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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Giratina Lv. 59
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.15
Limited: 3.25
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Jigglypuff13 |
Giratina Lv.59 (PL)
Good day everyone who is reading this, and welcome to
Thursday's COTD, which features one of the new
Giratina's from PL today, and introduces a new mechanic
to the game. Before I get to that, you all know what's
coming next, yep, it's the basics of the card, and I'll
start off, obviously, with the HP. 100 on a non-evolving
basic, even a legendary, is quite nice, so should be
able to survive a hit or two. x2 Dark Weakness isn't bad
I suppose, but not great either since there are a few
Dark G Pokémon, Tyranitar (SF) (if anyone is still
playing it) and, also, Weavile (SW), who will happily
create any Pokémon a Dark Type, meaning potentially any
Pokémon could hit this Pokémons x2 Weakness. Unlikely,
but you never know. -20 Colourless Resistance isn't
helpful either, since very few main attackers are
Colourless at the moment. 3 Retreat Cost is a bit on the
high side (well, when I say a bit...), but Switch, Warp
Point and Moonlight Stadium can all get round this, so
it shouldn't be too much of a problem.
Abilities now, and this is obviously where the new
mechanic comes in, but I'm still not going to talk about
it just yet. Instead, I'm going to talk about it's first
attack, Strafe. PC for 20 isn't a great start, but I
suppose the switching effect it does might help, putting
something more useful active in place of Giratina. Might
be useful, but I wouldn't exactly call it good.
Broken-space Blow is where the new mechanic is,
obviously, PCC for 50 is an alright start I suppose, but
not that great. However, it's the effect that makes the
attack either slightly useful. When (or maybe if) this
attack KOs one of your opponents Pokémon, you put that
card into the Lost Zone instead. Yep, that's the new
mechanic I'm on about. The Lost Zone, where you can't
get anything back from (yet). OK, you've heard about it
all before probably, so I won't bore you with the
details any more. Broken-space Blow is alright, but
other attacks make better use of the Lost Zone, and have
better attacks/Poké-Powers to put cards in there, which
makes Broken-space Blow virtually useless.
Combos, and maybe should only be used the folder.
Failing that, with Giratina Lv.X (PL) is acceptable,
though other Giratinas, mainly the Let Loose one, does
this job better. Many Pokémon have a better form of
Strafe, and Broken-space Blow is generally going to only
get 3HKO's, making it useless in today's format.
Counters, and obviously, it's anyone who pays attention
to the card and realises how useless it is.
Modified: Strafe is out-classed by other Pokémon,
Broken-space Blow isn't powerful enough to really take
advantage of the Lost Zone effect, and other Giratina's
do this one's job (to be levelled up) better. Mind you,
this is better than the Dragonbreath one, by mainly by
default since this one doesn't have Dragonbreath.
Seriously, avoid this card in favour of the holographic
Giratina's. 1/5
Limited: It's a bit better here I suppose. Strafe still
isn't useful, since there aren't a lot of tanks you
could put active with the effect, and 20 damage still
isn't a lot. Broken-space Blow is useful, however, since
it's more likely to be a 2HKO, meaning you will be able
to put more Pokémon into the Lost Zone, with no hope of
revival (and with Pokémon Rescue, there are ways of
getting them back from the Discard Pile). 100 HP is
quite nice as well, since he should be able to survive
quite a few hits. Just a shame it takes 3 energies
really, but at least you only need one Psychic energy
for the attack. 3.25/5 |
Winner of a
Stormfront Prerelease |
Today's Card of the Day is one of the four Giratina from
Platinum, the unHolo Another Forme to be exact.
For the basics, Giratina has 100 HP meaning it can last
a bit, the x2 weakness to Dark hurts since Weavile G and
Tyranitar will probabaly take him out in one hit.
Personally though, it's refreshing to see a Psychic
Pokemon who isn't killed by its own type. The -20
resistance to normal is pretty meh, and the three
retreat cost is just apalling. Can't this thing fly?
Luckily, it's first attack makes up for that.
Speaking of which, Giratina's first attack is Strafe,
which lets you do 20 damage and switch out Giratina, all
for one Psychic and one Colorless energy. This
definately beats the retreat cost, but I personally
would just use Moonlight Stadium, so you can still
Giratina's second attack is Broken-space Blow, which
does 50 damage for a whopping Psychic and two Colorless
energies, but it also lets you send any Pokemon KOed to
the Lost Zone. The cost is high, and the damage is low,
but you can solve both by usinhg SW Weavile to speed up
the attack and add two special Dark energies to Giratina
for an extra 20 damage. Throw in some pluspowers, and
Buck's Training, and you can easily do 80 damage a turn.
Modifed 2.5/5
A fun card, but too slow to stand up to the Galactic
Limited 4/5
With the limited recovery cards, losing something to the
lost zone can be crippling in limited. If the attacker
had a large amount of energies on it, chances are you
may have one the game.
~KFT |
Pokmeman |
Giratina Lv 59
This is one of four Giratina found in Platinum, and it
is not a very good one. It has poor attacks, though the
additional effect on the second attack is interesting,
it is highly unlikely that it will actually come up
during a game due to the fact that it requires 3 energy
for 50 damage in a format ruled by single energy attacks
(Machamp, Gengar, Dialga G with Energy gain). It isn't
good enough. The other Giratina's overshadow it as well,
because of either lower costing attacks or a sick
2/5 Modified
Though interesting, it's attacks are still costly. It
could disrupt with it's first attack though.
3/5 Limited |

Mew2 Master
Wisconsin |
Hey there I am Mew2 master today is Giratina lv59.
First of all the cards attacks are not very good. You
got strafe that only dose 20 damage. However this may
come in handy because you can remove switch it out with
one of your Pokemon on your bench. Especially when the
retreat cost is three. His other attack is broken space
bond. Once again the damage is not the greatest, however
if it is knocked out you can send your opponents pokemon
to the amazing (but terrifying) Lost zone. It hp base
seems to be nice. 100 hp is really good. In other words
this card is not completely useless. Unless your
opponent has a dark specialty deck this card should be
okay. It resentence is normal witch is a plus like the
hp. So I won’t put this card in my deck but I won’t stop
you if you want to put this card in your deck.
Modified- 2
Limited – 2.5 |