let your opponent to power up enough, and this
becomes a real power house, OHKOing most of what you
find. Get other Deoxys, and you can get a rather cool
Deoxys deck here, which would be very fun. 90 HP is
quite nice here as well, so it should be quite good.
One final comment, while is Forme spelt that way and
not, say, Form? |
San Bernardino,
CA |
A pokemon that changes it's DNA? ITS
GOT to be cool....and IT IS!!! Deoxys has one of the
most creative abilities (shared with Castform and old
Ditto) in not just the pokemon tcg but in any card game.
So, without further words to take up more space (hahaha),
let's get straight to the card!
Basic Pokemon: Easily fetched these
days, non-evolving so it's gonna have stats alot higher
than a Buizel.
90 HP:...I'd like to say low, but it
seems this is as good as it gets these days for Non-LV.X
basics (that aren't named Chansey or Snorlax)
Form Change: THE point of playing
Deoxys. You're going to need all copies of it to take
full advantage of this. It really is a strong ability
given the range.
Energy Crush: This attack....is very
situational. It can be good when you're opponent has two
pokes both with their three energies, but even then 80
damage is not going to KO the big beasties of today.
It's a good two enrgy attack, though, for earlier in the
Weakness:IT'S BAD. Get over it. Just
take comfort in the fact that, unless it's AMU, you'll
be doing more damage to their psychics too.
Retreat Cost: Meh. Basic Retreat, not
too big, but not free.
Combos:.....not many haha. It seems
that, even with the range, this card is not very
powerful. Maybe combo'ed with Mewtwo for a Legendary
Psychic Haymeker?
Modified: 2/5 FOR THIS CARD. I made
sure to only talk about the Normal Form because we might
be rating the others later on.
Limited: 3/5 Can be a powerful
starter, especially if you have any other Deoxys in your
Summonerofillusions@yahoo.com...... because you KNOW
you want to.......write me some feedback |