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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Lv. 44
Legends Awakened
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 3.25
Limited: 2.75
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Chicago, IL |
Spiritomb Lv.44
I haven't seen any of the new pokemon
so when I saw this card for the first time, I went WTH
is this & did someone draw on this card?!
Let's check the stats. 70 HP is okay
for a basic that does not evolve any further. Having no
weakness is great because if I am correct, this is the
only legal card in modified without a weakness. Even in
unlimited, there's not that many that have no weakness.
Resistance to colorless is not that effective but is
always nice to have in certain cases. The retreat cost
for 2 is pretty bad but of course there are ways to get
around this.
This card is mainly used for its
Poke-Power, Curse Breath. It puts 1 damage counter on
every pokemon with at least one 1 damage counter.
This power shines when it is teched
in a damage spread deck such as Froslass, Bronzong,
Empoleon, etc.
Remember "Full Moon Dance" on
Cresselia Lv. X? Spiritomb has that power in attack form
but limited in usability. Pain Transfer is an ok attack
but moving a damage counter from one of your own pokemon
to one of your opponent's pokemon is not going to change
much to the game.
This is one of the better tech cards
seen in DP-On so far. In the metagame, this card will be
difficult to handle as it will stand on the bench doing
nothing but wasting space.
Modified: 3/5. This card is best used
with any type of damage spread decks but more
importantly ran with super scoop up to get your space
back and to use the effect again.
Limited: 3/5. It's pretty good here
since there
are chances where Spiritomb can actually attack and make
a big impact.
Jigglypuff13 |
9/3 Spiritomb Lv.44 (LA)
Hello, and it's back to normal service today, with
Spiritomb, a new aid to spreading decks, as if they
really needed it, with a bit of a twist. First though,
the basics of the card, and 70 HP on a non-evolving
Basic isn't too bad really. Should survive a hit early
on, but don't count on it mid to late game. The Retreat
cost is kind of large for a Basic, with 2 being a lot
for what essentially looks like a ball of gas, but it
really should never be put active (so long as you get to
choose, anyway). However, if it does get stuck in the
active position, then the rest of it's bottom stats make
up for it, thanks to no Weakness (!) and a Resistance.
No Weakness is perfect, obviously. There really isn't
much to say about it really. The Resistance may only be
a -20 to Colorless, and there may not be many Colorless
Pokémon being played during the format (Togekiss (GE),
Garchomp (MT) and maybe the odd Dragonite (LA)), it may
not be a big help, but you'll be thankful it has it when
it is attacked by a Colorless Pokémon.
Now for what it does best, spread damage. Curse Breath
is it's main ability, putting an extra damage counter on
every Pokémon in play that already has any damage
counters on them. That is great, allowing for mega
amounts of spread, but it does come with a draw back,
making it a double edged sword, and the key of this come
from the putting the damage counter on every Pokémon in
play, which means it will damage your own damaged
Pokémon. If you time it right, this shouldn't be much of
a problem, but the risk of that happening could put some
people off. Also, you can't use more than 1 per turn,
which if you've got opponent's Pokémon who are 30 HP
away from being KOed, Spiritomb will only help the KO
come 1 turn earlier, which may or may not be any good.
The attack isn't so great, but is a bit more safe. For
P, you move a damage counter from one of your Pokémon to
one of your opponents, which is nice, but a bit too slow
to really do anything, apart from place damage counters
for another Curse Breath later on in the game.
Combos, and spread decks are the obvious choice.
Anything that does a complete spread, like Yanmega (LA),
Froslass (LA) or Prinplup (DP) will aid Spiritomb no
end, allowing all of your opponents Pokémon to be
damaged more and, so long as you aren't facing a spread
deck and get all of yours damaged, only increase the
damage on maybe 1 or 2 of your Pokémon. However, what if
you don't want to spread first, and don't want have the
risk of hurting your own Pokémon some more, then there
is an alternative. Zapdos (MD) can spread 10 on each of
your opponent's Pokémon, so will never damage your own
Pokémon, but it is a flip, whereas Spiritomb doesn't.
Also, you can use as many Zapdos's Poké-Powers as you
want, but only 1 Curse Breath, which could swing your
decision in Zapdos's favour. All the other drawbacks and
advantages of the cards are the same (they are rubbish
starters, rubbish attackers, but have nice HP for Basics
(though Zapdos is slightly better in that situation) and
everything else that's good and bad about them), so it's
all down to personal preference, would you prefer to
have the certainty of damaging all of your opponent's
damaged Pokémon, but the risk of doing the same to
yours, or to not damage your own Pokémon, but maybe not
damage your opponents either. Personally, I'd go with
Zapdos, but everyone will have their own choice and
their own reasons.
Survivability, and there really isn't much to talk
about. Kingdra (LA) needs only a Plus Power/Buck's
Training for a OHKO from a fully powered Dragon Pump, or
just 7 energies in the discard pile for Aqua Stream to
get a OHKO. Luxray (LA) will just use a single Shock
Bolt for a OHKO, or use Plasma if the Spiritomb player
has a Lv.X in play. AMU can get Uxie Lv.X (LA) to use
Zen Blade and a Plus Power/Buck's Training for a OHKO,
or Mesprit Lv.X (LA) for a Supreme Blast OHKO, or
depending on the amount of energies your opponent has in
play, a Deep Balance OHKO from Azelf Lv.X (LA). Even
worse, Spiritomb may end up being a waste of space if
Mesprit (LA) is used to stop Poké-Powers for a turn.
Froslass (LA), which ironically could be helped by
Spiritomb, will 2HKO it with Icy Breath, though Destiny
Bond is useless against Spiritombs attack. Eeveelutions
can use just about any attack for a OHKO, though some of
them will need a Plus Power/Buck's Training to get to
the 70 damage marker. Skittles only needs 4 different
basic energies attached to Ho-Oh (SW) for a OHKO, or 3
and use a Plus Power/Buck's Training for a OHKO, though
will need another energy of any type attached for the
attack to actually be used. Magnezone Lv.X (LA) will
just get a OHKO using it's attack, or just have 2 Metals
attached to Magenzone (DP) for a OHKO. Seriously, it
won't take a hit without having to be on the bench.
Modified: It's great in spread decks, but will work as a
double edged sword if any of yours are damaged. It is
great, but you need to have done at least a single
spread before hand. There is a single alternative to
Spiritomb in the form of Zapdos, and personal preference
will give you your decision. 2/5
Limited: There are a couple of spreading cards here that
can be used (Yanmega, Froslass, while also spreading,
can't be used due to lack of pre-evolution), so if you
get Yanmega, Spiritomb could be quite useful. However,
you may not want to use it for the risk of hurting your
own Pokémon, which could be very dangerous to your
chance of your success. 2.25/5 |
Scizor |
eerie Scooby-Doo villian music here) Mwahaha!!.......But
seriously! Welcome, today's card is Spiritomb, the first
ever, after Sableye, Ghost/Dark pokemon. It's our very
own Jasper the Unfriendly Ghost. As such, it deserves a
card that can show up out of nowhere, and truly punish
the opponent. And boy, does it get what it deserves..On
to the card!
70 HP: Good for a nonevolving basic.
It's not hugely powerful and legendary like Regigigas or
anything, so you really can't complain.
Curse Breath: I curse breath when I'm
mad too hehe. This quite simply is the only reason you
would play Spiritomb, buuuuut.. its a PRETTY BIG REASON!
This power allows you to double your damage spreading
efforts by simply placing this card on the bench. If we
still had scoop up, and not the flip-a-scoop in mod,
this card would be ridiculous. It still is very good,
and combos with every single damage spreader, even
Empoleon if you haven't gotten a tails on Surf Together
(even then, possibly worth it). It gives a big boost to
the new Yanmega with only one Sonic Wave and Spiritomb
turning on P and T shenanigans, with Dodrio's Triple
Pick can combine to put 7-8 damage counter on up to
three of your opponent's evolved pokes in just two
turns, works with Froslass, hell even Dragonite likes
this Poke-Power. And with the ability to be called up
with Bebe's Search AND Roseanne's Research, you WILL be
seeing this card soon.
Transfer Pain:....interesting. You're
most likely not going to ever use this unless you get
the dreaded opening with this card and you're building
to two energy to retreat....even then probably not
Weakness: One of the only times i'll
get to say this: pokemon has no weakness. Love it,
cherish it, ultimately realize it's just a small but
significant bonus.
Resistance: Another uncommon trait,
resistance to Colorless. Not crazy, although strangely
enough it's almost like this card was designed to not
get OHKO'd by Garchomp...OH there's another guy you can
use Spiritomb with.
Retreat Cost: The very WORST part
about this card. Starting with a Spiritomb is very bad
if you can't find a Warp Point soon. It takes two turns
to drop him back, which really sucks one retreat would
have made him significantly better.
Combos: There are a ton of these,
like I said before: Garchomp, Empoleon, Dragonite,
Yanmega, Dodrio, Froslass, Magmortar etc etc...heck this
thing can even be a type of Pluspower if need be. The
middle of this card is strong, the bottom right hand
corner is not.
Modified: 4/5 You WILL see this guy,
he is good, make sure you don't leave yourself open to
him too much. Remember, your opponent can only play one
of these guys a turn.
Limited: 3/5 If you have a damage
spreader, this card is golden. If not, it's still a
pseudo-pluspower that you'll probably take ten
from.....like a Digger that goes both ways, and that's
alot less stupid
I appreciate any and all feedback, as
long as it's good so send all that to
master |
Hello i am Ghostpokemonmaster i am a new to pojo's card
of the day staff
enough of the introduction lets get to the card of the
day. Let's look at spiritomb this card reminds me of
banette ex both it's power, and it's attack but it's a
I love this card a stable 70hp basic, and a power that
is so annoying and an attack for one psychic energy it
can transfer one damage counter from one of your pokemon
to your opponent's what a great card. The downside her
is that it has a two energy retreat cost, and it's power
can only work when it's placed
from your hand to the bench. Aside from that spiritomb
is a card you probably will see more and more people
playing as tech against decks suck as garchomp/togekiss.
We have reviewed the card now time to rate it
Modified: 3.5/5
Limited: 3/5
until next time
master |