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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Mewtwo Lv. 42
Legends Awakened
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 1.75
Limited: 3.50
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Jigglypuff13 |
9/23 Mewtwo Lv.42 (LA)
Hello, and it's time for another short review today.
It's a shame really since I really wanted to lay into
todays card, Mewtwo, especially considering it has a
superior alternative from MD. Before talking about the
really awful parts if the card, the basics. First, HP,
and 80 on a non-evolving basics is alright really, but
with so many having 100HP these days, it doesn't cut it
really. Hey, even the other, better Mewtwo (MD) has 90
HP, so it's 1 point for the MD Mewtwo. Next, Weakness,
and the LA one wins out here with a +20 Psychic
Weakness, which is brilliant for a Legendary, since they
generally have a x2 Weakness, like what happened with
the MD Mewtwo. No Resistance on Mewtwo (LA) is, well, no
Resistance, it's to be expected. 2 Retreat Cost is
rather high for a Basic, so I'm not a big fan of that on
both Mewtwo's really. In Resistance and Retreat Cost,
because it's the same for both cards, neither has any
advantage there.
So, after the basics of the card, the LA Mewtwo has a
worse HP, but is made up for with a better Weakness.
Just a shame that the attacks let it down now then.
Hypnoblast can be a nice stalling attack, especially
needing on C for the attack. However, with 10 damage and
auto-Sleep, it will only ever be a stalling attack, and
unless your opponent gets 78 billion tails in a row
(slight exaggeration there maybe), it's eventually going
to be attacked. Obviously, Hypnoblast will always be a
secondary attack one Mewtwo. Not as though it's main
attack is anything to shout about. For PCC, Psychic will
do 40, which isn't a good start really. However, it does
10 extra damage for each energy on the Defending
Pokémon. Because of that, it could turn into quite a
powerful attack, but only if the Defending Pokémon uses
a lot of energies to attack. Because of that, Psychic is
too situational.
So how does that stack up to the MD Mewtwo then? Well,
not well to be honest. MD Mewtwo has a larger variety of
attacks, giving more flexibility to what you can do,
from energy acceleration to healing to solid damage.
Seriously, the only reason you'd prefer Psychic instead
of Psyburn is if your up against Torterra (MD or DP)
with 4 energies attached since otherwise, it's the same
amount of attacks needed for a KO either way.
Combos for Mewtwo LA, and really, with the binder is the
best way, ready to be traded away. If you actually
wanted to use it, then obviously, Mewtwo Lv.X (LA) is
needed to make it useful against other basics and to
actually have a high damaging, consistent attack. If you
wanted to do at least 70 damage with every Psychic
attack (could be useful, I suppose), try Mr. Mime (MT),
who will basically force any Pokémon who wants to attack
it to have 3 energies attached to it. Could be useful,
but would probably take a bit too long really.
Survivability, and really, it isn't good. Kingdra (LA)
will 2HKO it with Dragon Pump, or use an 8 energy
powered Aqua Stream for a OHKO instead. Luxray (LA) will
just get a OHKO from Shock Bolt, or toy with Mewtwo and
go with a 2HKO from Plasma. AMU could go completely over
board and use Supreme Blast from Mesprit Lv.X (LA), but
220 damage to get rid of it is just too funny not to do.
However, for a slightly more sane approach, Uxie Lv.X
(LA) can just use Zen Blade for 80, and thus a OHKO.
Skittles will just get 4 different Basic Energies onto
Ho-Oh (SW) for a OHKO. Eeveelutions can have 5 energies
in play for Leafeon Lv.X (MD) to get a OHKO, or use
Glaceon Lv.X (MD) and a Plus Power/Buck's Training for a
OHKO instead. In fact, apart from Umbreon (MD) all of
the Eeveelutions will get a OHKO with the aid of a
couple of Plus Powers/Buck's Training. Magnezone Lv.X
(LA) gets a OHKO from Cyber Shock, or use the normal
Magnezone's (DP) attack with 3 Metal Energies attached.
However, due to Mewtwo being a basic, these figures
could be increase bu the use of Snowpoint Temple.
Modified: Compared to the MD Mewtwo, this has one really
redeeming feature, and that would be that Hypnoblast can
act as a bit of a stalling attack. Other than that, what
point is there to using it? Psychic will need the same
amount of attacks as Psyburn to KO most Pokémon, and the
MD one has Energy Absorption, making more useful as a
base for Mewtwo Lv.X. Unless you have no other choice,
do not use this Mewtwo. 1.75/5
Limited: Still not really powerful here, but being a
basic, it is incredibly useful. Hypnoblast is a great
stalling attack here, and Psychic can get many 2HKOs and
even, against really low HP Pokémon, a nice OHKO. I
still wish it has more HP though, so it wouldn't be so
susceptible to being 1 or 2HKOed itself, and it's still
a little slow. 3.5/5 |
Arbok14 |
Hello, today we have the new Legends Awakened version of
Name: Mewtwo Lv. 42
Set: Legends Awakened
Rarity: Rare Holo
Type: (Psychic) - A pretty common type, fits well in
some decks.
HP: (80) - Not bad, but not as good as the other Mewtwo.
Obviously, the Lv. X can help this out.
Weakness/Resistance: (Psychic+20/none) - This weakness
is better than the other Mewtwo's, but it can still be
OHKOed by a lot of psychics.
Retreat Cost: (2) - Not a good retreat cost for a basic.
You really would not want to spend this to retreat.
Attack #1: (C - Hypnoblast) - This attack is cheap, but
not very good. The other version of Mewtwo helps to set
itself up with its first attack.
Attack #2: (PCC - Psychic) - This attack could be good
against stuff like Leafeon, Magmortar, etc, but it will
do horribly against Kingdra.
Final Analysis: This Mewtwo, in most aspects, is not
nearly as good as the other option from Majestic Dawn.
Psychic would be the only reason it could be better, but
really, the Lv. X would really just be used for the
attack of 120. I like the other Mewtwo's ability to get
energy back from the discard for free.
Modified: This Mewtwo it OK, but not the one I would use
if I were to use the Lv. X. (1.5/5)
Limited: This could be pretty good in limited because of
the cheap first attack and the second one only needing 1
specific energy. (3.5/5) |
San Bernardino,
CA |
Well, HELLO there little fella! Don't be shy. Did you
come all the way here for a review? Well, then it's
you're lucky day, because I have just one more in my big
bag of reviews (don't worry i'll get it filled back up
by tomorrow)! Unfortunately, though, my last one is
gonna have to be wasted on a terrible card like this.
Sad it is sad it is, me and this card...but at least
this will be a quicker one. So hopefully painless. Well,
onta it.
Basic: Mewtwo is a basic yada yada yada searched out
with Roseanne's or Pachi yada yada yada not really worth
it though yada.
80 HP: This is low for a legendary, but as it's not a
bigger legendary (it has roughly the same dimensions as
a football player, NOT a soccer player, they're more
like Mew), it makes sense. It has less than the
legendary birds, though, so I guess the big bad movie
villian can't take more hits than Big Bird.......s.
Regardless, the HP is lower than it's counterpart, and
even without the x2 Weakness it will still crumple up to
a Psy Lock.
Hypnoblast: I didn't think I'd ever see an attack that
was on a JIGGLYPUFF on a MEWTWO (CG Jigglypuff, go ahead
GOOGLE it). I guess they shared alot during their time
on SSB Melee. Still, though, it's not a very good
starting attack, and it really has no place on a Mewtwo.
It fails considerably.
Psychic: It's a weakened version of the Mismagius
attack. I guess if your opponent has the usual three
energy on their active, it will do 10 more than the
other Mewtwo's Psyburn, but that really is the ONLY
reason you'd ever want this more than the other Mewtwo.
And if you're up against Kindra or something with less
than three energy, that teeny adavantage is gone. Even
against a Blissey, it won't KO and will just do good
damage for three energy.
Weakness: It has +20 instead of the other's x2. Still
not enough to warrant any play.
Retreat Cost: All Mewtwos now have 2 retreat. Nothin'
special about this one.....
Combos: IT doesn't!!! It doesn't combo with it's LV. X
(trust me, Hypnoblasting your way back to three energy
is not gonna work), and it's attacks won't lend anything
to any strategy. This card is far and beyond worser
(didn't know that was how you say it I looked it upo for
this article I always thought you just put more worse)
than the other Mewtwo, and I can see NO redeeming
qualities in it. I'm sorry if you pulled one maybe you
can "tech" one in, if you don't have the other
Modified: 2/5 I hate handing out below average scores
but this thing deserves one it's terrible sorry
Limited: 3/5 Not so bad here, as it is a Big Basic
Pokemon, but it still won't really devastate anybody
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