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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Team Galactic's Invention
G-105 Poké Turn
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 4.10
Limited: 4.20
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Jigglypuff13 |
4/10 Team Galactic's Invention G-105 Poké Turn (PL)
And that's the last time I'm writing that all out again.
Yes, to finish off our trainer week, we have one of the
new Galactic Inventions, Poké Turn! It's a simple little
card really, since it's essentially a Super Scoop Up you
don't have to flip for SP's only. Sounds as though it
has a small number of a Pokémon to effect, and it does,
actually. Out of all of the SP's available at the
moment, there are only maybe 2 I'd consider using this
card specifically for. They are Crobat G (SP), simply
for the re-use of Flash Bite, and Bronzong G (PL), to
get rid of the damage accumulated via it's Poké-Power.
Other SP Pokémon can use the card as well, with the next
effective ones being those that, after Energy Gain is
factored in, use 1 energy or less for their attacks,
since if they are damaged, you can get it back and ready
to be an attacker at full health again. This can be nice
for frustrating your opponent, and could also free bench
space for something else entirely, so is actually quite
a flexible little effect. Actually, the prize denial
this card could do is quite something, especially if you
manage to re-use that same Dialga G Lv.X (PL) 4 times or
whatever. The other main plus point is the fact that
it's easily searchable thanks to Cyrus's Conspiracy and
Honchkrow G (PL), which is all nice, really. There is a
lot else to be said about this card.
Modified: There may only be one SP Pokémon with a
coming-into-play Poké-Power at the moment, but many
decks might Crobat G, making Poké Turn a good option for
those decks. Of course, it's at it's best in SP decks,
being used for prize denial or the re-use of Crobat G's,
it's not a bad little card. While the prize denial is
nice, it would be better if we had some SP that could do
a lot of tanking, to really make it useful (like SSU
kind of is for 200 HP Torterra Lv.X's (DP), forcing your
opponent to start all over again in trying to KO it),
but it still can be fun. 4/5
Limited: You will get a lot of SP's here, and thus Poké
Turn can save the most precious ones from being KOed.
Again, we have no real SP tank here, so it's still less
useful than it could be, but that is still a little too
harsh on this great little card. 4/5 |

Meganium45 |
OK, you talk about a MUST play for G decks! This is IT!
Take the SP card and all cards attached to it back into
your hand!
Not many of us left remember Scoop up. No flip, get the
Pokemon back into your hand.
A lot of us remember Super Scoop Up…much different card,
in that it was a flip.
Now, the SP cards, especially those with coming into
play powers have become much more powerful (Crobat G),
and if you can’t knock out the big Dialga or Palkia in a
hit, then they will keep coming, and coming, and
You also get to save the tools on the cards as well…you
don’t lose those valuable energy gains.
Limited 5/5
Vince |

PSC Online
TCG League |
Hey guys! Wow! I actually made it two entire weeks
without missing a COTD! ^^ It must mean the end of the
world is coming. XD Anyway, today we'll be wrapping up
trainer week here at COTD with Team Galactic's Invention
G-105 Poké Turn. (Yikes... what a mouth full!) Let's see
how this TGI stacks up.
Effect: Return 1 of your Pokémon SP and all cards
attached to it to your hand.
Type: Trainer
Rarity: Uncommon
Best deck played in: Galactic / upcoming SP's
OK, in my opinion this is a great TGI that will drive
your opponent crazy! Just when they think they've beaten
that pesky SP Pokemon, BOOM! It's back in your hand and
out of harms way! Best part, no flips. ^^ This card is
going to be in a lot of decks over the upcoming months
with the release of the new trainer Pokemon like Gallade
Lv.X from Rising Rivals. This is also one TGI that can
be used in a deck other then Galactic.
In all, I'd say a perfect Pokemon for keeping your lines
safe. But it won't come into much use until more of the
SP Pokemon are released in the USA. You'll still see a
few tho. It's a lot like Super Scoop UP but without the
Modified: 3.5/5
Limited: 2.5/5 (Can only be used with SP Pokemon.) |
Pokmeman |
Team Galactic's Invention G- 105 Poke Turn
This is Crobat G's best friend, used to allow for more
damage to be placed, and heal off possible spread damage
that was accumulated.
When Briney's Compassion was rotated from modified, all
we had left to rely on was Super Scoop Up, and as good
as that card is, it is unreliable.
Enter Poke Turn. For G pokemon, this is a great weapon
to have in their arsenal along with Power Spray and
Energy Gain.
It heals and allows for unheard of control in terms of
removal of active pokemon. It can also save an energy
gain from going to the discard.
Of course, because it only works with G pokemon, it
should rarely be used outside of G decks.
4.5/5 Modified
Limited in this set is made up primarily of G basics, so
I'd advise the use of this card, it helps with the same
things in Limited as in Modified, only here with 4
prizes, preventing one may win you more games.
4.5/5 Limited. |

Vini |
Hello boys and girls! Vini here once again. Closing this
Trainer week, we have Team Galactic's Invention Poké-Turn.
"Return 1 of your Pokémon SP and all cards
attached to it to your hand." is what the card says. Can
you see why this is so powerful?
Any ideas?
Yes, because it states Pokémon SP, and not Team
Galactic's Pokémon. This isn't a huge difference now,
but when Rising Rivals comes out, this will be
everywhere. It's an improved Super Scoop Up, allowing
you to re-use powers like Crobat G's or fully recover
one of your Pokémon, be it a Lv X or not.
There isn't much more I can say, other than get 4 of
these ASAP.
4/5 until Platinum
5/5 when Rising Rivals comes out
Limited: Limited: 5/5 Simply put: if you pull this,
you'll use this. There is quite a number of SP Pokémon
that are usable on Draft, and this only makes them
See you guys next week, and remember, keep your english
Poké-Turns. :P
~Vini |