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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Lv. 46
Legends Awakened
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 4.00
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Arbok14 |
Today we have Froslass, the new
evolution of Snorunt.
Froslass Lv.
Legends Awakened
Rare Holo
Type: (Water) - A pretty common type
right now. Watch out for Leafeon.
HP: (90) - This is decent HP for a
stage 1, but certainly not the best. (Wailord killed it
with 200... ;) )
Weakness/Resistance: (Metal+20/none)
- Not a terrible weakness, but Magnezone and Metagross
will make serious bids for decks.
Retreat Cost: (1) - Not a bad retreat
cost, it can definitely be overcome.
Attack #1: (P - Destiny Bond) - Base
Gastly... You have returned!! Well this could lead to a
lot of stalling... Maybe? I'm not sure if the effect
goes away if Froslass is sent to the bench? Oh, well, I
wouldn't use it for this attack anyway.
Attack #2: (WC - Icy Breath) - This
is what makes Froslass worth something. This attack is
absolutely filthy, and it will find a place in many
damage-spreading decks. For two energy, it does 40
damage and puts a damage counter on each of your
opponent's benched. This can get around
bench-protectors. Oh, and it puts your opponent to
sleep. This is a very cheap, effective attack.
Final Analysis: I definitely like
this card. Froslass can find a place in many
bench-hitting/damage-spreading decks. It can fit into
many decks... You could probably build something
half-decent that revolves around this.
Modified: A good card. I would expect
to see this around. Not the hardest hitting, but good
nonetheless. (4/5)
Limited: Great here. Simply great.
Don't use Destiny Bond. Please. (4.5/5)
Chicago, IL |
Frosslass Lv. 46
Since I have not seen this pokemon
outside of the TCG, I can't think of anything to joke
about this pokemon. ......................Dang it...
Let's just check out this card. 90 HP
on a Stage 1 pokemon is decent for a pokemon that cannot
evolve any further but it will not get that far either.
+20 weakness to steel is alright since there is no
playable pokemon that use steel as their attacker. Well
maybe Magnezone but not yet. So yes, Weakness does not
pose a problem to this pokemon. There is no Resistance.
It also has a retreat cost of one which is good for a
pokemon like this that does not use that much energy in
the first place.
Destiny Bond. I used to loved this
attack sooooooo much back in the day with Base Gastly.
What it does is that for one psychic energy and
discarding it, you can knock out the pokemon that
knocked out this card. It was so effective then but in a
format where everyone plays Warp Point, it is not that
effective nowadays. It can help to stall your opponent
out for a turn or force your opponent to play a Warp
Point so that they do not have to worry about Frosslass
being KO'ed.
Icy Breath. For a Water energy and
one other energy, it does 40 damage and puts 1 damage
counter on all of your opponent's benched pokemon.
Not only that, it also puts your
opponents active to asleep status.
This attack is great. You have the
50-50 chance of making your Frosslass to survive another
turn. This attack does so much for so little energy.
This is a great attack by any means for what it can do.
It is a low energy consuming pokemon.
It is great to use in Spread Decks or in Empoleon
Variants where Frosslass can set up your opponent for
easy KO's later on in the game. This card may be seen in
a couple of decks this season and from experience, this
card can get really annoying if set up quick enough.
Modified: 3.5/5. It is great early
and late game to start picking off pokemon that have low
HP in the bench. Mid game is where I believe where this
card cannot survive because your opponent would be doing
about 60 per turn by then.
Limited: 1/5. No Snorut equals no
Frosslass. This card would be a beast here if snorut
came in this set as well. Even if it had like 30 HP with
craptacular attacks, Frosslass would be great no matter
If there was a Snorut here, I would
score this a 123523412211423423432.54/ 5 and thats
scoring it a bit low.
"I hate rolling for Sleep condition
so much."
Jigglypuff13 |
9/16 Froslass Lv.46 (LA)
Hello, and another short review, which is quite annoying
really since I really like this card today, Froslass.
Basics first, and 90 HP on a non-evolving Stage 1 is
quite good really. I do wish it had a little more HP to
help it survive another hit, but 90 will do nicely
really. +20 Metal Weakness just means Magnezone Lv.X
(LA) will get a OHKO, and for Magnezone (DP) to only
need 2 Metals attached for a OHKO, and that's about it
really. No Resistance is, well, no Resistance really,
annoyingly average. Same goes with the 1 Retreat Cost.
Now, the attacks, and these really make the card. First
of all, Icy Breath (yeah, it's the more expensive
attack, but this should be talked about first), and this
is fantastic. For just WC, it does 40, auto-Sleep and a
spread to your opponents bench that gets round abilities
like Bastiodon (MT)'s Poké-Body. This is such a
brilliant attack, and features such a brilliant spread,
that it out classes so many of the standard spread cards
like Yanmega (LA), who even have no attack costs. It is
a brilliant attack, and should be the focus of the card.
Destiny Bond reinforces this idea, being quite a nice
final attack. Depending on how old you are, you may
remember Gastly from Base Set, and the attack is the
same as it was back then. Basically, if you use the
attack and get KOed in your opponents next turn by
damage from an attack, then both get KOed. It's a
brilliant last ditch attack, and the great thing is,
Retreating or Evolving don't get rid of the effect.
However, placing damage counters or getting KOed by a
Special Condition, then effect goes away. However, if
you are struggling to get round Destiny Bonds effect, I
like the idea of using Metagross (LA) and Magnetic
Reversal to get the active (and Destiny Bond-ed)
Froslass to the bench, and then start pounding the new
active. It requires a flip, but it could work quite
nicely really.
Combos, and again, it can be used with any other
spreading card you like basically. Esentially, use it
like any other spreading card, only this one will be
able to get round effects like Bastiodon (MT).
Personally, I like the idea of Froslass/Bronzong (MD)
due to only ever placing damage counters onto the bench.
If you don't like/have Bronzong (MD), just use any other
spreading card you like basically. Froslass may be able
to work on it's own as well, but I don't know how
effective it would be.
Survivability, and really those that don't OHKO it will
get a 2HKO instead (well, so long as they do at least 50
damage anyway). However, all of these Pokémon are then
extremely vulnerable to being Destiny Bonded. This
includes the likes of Kingdra (LA), and Luxray (LA) that
uses Plasma, any non-Jolteon (MD) or Leafeon Lv.X (MD)
Eeveelutions, and basically anything else that can't do
90 damage. AMU might be in a bit of trouble as well if
they don't use Mesprit Lv.X (LA) and Supreme Blast, but
use Uxie Lv.X (LA) and Zen Blade instead, then they
could be Destiny Bonded as well. However, the can use
Azelf Lv.X (LA) to get the KO instead due to being able
to place damage counters for the KO.
Modified: It's brilliant here. Icy Breath is brilliant
and annoying at the same time, and Destiny Bond can make
things very tricky for your opponent. I think this is a
brilliant card that should've been hyped more, and will
be used. Those that it can't Destiny Bond will give this
card a lot of headaches though. 4/5
Limited: No Snorunt in LA = no play here. 1/5
Reviews will be back to normal from me from tomorrow! |
San Bernardino,
CA |
RATER GUY!!!! Watch as he slowly takes his time
to judge every symbol on the piece of cardboard
and painstakingly rates it!!.......kay maybe
it's not that exciting, but ata least I grabbed
some attention (a soft type of hold, not like a
strong hard grasp). Anywayze, today, just for
you, we have Froslass, an Ice/Ghost pokemon that
evolves from a little Snorunt. This card should
be making some waves soon, and let me explain
1:Froslass comes from Snorunt, who is a poor
starter, unfortunately. Just a collect and
a possible 20 from the little guy. Not
impressive, but manageable considering it'l be a
Froslass soon.
90 HP:
Seemingly standard these days for non-evolving
Stage 1's. Wish it were higher, but you should
take what you can get.
Bond: An attack that many people have many
opinions on. In the end, it's just a possible
stall tactic if Froslass is damaged and you
won't be giving it more energy for Icy Breath.
Even after using it, you're opponent might still
attack because they'll STILL get a prize. This
attack is not meant to be a complete ward for
Breath: The focal (thankfully not fecal) part of
the card [YES I KNOW I MADE A POOP JOKE!]. This
attack is so strong do to all the add-ons it
has. 2 Energy for 40? Bad. 2 Energy for 40 and
10 to tnhe bench? Good. All that AND
sleep? Froslass, I don't know what kind of mints
you're using, (I will guess Altoid though) but
THEY ARE WORKING! This attack is one you will be
hearing called out alot in the future I believe.
Weakness: MEH City. Not really gonna be a
problem, even against Bastiodon.
Cost: Being a ghost, it should just teleport
back to the bench. But I guess ice slows one
down. The retreat is just average and livable.
Combos:................WOW, there are alot of
these. Kingdra, Empoleon, Bronzong/Cresselia
(this could be a monster), Luxray, MY MAIN BUG
YANMEGA, hell, even SWAMPERT could use this card
for a quick attacker with takeable energy. This
pokemon seems to be friends with everyone.
Seriously, try it out with your favorite Pokemon
line, even if that's Purugly, and ry to tell me
that it isn't a strong combination.
Modified 4/5 This card WILL see play, so plan on
seeing it over Glalie haha
4/5 This thing can set up easy KOS for any of
your other evolved pokes. It's definitely worth
the pick.
be a Froslass, be a warm chum, and send me some
feed for my back at
(OUCH! That hurt my
self-respect as much as it hurt your eyes)
PKMN master here today with the card of the day Froslass
the snow land pokemon. Lets look at its attacks Destiny
bond, and Ice breath. Destiny bond is a great move for
the cost of one psychic energy if Froslass is KOed
during your opponent's next turn it takes down the enemy
with it! What a great move. Now onto Ice breath for one
water, and and any other kind of energy it does 40 and
puts them to sleep and does 10 to each of your
opponent's benched pokemon. Froslass is a good card it
has 90HP, one retreat cost and is a stage one. The only
gripe I have here is the plus 20 weakness to metal but
otherwise not many other problems.
Modified: 4 out of 5
Limited: 4 out of 5