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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Lv. 47
Legends Awakened
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 1.67
Limited: 1.50
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Arbok14 |
Hey, sorry I missed the review you
yesterday, but I've made it back for today's, which is
Heatran Lv. 47
Legends Awakened
Rare Holo
Type: (Fire) - This is not a terrible
type right now, it obviously has its advantages against
Leafeon, Sceptile, and the like.
HP: (100) - Pretty good for a basic
Weakness/Resistance: (Water x2/none)
- :O Not good. You will fail against Kingdra and
Retreat Cost: (4) - :O Not bad. It's
Poke-POWER (Flash Fire) - This is a
decent power that can be even better when played with
Typhlosion and Stark Mountain. If you pick up 2 energy
per turn and send them both up to Heatran, you can
easily do 80+ damage a turn.
Attack #1: (Magma Storm) - This
attack is not bad. You can technically do at least 80
damage for this attack. This is a lot of energy though,
so it may be tough to build up and keep built up.
Final Analysis: This Heatran is a
cool idea for a card, but its bottom stats make it
virtually unplayable. Water is just to popular right
now, and its retreat cost keeps it solidly in place.
Modified: I won't give it a 1/5
simply because the only reason it isn't good is because
of its bottom stats. So, how about a (1.5/5)
Limited: Probably not a good idea for
limited play. It needs way too many energy and it cannot
retreat easily unless you want to waste 4 precious
energy. (1.5/5)
Jigglypuff13 |
9/19 Heatran Lv.47 (LA)
Final day of the week already? That went quick. Mind
you, it's just a shame we can't leave the week with a
good card. To start, the basics of the card, and 100 HP
is good on a basic (like I said yesterday), so that is a
good start. x2 Weakness to Water is possibly the worst
weakness you could have right now really since all of
those popular Water Pokémon (Kingdra (LA), Empoleon
(MD), Glaceon Lv.X (MD), any others that may be used)
will OHKO Heatran. No Resistance is, well, I'll gloss
over that, but the Retreat Cost is something that can't
be glossed over. 4 Retreat Cost on anything is really
bad but it is ever so slightly better here than it was
on Regigigas (LA) yesterday because the attack needs 4
energies to use it. Still rubbish though.
OK, abilities, and Flash Fire is a nice looking Poké-Power
really. Essentially, it's a Fire typed Stark Mountain
that can be used just for Heatran, which is quite nice
really, giving him some pseudo-Energy Acceleration.
Combed with Stark Mountain and enough energy in play to
feed it, you could get it powered up in 2 turns (or 1 if
you use an Energy Switch and do a normal attachment to
Heatran), which turns an otherwise slow card into a nice
fast one. Mind you, I'm still not sure whether you would
actually want it to attack with Magma Storm or not. FFCC
for 40 isn't a promising start, but discarding Basic
energies to deal more damage is still maybe a little
bad. However with the right combo (explained next
paragraph), you can easily do 80 per turn, and when
Heatran Lv.X comes out (next set), it should be able to
do 120 per turn, which is a lot more respectable.
Now, combos, and the only combo for it (and I mean
realistic combo that can actually be used) is with Stark
Mountain and Typhlosion (MT). Essentially, you use Magma
Storm to deal 80 damage, then next turn, you use 2 Fire
Starters (preferable, but a normal attachment could be
used instead of one of them), then move them to your
active Heatran from Flash Fire and Stark Mountain. This
means, if you get it set up, you will be doing 80 damage
per turn, which is alright, but not really that great.
When Heatran Lv.X comes out, then it becomes 120 with
that out, which is maybe a bit better, but I'm not sure
whether it would be any good or not. For the moment,
shove it in your folder, that a good combo with Heatran
for now.
Survivability, and it's roughly the same as for
Regigigas (LA) yesterday, only worse. Kingdra (LA) only
needs to power up Dragon Pump, or just use a Plus
Power/Buck's Training on a non-powered Dragon Pump for a
OHKO. Luxray (LA) will happily Shock Bolt it for a OHKO
as well. AMU will happily use Mesprit Lv.X (LA) to
Supreme Blast it for a OHKO, but a combination of over
attacks should get a 2HKO which is quite nice.
Eeveelutions will need 7 energies in play to get a OHKO
from Verdant Dance from Leafeon Lv.X (MD), but it
shouldn't be attacking Heatran when Vaporeon (MD) and
Glaceon Lv.X (MD) get a OHKO thanks to Weakness, and
won't be threatened by Heatran's typing either. Skittles
will happily attack 5 different Basic Energy cards to
Ho-Oh (SW) for a OHKO. Magnezone Lv.X (LA) will get a
2HKO from Cyber Shock, and Paralysis will take away the
fear of Weakness for 1 turn at least (unless they
selfishly use Switch or Warp Point).
Modified: It has a combo, but at the moment, it isn't a
good one. Until Heatran Lv.X comes out, your probably
best leaving this in the binder. When it does, you could
use the combo for Heatran to be a main attacker again,
but you are probably more wowed by Heatran Lv.X's
supportive abilities for other cards, and thus just use
the today's Heatran for leveling up. Probably for the
best really, since Heatran isnt a good attacker, if with
help from the Lv.X. 1.5/5
Limited: 4 turns to power up (unless you get them all
out early, then Stark Mountain/Flash Fire them to
Heatran) a 40 damage attack isn't great, and needing to
discard energies to do more damage isn't very good
either here, meaning you will be doing 60 damage per
turn if you attach an energy every turn. Energy Pick-Up
could allow you to do more damage on 1 particular turn,
but still isn't enough to redeem it. 1/5 |
San Bernardino,
CA |
Weeelllllllllllll, first thing's
first. I'd like to say "hey, my bad" on that
little pokemon trivia thing yesterday. I messed up on
the facts in it, and you guys let me know I
did......numerous times throughout the day hahaha. But
what you don't know.......I..I MESSED UP FOR A REASON!
ENOUGH TO CATCH IT!! So, good job for anyone who found
my mista....I mean, who beat me at my little fun game!
Anyways, onto my man Heatran from the
mountan...hehe..Alright so Heatran is another Legendary
Pokemon, which lately we seem to be dealing alot with,
and, like others, he has the whole Giant HP, Giant
Retreat Cost, One Pokepower One Attack set up. But is
Heatran useful enough to be played....On to the card!!!
Basic Pokemon: Like many Legendaries,
if not all of them, Heatran is a basic. And like those
too, you don't want to start with him because he's a bit
of an energy hog....and in this case will also get
killed by something like a Buizel rather quickly. So, it
has the usual benefits and drwbacks: Easy to search out
from your deck, but terrible to start with.
100 HP: Also a staple of the bigger
Legendaries, the 100 HP. It's pretty high for a basic,
about double the HP of a normal basic, and it'll be high
for the early game. But, in this card's case, not high
enough against any water poke.
Flash Fire: Alright, onto the main
card. Flash Fire is the way to put energy onto this big
guy. With this it can absorb early starting pokemon's
energy, damaged pokemon's energy, and, which is going to
be the most obvious combo with Heatran, Typhlosion's
Firestarter energy. So, basically, Heatran has the
ability to drop down, power up, and hit with good damage
from out of nowhere.
Magma Storm: Why, oh why couldn't
they have upped the damage by like 20? Heatran's one and
only attack, this supposed "Magma" "Storm" hits for 40
to 120 (if you ditch all the energy that's powering it).
Sadly, it's a very underpowered attack, and I'd expect
more form a Legendary like Heatran. I mean, everyone
knows pokemon HP and attacks have increased darastically
from where they were during the Base Set to Neo days.
But Heatran's attack is stuck in the past; case in
point, Magcargo from Neo Revelations has the SAME attack
as Heatran...for an enrgy LESS! I'm sorry, but I think
this attack prevents this Heatran from ever seeing more
than a possible one copy of himself in a Typhlosion-using
deck, at least until the LV.X for Heatran arrives.
Weakness: OUCH!!! Against water
pokemon, Heatran effectively turns into a 50 HP Weedle.
This Weakness will make it a dead card
against water-type decks, ESPECIALLY if
they're utilizing Palkia. Just shut down from water by
that Weakness.
Retreat Cost: It's huge. We all know
it would be huge. No suprise: pack Warp Points.
Combos: I see only one combo with
this Heatran, and it's kind of just as a tech. In a
Typhlosion Deck, depending on what you're using with
the Typhlo, you can play a copy of this to get an
instant refillable attacker late game. It won't do much
damage, but it is refillable, so you can get some 100s
out of it if you have enough Typhlos and in-hand energy.
Other than that, UNTIL THE LV. X COMES STATESIDE, this
card has no place in any other deck.
Modified: 2/5 I think this is the
first time I've rated a card under average....*sigh* If
only they would have increased the attack damage, or at
least added another effect....
Limited: 2/5 Not very good here
either as you'll have a tough time powering it, and it'l
probably be stuck to doing 40 to allow you to build
something else. It can take a hit though
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