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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Kingdra Lv. 52
Legends Awakened
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 4.40
Limited: 3.25
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Arbok14 |
Hey, welcome to a new week! Sorry, but I'll be cutting
down my review today because of my busy schedule. Today
we have Feral... I mean, Kingdra:
Name: Kingdra Lv.
Set: Legends Awakened
Rarity: Rare Holo
Type: (Water) - Water is a common type, so it can be
paired with a lot.
HP: (130) - Great HP on a stage 2.
Weakness/Resistance: (Lightning+30/none) - Watch out for
Luxray, but that is really it.
Retreat Cost: (1) - Definitely easy to overcome. This is
a nice retreat cost on a stage 2, plus it can help get
energy in the discard pile.
Attack #1: (0 - Aqua Stream) - This will bring back
memories of Neo Genesis Feraligatr. Yes, way back
when... But this a attack is FOR FREE! Seriously, this
card is pretty much broken. Basically, swarm your
Kingdra and then discard all you energy and keep at it.
Attack #2: (W - Dragon Pump) - This attack is CHEAP. For
what is does, especially how is combos with Aqua Stream,
this attack is one of the best out there.
Final Analysis: Seriously, this is going to be one of
the decks to beat. Kingdra is fast, cheap, and hits
hard. I like its potential. This would seriously be a
fun deck to play with.
Modified: A great potential. It is already an archetype.
Limited: Seriously, one of the best stage 2's you can
get in limited. (4/5)
Jigglypuff13 |
9/22 Kingdra Lv.52 (LA)
Hello, and welcome to a new week of cards, and what a
card we start the week off with. Before the release of
LA, there were 2 massively hyped decks. One was AMU, the
other was Kingdra. And, to be honest, when looking at
the card, it should be fairly obvious why. Before that,
the basics. 130 HP is now a standard above average
amount of a Stage 2 now, so it’s a nice solid HP. +30
Lightning Weakness has to be predicted since it’s a
Water Stage 2, but it’s quite annoying is Luxray (LA) is
popular in your area. Thankfully, there are few other
Lightning types being played (Electivire (SW) maybe, or
the occasional Jolteon (MD), but that’s about it
really). No Resistance, well, I’ll gloss over that a
bit. 1 Retreat Cost on a Stage 2 is great, and easily
allows it to escape from the active position.
Now, abilities, and I’ll start with Dragon Pump. For W,
it does 40. 40 for 1 is great energy efficiency, but not
enough to even 2 or 3HKO most Pokémon. Thankfully, if
you discard 2 cards from your hand, it does 60 and a 20
snipe to one of your opponents bench. That is brilliant.
Because of the low energy cost, it’s an easy card to
swarm, even though it’s a Stage 2, and so long as you
can keep discarding cards, you can keep the general
2HKOs going. However, what do you discard? Well, Aqua
Stream takes out most of your options straight away.
Basically, what it says is, if you keep discarding more
Water Energies, Aqua Stream will become more powerful
(10 for each Water in the discard pile), and then
shuffle all of those Water energies into your deck.
Fairly obviously, discard Waters through Dragon Pump,
then use Aqua Stream for large damage.
That’s all fine in theory, but who do you pull that off?
By using Claydol (GE) obviously! Of course, it’s for
hand renewal to get more Waters for Dragon Pump. Late
game, when you have almost nothing but Waters in your
deck, you are going to be wanting to find a discarding
outlet so you can get powerful Aqua Streams up quicker
than every 4+ turns. The 2 best ones for this are
Felicity’s Drawing (though can only be used 4 times in
all) and Regice (LA) (probably the best one).
So now you have a general idea of the Kingdra deck, how
do you stop it? Well, Kingdra has 2 really big counters
that an unprepared player will have trouble getting
round, though an experienced player will play round them
easily. First counter is Armaldo, who prevents damage
from attacks that do 60 or less damage. That’s Dragon
Pump gone then. Aqua Stream with 7+ energies can get
round it, but it require a really discarding based set
up to do that every turn. However, with the help of Plus
Power/Buck’s Training, Dragon Pump will get round
Armaldo’s Poké-Body every time. The second big counter
is Mr. Mime (MT), who stop s damage from attacks from
Pokémon who have less than 3 energy attached to them.
That’s both attacks stopped until the Kingdra player
sticks 3 Waters on a single Kingdra, at which point Mr.
Mime will have done it’s job and stalled for a few
Now for survivability. First, Luxray (LA) will happily
use Shock Bolt, discarding all of it’s energies to get
the OHKO, or just use 2 Plasmas for 2HKOs instead. AMU
will happily use Supreme Blast from Mesprit Lv.X (LA) to
get the obvious OHKO. Azelf Lv.X (LA) could take
advantage of Mr. Mime stalling to increase the number of
energies in play before using Deep Balance. Uxie Lv.X
(LA) can only get a 3HKO, but the fact it can’t use Zen
Blade twice in a row means that one of those attacks
will have to be from the normal Uxie. Skittles will get
a OHKO with 7 different basic energies attached to Ho-Oh
(SW), though it will have to wary of weakness. Magnezone
Lv.X (LA) will get a 2HKO with Cyber Shock, but
Paralysis will make sure that original Kingdra (so long
as it isn’t Switched/Warp Pointed) will get KO’ed.
However, there is one threat that Kingdra really doesn’t
like, and that is Leafeon Lv.X (MD). With Espeon (MD),
it’s a 130 HP Pokémon with a -20 Water Resistance and
the possibility of a -20 damage Resistance from the
normal Holo Leafeon’s (MD) Leaf Guard attack. Basically,
it ends up being something Kingdra can only hope to 7HKO
with Dragon Pump whilst being 3HKOed in return. To even
think about a OHKO, the Kingdra deck would need 17
Waters in their deck (or use Plus Powers/Buck’s Training
to help). Other Eeveelutions don’t exactly help either,
with Glaceon Lv.X (MD) shutting off Claydol (GE), and
thus stopping Kingdra’s speed. Jolteon (MD) can get a
OHKO if it discards it energies and uses a Plus
Power/Buck’s Training.
Modified: It’s been hyped up so much, you think it might
end up being a bit of a disappointment, but it isn’t. In
fact, it’s brilliant. No or single energy attacks make
it massively energy efficient, and it’s damage output is
hardly small either. It needs the right support to work
though, and it has 3 big counters, of which 1 of them is
really hard to re-counter for Kingdra. Kingdra is just
brilliant really. 4.5/5
Limited: You will not be playing enough Water Energies
here to make Aqua Stream any good. The lack of a draw
engine (unless you get Uxie and Uxie Lv.X) means you
won’t be getting enough Waters every turn for fully
powered Dragon Pumps. However, if you can find other
stuff to discard with Dragon Pump, then it will be a
real power house. Really, it’s best point here is that
you can keep it after the tournament. 2.25/5 |
San Bernardino,
CA |
Hello to all and one on this glorious
Monday. I hope you had fun or are planning to have fun
this month at a Battle Roads, because they really are a
great experience. I should know, I've been to noneof
them several times Hahahaha!!! But seriously folks,
today's card is a staple of the DP format and something
you're probably going to see at a Battle Roads near you.
It is the King of all Dras, King Dra, or Kingdra for my
readers on speed. This pokemon has a History of being a
swarmer, and it's newest incarnation does not
disappoint. So, on to the King!!!
Stage Two: Kingdra starts out as a little
Hor of the Sea, or Horsea, or Horse......a. Horsea isn't
a bad start, as it's Smokescreen, an attack that's been
on it forever, forces your opponent to flip to attack.
If they get Tails and not Sonic, you can Candy into a
King, and KO they're starter with usually one or none
Pluspowers. Seadra, a basic Dra of the Sea, is also
strong, as it can deal 50 for one energy and two
discards. So no complaints here.
130 HP: From that little 50 HP HorSea, a
King with the hit points of a Blissey comes forth. This
is nice and high, and with Kingdra's swarming
capability, this is a pain in the neck to work through
for anything not named Gallade or Luxray. Kingdra will
usually be 2HKO'd.
Aqua Stream: Kindra's first attack is
free, and should remind some people of old Feraligatr.
It combos somewhat well with Kingdra's second attack,
and can do some good damage late game. You won't be
using this very often at all, though, as Kingdra's
second attack is where it's at
Dragon Pump: And what a pump of pain it
is. Dragon Pump naturally does 40 for one, which isn't
so bad, but upping the ante with the discards just makes
it ludicrous. One energy for 60 and twenty to a bench.
HUH? This is why the card is so good. Getting several of
these up with only one energy and a Claydol is a sure
fire way to win the game. Few things can be as quick as
Weakness: This is the reason guys like
Luxray and Jolteon are seeing play. The +30 to Electric
means those big 100 Thunders and Thunderbolts will knock
it out. Plus with the whole line being weak to it, means
Lake Bounds and Electric types will not do your Kingdra
Retreat Cost: Nice and small. It costs
the same amount it does to power it up, so you can get
this guy out of the way and put a fresh Kingdra in quite
easily. This is great to see on ANY stage two.
Combos: Kingdra's SUPER obvious combo is
Claydol. Claydol will refill the hand for Kingdra's
attack, so you don't have to worry. Kingdra decks can
also tech cards like Alakazam or Regice to take full
advantage of the Claydol's power. Also,being a water,
AND a spreader, Kingdra is compatible with many things,
from Mantine to Empoleon, to Bronzong and Froslass.
Kingdra can also be played by itself with a good amount
of Night Maintenances. The card is very dominating, and
you can never guess what it might be paired up with
Modified: 4.5/5 This card is fantastic
and is easily one of the top competitors in the format.
Limited: 3/5 You might run out of cards
using the second attack, but 60 plus 20 to the bench is
just OH SO GOOD.
Please Note: My email address has
changed. It is now
Summonerofillusions@yahoo.com. Please send all your
moneybacks there. Thank you |
Hey everyone Ghost pokemon master
here with the card of the day for Monday the 22nd its
kingra. Lets see his stats 130 HP, plus 30 weakness to
electric, 1 retreat cost, and two attacks. His first
attack is Aqua stream a free attack which lets you
search your discard pile for as many water energy cards
as you like and put them on the top of your deck and do
10 damage for each energy returned. Now on to his second
attack Dragon pump for one water it does 40 damage plus
20 damage to the active pokemon and 20 to one of your
opponents benched pokemon if you discard two cards from
your hand. This ties in to Kingdra's first attack Aqua
stream if you use cards that discard energy from your
hand you can do more damage with Aqua stream, or you can
just use Dragon pump discard some energy and do a TON of
damage to the active and a benched pokemon of your
choice. The downside here is the plus 30 weakness to
electric with so many people running cards like
electrivire which will probuly KO Kingdra in a turn or
two, and not to mention Leafeon Lv. X which has a
resistance to water pokemon.
Modified: 4 out of 5 - A balanced
card but its rare to see at the moment with all the
Electrivire, and Leafeon being played right now. You
might be able to use it with Omastar or Empoleon it
might work Who knows?
Limited: 4 out of 5
Art: 5
out of 5- Kingdra is my favorite dragon pokemon and the
artwork ROCKS! |