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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Lv. 47
Diamond & Pearl
Legends Awakened
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 3.50
Limited: 3.75
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Jigglypuff13 |
9/2 Yanmega Lv.47 (LA)
Right, another short review today. Yanmega has received
a fair bit of attention, mainly as a spreader, but also
as a hit and runner. Sonic Wave is how it can be a
spreader, happily dealing 10 to everything and forcing a
switch. This is obviously great with the other spreading
and take advantage of spreading cards. Yanmega is a nice
spreader, and the extra effect of the switch can be
quite disruptive, but the role of spreader has got some
many great alternatives that it's not even funny
anymore. However, most other spreaders can't do so
without cost, which makes Yanmega that little bit more
special. Pursue and Turn is a rather expensive form of a
hit and runner. 60 for GGCC is rubbish really. If your
done 2 spreads, then it turns to 80 and a free switch.
There aren't many Pokémon that can do the same sort of
thing, but those that do are maybe less powerful, but
they are at least quicker.
90 HP on a non-evolving Stage 1 is quite average really.
Should survive a hit earlier on in the game, but the
later the game gets, I wouldn't count on it surviving.
+20 Lightning Weakness isn't too bad really, due to not
many Lightning Pokémon being around in the metagame
(probably), with Electivire (SW) and Luxray (LA)
probably seeing the most play. -20 Resistance to
Fighting isn't that great either to be honest, with
Gallade (SW) and maybe the odd Rhyperior Lv.X (LA) being
the most played Fighting types. No Retreat Cost is very
nice, though if you ever end up trying to get Pursue and
Turn up and running, it may be necessary to have it
Combos, and first, spreaders and cards that can take
advantage of it. To be honest, I've probably said about
these sorts of cards so many times, you'll remember them
straight away (unless this is the first review of mine
you've read, at which point, you may want to look back
at a couple of spreaders from about a week or 2 ago).
However, there are a couple that I really like the idea
of. Brozong (MD) and Omastar (MD) to make what is
esentially a deck that requires no energy. This is
probably the only deck that can do something like this,
so it's definately unique, and could be quite good, just
don't count on it. The other sort of deck is a hit and
run deck, using Pursue and Turn to switch into something
that won't be harmed (or at least, might not), such as
Mr. Mime (MT), Shuckle (SW) or Jumpluff (SW). There are
alternatives to Yanmega that require less energy, and
are, to be honest, probably better at it, but it's
always an option.
Survivability, and, well, don't expect too much. I would
go over all of the big decks, but if they don't get a
OHKO, it will always be a 2HKO. Mind you, Pursue and
Turn does help a bit, allowing it to take to the
relative safety of the bench. Also, another counter is
Bastiodon (MT), due to stopping Sonic Wave's bench
damage, thus making it a largely ineffective card,
though, ironically, would help in hit and run variations
of Yanmega decks to keep Yanmega from being sniped
Modified: It is a excellent spreader thanks to it's no
energy cost, and Pursue and Turn is an alright secondary
attack, or hit and runner, just it takes so long to get
it set up. The idea of an energy less deck is quite
appealing though, and should be quite fun and odd at the
same time. Basically, it's probably better as a spreader
than a hit and runner, but could be quite effective in
either role. 3.5/5
Limited: Again, it can work in either role here, though
don't expect too many other spreaders or cards to take
advantage of spread to be found here, and there is
nothing here that would be worth switching in for Pursue
and Turn. Mind you, 60 or 80 here is nothing to say no
to, even if it does cost 4 energies. 3.25/5 |
Scizor |
Sup all you poke-people! I hope you
enjoyed your Labor Day by not doing labor. I, on the
other hand, was, under pain of being digested by a
Wailord, forced to write this (should I have gone with
Snorlax instead?). ANYWAYS, today's card is Yanmega, the
evolved form of our old pal Yanma, who saw relatively no
play when he was released back in Neo Discovery.
Hopefully, Yanmega will change that. Actually.......HAHA
Yanmega's first attack is almost exactly alike the old
Yanma's! Check it out! Don't worry, I'll give you
time..............................alright ready? On to
the card!!!
90 HP: Weeeeelllll, it's good I guess
for a Stage One, but Yanmega, with a four energy attack,
is gonna want more. At least it can retreat easily
when damaged, though.
Sonic Wave: A GREAT free attack,
damage spread and a forced switch. It's really a very
good fit for this Pokemon and lets you apply instant
pressure on turn two.
Pursue and Turn: Despite being
strangely named, this attack is actually pretty strong.
At first glance, it looks terrible. 60 Damage for FOUR
ENERGY and then an 80 and a forced retreat? That'd only
be about 70 for four and then I gotta retreat something
to attack with it again? But then you may notice again
it's first attack, retreat cost(or lack thereof), and
the wheels should start to turn. Yanmega with no energy
up attacking, building Yanmega on bench, and another
Yanmega or free retreater on bench. Soooooo, Sonic Wave
until death or retreat when close to death, bring up
powered Yanmega, P and T, and then tag out for
damage-free free retreater. If you played during the Neo
days, you'll probably realize this is very similar to
the old Donphan-Rapid Spin-put up a Focus Banded Baby
trick. Personally......I LIKE IT!!
Weakness: Shouldn't be too big of a
deal. While I believe the new Luxray will see play, it
would OHKO a Yanmega anyway, and with the switching of P
and T, it's unlikely you'll get plasma'd twice.
Resistance: It's that old
flying-fighter hate. Ummm, ya, Probobass, Lucario, Rhyperior,
Machamp etc. etc......hehe, when I first started playing
and the whole Flying resistance to fighting thing
mattered, I always used to imagine a Hitmonchan trying
to jump up punch a Pidgey out of the air..
Retreat Cost: Yanmega will beat any
advertised retreat price, or his retreat cost is
FREEEEEEE!!! Apparently, Yanmega can never afford to
lower his prices, and always gives his retreat for
free......Anyways, like the original Yanma, this thing
has no retreat cost, which allows all the Yanmega
attack, retreat, attack again craziness to even exist.
The card would be ten times worse if it even had a one
retreat cost, but it doesn't so yay.
and the new Froslass combine to make a great Damage
Spread deck that uses the Froslass/energyless Yanmega to
attack and stall, and then switches to a P and T engine.
Even if all your Yanmegas get destroyed, Froslass can
actually close that game with that cheap but powerful
attack of hers. Seriosly, the little add ons to that
forty damage are pretty crazy for just two measly
Modified: 4/5 This will most likely
see play, so be prepared for it
Limited: If you can build this thing,
or even use it to buy time to build something on the
bench, this guy is a monster.
As always, send any complaints to Pojo, and any all
praise to
Summonerofillusions@yahoo.com. Thank you |
Chicago, IL |
Yanmega Lv. 47
I like this card better as a Non Holo
Rare than a Reverse or a regular Holo version. Solely
for the background since I believe looks great.
Ok, to it's stats. 90 Hp is ok for a
stage 1 that cannot evolve any further. It is weak to
lightning by +20 which is average for a stage 1 even
though it's basic form, Yanma, has the same weakness and
by the same amount so that's pretty good. It is
resistant to fighting, which is always good to have as a
bit of safety. It's retreat cost makes this card better
because how you use this card, the only energy card that
should ever be attached to it is a call energy but other
than that, you never have to attach an energy to this
It's first attack is really good. For
no energies, Sonic Wave does 10 damage to all pokemon
your opponent has in play and it forces your opponent to
switch after the attack. Spreading 10 for nothing is
great especially with this card being able to be KO'ed
in two shots mid game. The second effect is a bit
situational. You do not want your opponent to have the
ability to Lv. X a pokemon they had on the bench without
having to retreat for it but it is great when your
opponent has to push up a Claydol.
The second attack, Pursue and Turn,
is really bad and it should not be used at any point. It
takes too long to set up that attack and for the damage
it is dealing, it is not worth effort to set up for this
attack seeing as this card has the HP to support it.
Yanmega is a pretty good spreading
card and it could fit in any deck with a 1-1 line. In
the metagame, I doubt this card would see that much play
unless it is in a damage spread deck with spiritomb,
froslass, empoleon, laturn, tentacruel, etc.
Modified: 3/5. This card is good but
there are better options other than this card. (froslass).
This card is always fun to use and can find some great
use in the future.
Limited: 4/5. With this card, you can
focus on other cards to put in your deck energy wise.
Plus forcing your opponent to bring up their high
retreat cost pokemon with one to none energies (regigigas,
rayquaza, etc.) is always a plus.
Arbok14 |
Hey everyone, welcome to a new week
of COTD's. Most everybody will be in school now, so that
means less free time. I'll try to get these in every day
to save you guys time when looking at new cards. Today
we have Yanmega, the new evolution to Yanma.
Yanmega Lv. 47
Legends Awakened
Rare Holo
Type: (Grass) - Grass is probably the
most common type out there. I'm pretty sure that there
will be nothing resistant to grass with the new format.
Also, Yanmega's weakness makes it very intriguing.
HP: (90) - Certainly not the best HP
for a Stage 1. 90 is not horrible, though.
(Lightning+20/Fighting-20) - OK, Yanmega is a grass
type, which is weak to Lightning. I like that
combination, because if you play Sceptile, Yanmega is a
nice tech for weakness protection. I'm not saying that
weakness to lightning is necessarily good, but it is
much better than fire. Oh, and fighting resistance is
just about the best you can get!
Retreat Cost: (0) - Its bottom stats
just keep getting better! A+++
Attack #1: (0 - Sonic Wave) - This
move is great! It does 10 damage to all of your
opponent's Pokemon... for FREE! Then it has your
opponent switch its active. A lot of times this is a
good effect, sometimes not. I do like this attack
though. It makes Yanmega extremely techable.
Attack #2: (GGCC - Pursue and Turn) -
This move is expensive to say the least. BUT... Sceptile
helps Yanmega a lot. So, for 2 grass energy, this huge
bug can do a potential 80 damage. You also get to
retreat for free, so you essentially hit and run. I like
Final Analysis: OK, like I said, the
lightning weakness makes Yanmega very interesting. It
also has a great attack for free. Those combined make
Yanmega not only a great tech in grass decks, but in
many other decks of different types. I'm a big fan of
damage spread, too. Pursue and Turn will only really be
useful in Sceptile decks. Its retreat cost and
resistance to fighting only make it that much more
valuable. The 90 HP is really the only downside and is a
big obstacle to overcome. Yanmega can't take many, if
any, hits from the big guns out there today.
Modified: Extremely techable. I like
it especially in Sceptile/Leafeon decks. (3.5/5)
Limited: Free retreat cost, a good
resistance and a free attack that spreads damage. Just
about as good as it gets in limited. (4.5/5)