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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Lv. X
Legends Awakened
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.75
Limited: 1.10
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Chicago, IL |
Mesprit Lv. X
I'll hit Mewtwo Lv.X for 400 damage?
Happy Friday all. Just started school
this week so it will be a bit more difficult to focus on
reviews until I adjust to the school. So without further
adieu, lets do work.
be mostly reviewing this card based on its own than
based how it is in a AMU deck (Azelf, Mesprit, Uxie) so
this review is going to be shorter than the other cards
i have reviewed I'll explain my reasoning later on.
Let's check this card's stats. 90 HP is terrible for any
Lv. X. It's Weakness makes it even worse so
Mesprit will barely be able to withstand a hit or two.
The retreat cost of 1 is decent and is expected on most
It's first attack, Healing Lock,
heals your whole bench of 3 damage counters for no
energies. I would rather have this attack do damage than
It's second attack is obviously good
in AMU since Mesprit OHKO everything in this format like
nothing and it does absolutely nothing on its own. So
there's nothing to talk about on this one.
Modified: 1/5 (by itself) 5/5 (with
Azlef and Uxie). This card should only be played with
AMU and nothing else.
Limited: 1/5. Jesus would not be able
to attempt this in this format.
Jigglypuff13 |
9/5 Mesprit Lv.X (LA)
Have you all had a look at the card? If you haven't,
make sure you read the big number on the right hand side
of the card. That's right, the equal largest certain
amount of damage in the game, ever, is done by this
fragile pixie. Supreme is such an awesome attack that we
have basically had an archetype built round it to
mitigate the side effects of the attack (AMU, though
there is a bit of debate as to what the deck should be
about). Obviously, the down sides of Supreme Blast are
quite steep. Having to have 2 other Lv.X's in play is
quite annoying, though a combination of Mesprit
(MT)/Moonlight Stadium and Warp Point/Switch can
actually allow you to have them all out by turn 2 if you
get really lucky. Then, you have to discard all energies
attached to Mesprit Lv.X. Considering the attack only
costs 2 energies, it isn't too bad, but will stop you
using the attack twice in a row without help from Energy
Pick Up or Energy Switch. The attack is impressive, and
you may want to use the attack 6 times in one match to
win the game, but is there always a reason for this? If
you do somehow get a turn 2 Supreme Blast, is there
really any point to it? Chances are, you will only KO
your opponents Starter, which isn't really that useful
unless you rush their set up, but even then, most decks
will handle that. Oh, just realised, Mesprit Lv.X has
another attack. Bet most people just skipped past it
when reading the card for the first time. Healing Look
is is actually quite a nice attack to combat the sheer
number of spread deck that will be seen this format,
getting rid of 3 damage counters from each of your bench
Pokémon for nothing is awesome. However, it doesn't heal
Mesprit Lv.X, leaving it in quite an awkward position.
Now, the basics of the card, and being able to 200
damage and not heal itself, you might hope for slightly
more HP than 90. No. This leaves it with the lowest
amount given to any basic, along with each of the other
pixie Lv.X's. Basically, it won't be surviving too many
hits, even with help from Snow Point Temple, a must for
any AMU deck. Also, it has a x2 Psychic Weakness. This
isn't so bad since Azelf Lv.X (LA) gets rid of all
Psychic Pokémons weakness, but if you can't get it out,
then the only thing you have to worry about really is
other AMU decks and maybe the occasional Gardevoir (SW),
so it isn't really a big problem. Also allows for the
possibility of, if you face an opposing AMU deck, to do
400 damage. Has to be done at least once, just to say
that phrase, which has got to be cooler than just about
any other phrase you can say in Pokémon (unless you can
get some way of doing more than 400 damage). No
Resistance is annoyingly standard, and so is 1 Retreat
Cost, but that is easily by passed.
Combos, and I've been mentioning the only one throughout
the whole of this review, AMU. Basically, use Azelf Lv.X
(LA) and Uxie Lv.X (LA) as support to Mesprit Lv.X to
allow for Supreme Blasts. They also have other uses,
such as being the drawing engine, getting rid of
weakness, and being able to be a good attacker. There
are no other combos for Mesprit Lv.X, which restricts a
Survivability, and it isn't good I'm afraid. Kingdra
(LA) will get a 2HKO with at least 1 fully powered
Dragon Pump, and the snipes could also weakens Mesprit
Lv.X as well, meaning less Dragon Pumps maybe needed to
get the KO. A 9 Water powered Aqua Stream gets a OHKO,
or 11 powered one if Snow Point Temple is in play.
Luxray (LA) just eats it up, with Plasma getting a OHKO
against Mesprit Lv.X thanks to Rivalry, and so long as
Snow Point Temple isn't in play. If it is, Shock Bolt
does the same. Eeveelutions will get a OHKO with a 6
energy powered Verdant Dance from Leafeon Lv.X (MD), or
8 energies one if Snow Point Temple is in play. Either
way, Espeon (MD) can also get a OHKO on Mesprit Lv.X,
but only if Azelf Lv.X is in play. Without Snow Point
Temple, Jolteon (MD) can discard all of it's Lightning
energies to get a OHKO. Skittles can use 5 or 6
different Basic Energies attached to Ho-Oh (SW) for a
OHKO, depending on if Snow Point Temple is in play or
not. Magnezone Lv.X (LA), with the help of a Plus Power
or Buck's Training to add to Cyber Shock, can OHKO a
Mesprit Lv.X so long as Snow Point Temple isn't in play,
otherwise it's a 2HKO. Another counter to Mesprit Lv.X
is Mewtwo Lv.x (LA) (reviewed yesterday), with it's Poké-Body
stopping all basics from effecting it, making Mesprit
Lv.X useless against it, plus gets a OHKO using it's
Modified: Mesprit Lv.X is like a Glass Cannon. It's
massively powerful (though does require a bit of set
up), but immensely fragile as well, with 90 or 110 HP
(with or without Snow Point Temple) not really helping
it survive too many hits. It has a nice looking first
attack, but in practice, it won't be that helpful. Get
it set up, and it will OHKO almost everything in the
format (there are only about 3 exceptions, and 2 of them
are unlikely). 2.75/5
Limited: If you get all 3 Lv.Xs and all of the normal
pixies, you are incredibly lucky. Use them, and you may
struggle to get them all out. If you get them all out,
then you are incredibly jammy. Normally, it won't
happen, so you will never be able to use this card here.
Still, nice after the tournament, as either trade bait
or for AMU. 1.25/5 |
San Bernardino,
CA |
THE LAKE TRIOOOOOO!!! Well, just Mesprit
LV. X (X, for those who don't know, is
OVER 9000!!!!!) to be more exact. This
basic pokemon can do more damage than
any other basic ever, even a Neo Genesis
Sneasel with a full bench, all heads,
four special darks attached, and three
Pluspowers. It can do double the damage
that Base Zard does for half the energy.
It smacks a Wailord in the face for a
KO. Basically, this thing HURTS. But
there's more card where that damage came
LV. X: It's a basic
LV. X, so Mewtwo LV. X hurts it,it's
pretty quick otherwise. You'll be
playing Mesprit just for this guy,
I'll start with the
Mysterious Treasures Mesprit's attacks
first, since most AMU decks play both
types of Mesprits.
Upper Material: A
very good Poke-Body. Ensures free
retreat if you have Uxie and Azelf out
also. This helps the deck by giving the
Lake Trio a revolving door type of
Teleportation Blast:
A......meh attack, You might use it to
get him out of there without losing the
magic two energy he needs, but probably
not cuz of Upper Material. \
Legends Awakened
Psychic Bind: A
strong Poke-power, you'll most likely be
playing two copies of this instead of
the other one. Its one of those
placed-on-the-bench powers, which tend
to be good. This can shut down a Claydol
on an early turn, something which
commonly leads to game ( a late Claydol).
This also hurts Gardevoir, and can deny
a Ho-oh it's Phoenix ability. Many
different decks don't like seeing this
Extrasensory: I
haven't really seen this attack used
much. I guess if you can match them it's
a great attack. Might save a Supreme
Blast, but probably not. Now on to the
actual card.
Healing Look: This
attack can be good. It hurts spreaders
significantly, and is a good attack when
waiting to Supreme Blast.
I had to capitalize this attack just
because of how cool it is. With a strict
but easily met condition, this attack
takes out just about any threat. While
Uxie might be the main LV. X for the
deck, this guy is definitely the
backbone of AMU. Watch out, KO as
quickly as possible.
Weakness: Doesn't
really matter because of Uxie LV. X
Resistance: Like most
psychics, there is nothing it can resist
(every type is just too tempting for
Retreat Cost: All
Mesprit's come with one retreat cost,
standard issue. With Upper Material or
Moonlight Stadium, this also becomes
Combos: Ummm........Uxie
and Azelf? Hahaha this card really can't
be placed anywhere else BUT that deck.
But I guess some tech would be any Dark
Stage 1 Pokemon to hurt Mewtwo like
Mightyena. If you're playing AMU, you
should know to play a Stage 1.
But, maybe darks aren't the best
anymore, because alot of Mewtwo decks I
see nowadays play Hitmonchan,
which knocks the hell out of Mightyena.
GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!......well it's actualy
called Gut Strike but if you say falcon
pawnch I bet you're opponent will know
what attack.
Modified: 4.5/5 in
Limited: TAKE IT
5/5 for value, 1/5 for your actual
limited deck
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