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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Cradily Lv. 49
Legends Awakened
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 1.75
Limited: 2.25
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Jigglypuff13 |
9/30 Cradily Lv.49 (LA)
Ah, Cradily, the old standard of a card, in just about
every form I think, that looks as though it should be a
good card in theory, but it practice, it just doesn't
work. Unfortunately, I think this latest version for LA
is cut from the same cloth. First, the basics, and 120
HP on a Stage 2 is about average for a Stage 2 really.
+30 Fire Weakness is quite good really since there are
few really playable Fire Pokémon at the moment (Ho-Oh
(SW) is the main one, along with the odd Magmortar (SW)
deck). No resistance, well, I'll gloss over that really.
However, the big downfall of the basics of the card is
the massive 3 Retreat Cost. If you ever actually think
about paying this cost, you really need to get your
hands on some Switches and/or Warp Points.
Now, the attacks of the card, and the first of them is
definitely the most interesting of the two. Drain Down
starts of as a solid yet uninspiring G for 30. However,
it gains a little disruption in it's Gust of Wind type
of effect. However, the second part of the effect is the
most interesting part of the effect is the final part,
where if it KO's the Defending Pokémon, then you
completely restore Cradily to full health. If it had a
little more HP to make it a little more survivable, then
it would be brilliant as a way to get rid of your
opponent's Claydols (GE) with the aid of Lake Boundary
and a Plus Power/Buck's Training, then restoring Cradily
back to full health, ready to do the same again in a few
turns time. Still, it's a little situational, and unless
you have a good a sniper to reduce something to 30 just
to get the complete heal to Cradily, it's not going to
be worth it, and why not just finish it off with a snipe
instead? Acid is very good either. GCC for 50 is rather
average, and the non-Retreating effect is hardly
something for your opponent to worry about unless you
trapped something into the active with it and Metagross
(LA), but even then, a simple Switch or Warp Point gets
out of the trap.
Combos, and that Lake Boundary with Plus Power/Buck's
Training is the best one really, just to get the maximum
out of Drain Down and KOing Claydol (GE) at the same
time. Of course, this is easily counter-acted by not
using/putting Claydol (GE) onto the field. Acid with
Metagross (LA) can be midly annoying to some bench
sitter your opponent has, like Dusknoir (DP) or
something, but still isn't worth it.
Survivability next, and it isn't looking good. Kingdra
(LA) gets a 2HKO using 2 fully powered Dragon Pumps
unless Cradily can get itself completely healed using
Drain Down, which is likely and will be very annoying to
the Kingdra player, or the use of a 12 energy powered
Aqua Stream will get a OHKO. Luxray (LA) can't get a
OHKO, but a Shock Bolt followed by a Plasma will be a
2HKO, though again, a fully healing Cradily from Drain
Down will cause that number to increase. AMU can
obviously use Supreme Blast from Mesprit Lv.X (LA) to
get a OHKO, but Uxie Lv.X (LA) can use Zen Blade for a
2HKO so long as you have 2 Uxie Lv.X's in play, and
Azelf Lv.X (LA) can, if your opponent has enough energy
in play, be lucky enough to get a 2HKO, though a 3HKO is
probably more likely. Since there is a lack of Claydol
in this deck, Cradily won't be able to play it's normal
Drain Down trick. Eeveelutions will happily try to get 9
Energies into play for Leafeon Lv.X (MD) to get a OHKO,
and Flareon (MD) wouldn't mind using Kindle with Lake
Boundary in play for the same effect. All of the other
Eeveelutions will get 2HKOs unless it pulls it Drain
Down trick on any unsuspecting Claydol. Skittles will
just need 5 different Basic Energies on Ho-Oh (SW) to
get the OHKO every turn (or 3 and have Lake Boundary in
play), though Cradily will probably still use it's Drain
Down trick on Claydol anyway. Magnezone Lv.X (LA) will
get a 2HKO with Cyber Shock, and the auto Paralyses will
stop the Drain Down trick unless Dawn Stadium is used.
Of course, to top this off, Cradily won't be KOing
anything that isn't a Claydol in any game, but
obviously, it's meant to be more of a trapper or
trickster of a card, but it doesn't do that very well
either to be honest. The switching effect of Drain Down
can be quite nice, but it should be used to get KOs off
your opponents Bench, and thus to heal Cradily. Acid
seems nice in combination with Metagross (LA) to trap
bench sitters like mentioned earlier, but it's flippy,
and the only bench sitter some decks use is Claydol,
which is probably better to go with the Drain Down
against that. Other bench sitters that some decks may
use include Dusknoir (DP) and Metagross (LA), but if any
deck is using them, they will probably be playing Warp
Points or Switches to get them away from the active
position. Of course, do it enough times, then all of the
Warp Points/Switches will be used up, and thus you will
have trapped the bench sitter, but you've probably had
to sacrifice a Cradily or two in order to do so.
Also, one final problem with Cradily is that it evolves
from a Fossil, meaning you get all of the side effects
of this, such as not being able to search out Root
Fossil without the help of a specialized cards such as
Fossil Excavator or Relicanth (GE) and needing at least
1 proper basic and all of the other side effects that
there are.
Modified: It's one of those cards that look really
useful, and could become a great deck, but it just
won't. It's great at killing Claydols, but you need a
lot of cards specific cards in your deck in order to do
so, and thus will need to be tailor made just for
Cradily, at which point you won't really be able to do
much damage other than killing Cradilys. That isn't
good. If Acid did a bit more damage, or was just a
different attack altogether then it might be quiet good.
Cradily with a sniper to abuse Drain Down could work I
suppose, though it probably end up a bit too slow since,
why not just finish the Pokémon off with a snipe? 1.5/5
Limited: Could be quite nice here. Drain Down should be
able to 3HKO most of your opponents Pokémon (unless they
use a Stage 2 of some sort), and will survive most hits
as well since it will be facing against basics or the
occasional Stage 1 most of the time. It will be a bit of
tank here with the aid of Drain Down. Acid is only
useful for setting up a Drain Down here. Of course,
Cradily is a Stage 2, so will be hard to set up. 2.75/5 |
Todays card of the day is Cradily from Legends Awaikned
lets start the review with stats. Cradily has 120HP, a
plus 30 weakness to fire, no resistance, three retreat
cost, and two attacks. His first attack is drain down
for one grass it does 30 damage and you can switch your
oponents pokemon with one of their benced pokemon andif
the defending pokemon is knocked out by this attack
remove all damage counters from Cradily. Cradily's
second attack is acid for one grass and two of any other
kind it does 50 damage and the defending pokemon cant
retreat during the next turn. This card is ok but its
three retreat cost is a big problem and for a stage two
it has only 120HP i dont think you will see this card
much or at all.
Modified: 2 out of 5
Limited: 1.5 out of 5 |
Arbok14 |
Hello, today we are reviewing the new Cradily from
Legends Awakened.
Name: Cradily Lv. 49
Set: Legends Awakened
Rarity: Rare
Type: (Grass) - Could combo with the many other grass
Pokemon in the format.
HP: (120) - Pretty standard for a stage 2.
Weakness/Resistance: (Fire+30/none) - Not overly
terrible, but stay wary of Magmortar.
Retreat Cost: (3) - Yikes. Pack some Switch?
Attack #1: (G - Drain Down) - This is essentially a Gust
of Wind for an attack. If you can grab a benched and
knock it out, this attack is great. Unfortunately, it
only does 30 damage.
Attack #2: (GCC - Acid) - This attack is terrible. 50
will knock out nothing, and switch and warp point get
around the effect.
Final Analysis: This Pokemon is OK, but I think
Metagross is much better for the Gust of Wind effect.
Plus, it won't use up your attack.
Modified: I don't see it ever being used. Good idea for
a first attack, but it is too weak. (1.5/5)
Limited: Drain Down can destroy in this format. Use it
if you get the line! (3.5/5) |