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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Empoleon Lv. 47
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.50
Limited: 2.25
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Jigglypuff13 |
Empoleon Lv.47 (PL)
Hello, and welcome to Wednesday, also known as Empoleon
day today due to the card we are reviewing which is, er,
Empoleon. You should've guessed that anyway, but that
isn't the point, the point is, we are reviewing the new
Empoleon. Anyway, I'll move swiftly onto the basics of
the card and start off with the HP, of which 130 of them
is about average for a Stage 2 at the moment, so should
survive a hit or two. +30 Lightning Weakness is expected
for a Water Pokémon, and also not that bad, since apart
from AmphyTric and, er, AmphyTric, since there actually
aren't that many Lightning Pokémon in the metagame at
the moment, shouldn't bother you too much. The lack of
Resistance is again, expected, but not troublesome at
all since few cards have Resistance. 2 Retreat Cost is
again, average, so not bad, but not great either.
So far, and average card then, and the attacks don't get
much better than average either really. Knock Off is
like every other Knock Off attack, WC for 40 is average
damage, and you randomly discard one card from your
opponents hand. Might be useful, I suppose, but more
often than not, will be slightly pointless since you
might not get that important card your opponent is
Jet Smash is alright as well, doing 70 to any of your
opponent Pokémon for WCC, but then you can't use it
again next turn. Again, it sounds kind of nice, but you
won't get many important OHKOs using this, with Uxie
(LA) and the other LA Pixies being the main ones. I
suppose un-evolved Basics and Stage 1's might also be
OHKO-able by Jet Smash as well, but you'd need to get
Empoleon (with 3 energies attached) set up quickly
enough to make the nice idea a reality, so it will
probably remain a nice idea really.
Combos are actually fairly plentiful for this otherwise
average card. If you want to concentrate of the
otherwise average and random Knock Off, you could use
other hand disruptors. Of these, Empoleon Lv.X (DP) is
probably the easiest to use due to being in the same
line. The reason is for Supreme Command, which takes 2
cards (randomly) from your opponents hand and stops your
opponent for using them for one turn. This resource
removal can be quite devastating, especially if you have
2 Empoleon Lv.X's out. Knock Off can then be used to
take out whatever may remain of your opponents hand.
Other possible cards you could use here include Absol
(SW), whose disruption was used from when it was
released until GE was released, and quite successfully
as well, Team Galactic's Mars and Wager, both of which
may reduce your opponents hand, and Looker's
Investigation, which with Knock Off and 2 Supreme
Commands, will reduce your opponents hand to zero.
Unfortunately for this idea, Uxie (LA) and Claydol (GE)
exist, so your opponent can easily increase their hand
size again. You can use Mesprit (LA) to hopefully lock
your opponents powers, but you will need to time it
perfectly to get it right.
If you want to snipe with Jet Smash, then I would
recommend using the MD Empoleon instead of this one. If
you insist on using this one, then Crobat G (PL) would
be nice, since it will then be able to take out Claydol
(GE) in one turn. Other snipers and spreaders can be
used as well, but I won't go into detail saying what all
of the possible spreaders/snipers there are, since there
are too many to list.
Counters are many and varied. First of all, we have ways
of mitigating the effect of Knock Off, which is to use a
hand refresher of some point, which is basically every
card that draws other cards ever created. Again, too
many to list, so I won't waste your time with listing
them all. To combat Jet Smash, first of all, try not to
make your main bench sitters ones with only 70 HP, or
maybe use Manectric (PL) if your really scared of Jet
Smash (for some strange reason), which stops all bench
damage not done to Manectric. Best of all, it will take
2 Jet Smashes to KO Manectric, so unless they run Crobat
G, it will be 5 turns before they start Jet Smashing
your other benched Pokémon, which is just too long to be
of any use really.
Modified: In case you've missed it, this isn't a good
card. It's got average attack and stats, which lead to
nice sounding combos that are easily countered. I don't
consider this card a threat to the metagame as we know
it, and neither should you. 1/5
Limited: A little better here I suppose, but it's a
Stage 2, which is hard to get out. Knock Off might be
useful a lot more often than normal here, due to all
energy being vital, so getting rid of an will be nice,
and Jet Smash will KO most of what you find powering up
on your opponents bench. Still, being a Stage 2 goes
against here, like I already said. 2.5/5

Meganium45 |
Hello readers of Pojo.com! Forgive my lack of reviews
for yesterday - I had to study for this week's tests. I
might not be able to review every card this week due to
said tests, so bare with me. :P
However, today's card is one I couldn't miss. It's deck
is my favorite DP-on archetype; an uncommon one, sadly,
but powerful, and fun to use. Without further ado,
here's today card - Empoleon from Platinum!!
Like all other Empoleons, this one has 130 HP, +30
Electric Weakness and a 2 Retreat Cost. No news here;
its pretty average and there's not much to say. If the
Retreat REALLY bugs you, use MT Mantine's Poke-Body.
Its attacks, however, are different from its other
forms, and they complement Empoleon MD - by far the best
Empoleon - perfectly.
Knock Off does 40 damage for 2 energies, and discards a
card from your opponent's hand. This has some nice
combos, like using Looker's Investigation to see if
there's anything worth discarding (in case you want to
shuffle your own hand) or Empoleon Lv X's Supreme
Command Poké-Power, effectively removing 3 cards from
their hand. Yes, they can just Cosmic Power their hand
back to 6, but (a) you Discarded a card (which IS
different from shuffling back into their deck)...
...and (b) if Claydol has at least 1 damage counter on
it, you can Jet Smash it do death, preventing your
opponent from recovering. Yes, Empoleon Lv X has Hydro
Impact, which OHKO's Claydol regardless of any damage it
has taken, but unlike Hydro Impact, Jet Smash doesn't
stop you from attacking next turn - you just can't use
Jet Smash again. Getting that 10 damage on Claydol is no
hard task - Platinum Piplup can do that for a single
Water Energy on turn 1 (and if you use DP Prinplup's
Brine, you can potentially KO a Baltoy on turn 2. How
cool is that?).
This Empoleon sports some high Sniping Power, which
combo'es nicely with the spread done by MD Empoleon.
Much better than the SF and DP versions, and adds some
versality and some much needed sniping the deck needed.
Modified: 4/5 Knock Off might help, but Jet Smash is the
reason to use this guy. 70 damage on any Pokémon is no
joke, and being unable to use it again next turn can be
easily ignored by using Warp Points.
In an Empoleon deck, easy 5/5.
Limited: 2/5 You probably wont be able to pull it out
here, but if you do, its gonna do some severe damage.
Both of its attacks require only one colored energy, and
both are useful on Limited, where Discarding is powerful
and Sniping (for 70) is broken.
See ya, and remember, Empoleon FTW!
~Vini |
Pokememan |
Empoleon Lv 47
This is one of four currently available Empoleon cards,
and the third that is water.
It is a much more complimentary card than a card one
would build a deck around, as it can support the good
Empoleon (Dual Splash) but will never take the place of
This card, while being good, falls short of usable as
Empoleon LvX does nearly the same thing, but it has more
HP and a great power to boot.
2.5 Modified
This is a stage two in Limited, and nothing special,
good luck obtaining a full line.
1.5/5 |