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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Armaldo Lv. 52
Legends Awakened
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 3.00
Limited: 3.50
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Jigglypuff13 |
9/25 Armaldo Lv.52 (LA)
Hello, and today we have a card that was hyped a fair
bit, but not actually found much play, Armaldo! Before
going on about why it was hyped, the basics, and first,
140 HP is very good on a Stage 2, so Armaldo should
survive all bar the most powerful of attacks at least
once. The Weakness is a bit annoying since there are a
lot of very playable Grass types at the moment, mainly
in the form of Torterra (DP and MD), Beedrill (GE) and
the Bellossom/Vileplume combo (LA). Apart from for
Torterra, which would need a Plus Power/Buck's Training
for the MD version, all of the biggest Grass Types can
get a OHKO thanks to the +30 Grass Weakness on Armaldo.
No Resistance is, well, I'll gloss over that. 2 Retreat
Cost on a Stage 2 is about Average really.
Now for it's abilities, and Fossil Armor is the reason
for it being hyped. Essentially, it means in order to do
any damage to it, you have to do at least 70 damage in
the first place. Of course, it doesn't prevent effects
of attacks, so Damage Counters can still be placed and
special conditions can be used against it, but it's
still a great Pokémon. Why? Since it stops a lot of
Pokémon dead really, such as Kingdra (LA), Gardevoir
(SW), a late game Gallade (SW) and other such slightly
weak main attackers. However, they all have access to
Plus Power/Buck's Training to increase their damage to
70 to get round Fossil Armor, but oh well. Next, Crush
Claw, which makes for only really a mediocre attack. FFC
for 60 isn't great, but if your opponent keeps the same
active Pokémon active, then all attacks will do an extra
40 to the Defending Pokémon. Timed right or with the
right Pokémon on the bench to take advantage of the
effect, it can become quite deadly really, and should
get a 2HKO on all bar a Wailord (GE), or anything else
with over 160 HP.
Combos, and first, to stop effects of attacks, you may
want to try Unown G (GE), which should increase
Armaldo's survivability even more. If you want something
to take advantage of Crush Claws effect, you may want to
try Cresselia Lv.X (GE), and take advantage of the
effect of it's attack, allowing you to take an extra
prize if Moon Skip KOs the Defending Pokémon.
Survivability and combos now, and the main counter (and
this may sound a little strange) is Shuckle (SW), which
everyone seems to have forgotten about. It's attack
Poisons the Defending Pokémon, and so long as they
remained Poisoned, that Pokémon's Poké-Body is turned
off, which is nice really. Survivability, and any deck
that can do 70 damage will get a 2HKO since it gets
round Fossil Armor, and almost every deck can do that.
The only main competitive deck that doesn't seem as
though it can is Kingdra (LA), but as I said earlier, it
will use a Plus Power/Buck's Training with a fully
powered Dragon Pump to get to the magical 70 damage. AMU
may have a bit of trouble with Uxie Lv.X (LA) only doing
60 from Zen Blade, but Azelf Lv.X's (LA) Deep Balance
places damage counters, getting round fossil Armor, and
Mesprit Lv.X (LA) of course does 200 damage. Esentially,
ever deck has to be able to do 70 damage, or they won't
be able to do anything to Armaldo, unless it's a Special
Condition or Damage Counters, or use Shuckle (SW).
Modified: It looks like it should be a good card, but
esentially, it won't be. Fossil Armor, it's greatest
asset, is too easy to play around, meaning it will only
really be effective against badly built Kingdra (LA) and
other low damage out-put decks. Crush Claw isn't really
a good enough attack to make it worth playing. Still, if
this card is used at any point in the year, I really
hope to see it win a tournament at some point. Probably
won't happen though. 1.75/5
Limited: Maybe this card was only made for Limited?
Fossil Armor will stop many of your opponents attacks
here, and when you get 3 energies onto Armaldo, you will
be 1 or 2HKOing a lot here, though Retreating is still
likely. Still, it's a Stage 2, so it will require a fair
bit of set up, but get it out and it will be
devastating. |
San Bernardino,
CA |
Welcome back,
I hoped you've enjoyed our time apart (I MISSED
Well, now that I got that out of my system (it's
FUN to share), let's move on to today's card
which is a kind of controversial one. For one
thing, Armaldo looks.......overpowering.
Seriously. Block all 60 or lower damage? 100
damage for three energy? All with 140 HP? And a
Stage 1 with decent 1-2 energy attacks? WOW. So
let's jump right into this one, shall we?
Stage 2:
Armaldo is going to take sometime to see play,
but he does have an interesting advantage over
other Stage 2s. That advantage is named Fossil
Excavator. With this supporter, you can grab any
of the Armaldo line. So with Bebe's Search, this
guy is remarkably easy to build into. Judging by
it's talents, it deserves to be Stage 2.
140 HP: Thas
some huge life. Bigger than legendaries and
Blissey, Armaldo is tough to take down. It can't
swarm (it can keep up a constant 100 if you
replace the KO'd one though), but nonetheless
this guy can be a beast to small damage decks
combined with it's poke-body.
Fossil Armor:
AH, the hype line of the card. Think about how
many attacks out there do 60 or less: Psychic
Lock, Dragon Pump, Fireball Bazooka....they all
bounce of off this card. I don't know what else
to say but, WOW, this is a great ability.
Crush Claw:
Just like Metagross' attack, the Claw starts out
average and then begins to hand out 100s, no
strings attached. This is a powerful attack,
just ten damage from sacking a Templed pixie.
plus, 100 for three is just good math.
This is steep, but I doubt it will be much of a
problem in the long run. I think that this
should be something easily side-stepped.
Retreat Cost:
When you're covered in plates, I guess you can't
waddle out of the way very fast, now can you?
Payable, and not higher than the basic
requirement level, so
it's ok.
Combos: There
are many good pairing for Armaldo, from
Metagross to Garchomp. I think Armaldo is just
one of those types that will mix in with
everybody. Seriously, try your Armaldo with,
like Lucario, and you'll see how dominating it
can be. Or combine it with another fossil so the
Supporter has two targets. This card can control
the flow of the game.
Modified: 4/5
This card is powerful and underplayed. Pick some
up now while you can.'
Limited: 4/5
If you can get the line going, that's
practically GAME.
I'm just
going to ask you nicely. Wanna talk bout the
game? Well, I'm at
Summonerofillusions@yahoo.com, so feel free
to stop on by and send me some statements. |
Ghost pokemon master here with another card of the day
todays card is Armoldo. Lets start the review with his
poke-power fossil armor which is awesome it makes
Armoldo immune to any damage that is 60 or less WOW! Now
onto his attackcrush claw for two fighting and another
energy it does 60 damage and it adds 40 damage to your
opponent's next attack. This ties into Armoldos's fossil
armor poke-power which at first glance is great but if
you attack with crush claw beware of attacks doing moren
than 20 damage to Armaldo or it will get damaged. Lets
see his stats now he has 140 HP, a plus 30 weakness to
grass, two retreast cost, and no resistance. The
weakness to grass could be a problem with so many people
running leafeon or other grass pokemon they would
probulym KO Armoldo i a turn or two. But overall this
card is ok it might see some play if the use of grass
pokemon starts to decline.
Modified: 3 out of 5- its still a good card
Limited: 3 out of 5- its good here to but not the best
Art: 2 out of 5
until next time
Ghost pokemon master |
Arbok14 |
Hey all, thankfully most of my work is done for the
week, so I am pretty relieved. Today we will be
reviewing Armaldo.
Name: Armaldo Lv.
Set: Legends Awakened
Rarity: Rare
Type: (Fighting) - You might be able to find something
decent to go with this.
HP: (140) - Great HP for a stage 2!
Weakness/Resistance: (Grass+30/none) - Not terrible, but
seriously watch out for Leafeon.
Retreat Cost: (2) - Not bad, especially considering its
massive HP.
Poke-BODY: (Fossil Armor) - This is a pretty good Body.
If you can get Armaldo out early, you could be protected
for a while. This also can guard against stuff like
Probopass, Froslass and other damage spread. Remember,
this will work even if Armaldo is on your bench!
Attack #1: (FFC - Crush Claw) - Not a terrible attack,
if will 2HKO pretty much everything, and since not a lot
can OHKO this guy, you can definitely get off at least
on 100 damage attack and leave another +40 for the next
Final Analysis: Armaldo is pretty good. If damage spread
remains popular, this is not a bad idea to build a deck
around. This is something that could even stand its own
with the right partner.
Modified: Makes a case to have a deck built around it.
Limited: Almost indestructible here, but the trick is
getting it out. (3.5/5) |