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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Seviper Lv. 30
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 1.25
Limited: 3.33
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Jigglypuff13 |
4/22 Seviper Lv.30 (PL)
Hello, and our Uncommon week s continued with today's
card (obviously), the new Seviper, from Platinum! And no
one could care less because I think I'm right in saying
there has never been a really playable Seviper. Does
this new one change all this? Well, read on, I suppose,
if you'd like to know. First off, this Pokémons' basic
stats, and it's quite impressive 80 HP, which for a
non-evolving, non-legendary basic, is very good, like it
was for Zangoose yesterday. How nice it is for the 2
rivals to be so similar in the HP department. The bottom
stats are similar as well, though it's not as though it
matters at all. +20 Psychic Weakness is very annoying,
with a lot of popular decks revolving around Psychic
Pokémon, with Toxicroak G (PL), AMU, Gengar (SF),
Dusknoir (any), Gardevoir (either), and probably a few
on top of them all being quite popular Psychic types,
who will find this card, even with it's nice 80 HP, an
easy prize card. No Resistance can be glossed over since
it doesn't have one, like most cards made. 1 Retreat
Cost is about average, but if you really don't want to
pay any Retreat Cost, Moonlight Stadium can reduce it to
zero. Quite why you'd need this most of the time is
beyond me.
So the basics are average, and the abilities aren't much
better. For no energies, Shed Skin is alright, removing
4 damage counters from Seviper. However, Seviper isn't
really a a stalling Pokémon, and 4 damage counters isn't
enough to help against any major threats, so is
generally quite useless (unless they can only do a
maximum of 40 damage per turn, at which point, it's
Bite and Escape is an alright attack I suppose. P for 20
isn't bad, and the choice of switching Seviper with one
of your bench Pokémon can be nice and helpful, but
really, it isn't a great attack since other Pokémon do
this job better.
Paralyze Poison isn't bad either. PCC for 40 and
automatic Poison is nice, and there is also a 50% chance
of Paralysis as well, which you may have guessed from
the name of the attack. However, what strikes this
attack down is the fact that it's way too expensive.
Many Pokémon can already do this for less and be more
powerful. OK, many don't have the Paralysis part, but
that isn't a major thing really. If you want automatic
Poison, use Skuntank G (PL) or Crobat (MT) instead since
at least they don't have to attack to inflict it. If,
for some strange reason you want to inflict Poison using
an attack only, try Crobat G (PL) or anything that can
Poison your opponents active at all, just not this since
everything else that can Poison is a lot better and
generally quicker as well.
Combos, and it works well in a Poison deck, I suppose.
Very little use anywhere else, though.
Counters, and, well, just about anything really. Machamp
(SF) works well because of Take Out, Toxicroak G (PL)
and other Psychic types won't like taking too many
Paralyze Poisons, but will be likely to OHKO Seviper
back, Unown G (GE) is nice for preventing the Special
Conditions that Parayze Poison can inflict and when it's
attached to any Pokémon that can deal the required 80
damage to Seviper, becomes dangerous for it, especially
if it can snipe like Blaziken (GE), thus KO Seviper on
the bench after it's used it's Bite and Escape attack.
So really, what I'm trying to say is that every main
attacker is a counter to Seviper, really.
Modified: This is a horrid card. Paralyze Poison looks
alright at first, but you realise we've seen it too many
times before and done 1000 times better at that. Bite
and Escape is over shadowed by other such attacks from
other, better Pokémon, of which I can't be bothered to
name them all, and Shed Skin is just useless. Really,
don't play this card. 1/5
Limited: Better here, Shed Skin can stall a lot since
people will only play a few heavy hitters, thus few
Pokémon will do over 40 damage, meaning you can probably
stall using Shed Skin until someone gets their heavy
hitter set up. Paralyze Poison can be nice here, since
Special Conditions are nice here in general. However,
even with it's nice 80 HP, getting 3 energies onto him
might be slightly tough. Bite and Escape is still
useless, since there is generally no good Pokémon for
you to switch Seviper for. 3.5/5 |
Hey! Its littleduckdrew.
Todays card is Seviper from platinum.
Attacks: first for 0 energy is a black and white attack
removing 4 damage, its great if you plan to use this
card as a tank card but if you do I will kindly show you
to the HP of this Pokemon…a whopping 80...maybe as a
Wailord but this snake is waaaaaaaaaaaaay to vulnerable
to Toxicoak G and Machamp. The second attack is a pretty
ok attack for 1 psychic 20 damage and switch choice
brings me back to the days of delta Deoxys with pretty
much the same attack but for more energy…but for this
format…it’s a no no. Its third attack isn’t great, with
special conditions on the decline with Unown G’s
popularity staying steady, maybe even on a decline, but
the point is it just Isn’t there for this card.
Weakness: +20 psychic, getting 1 shotted by Toxicroak G
is a terrible thing.
Retreat cost: A solid 1 colorless, no further comment.
Modified: 1/5 As I said earlier, With all the Unown G in
competitive decks, this card doesn’t make the cut, not
to mention the pixie’s downer material causing all basic
Pokemon’s attacks cost 1 more to use…its just not meant
to be.
Limited: 4/5 As an uncommon this card (unlike in
modified) is incredible, a 1 for 20 and the ability t o
heal yourself is simply broken, and with nothing to stop
special conditions make this Pokemon’s third attack
very, very good.
Nats…new set….the next weeks are great! |

PSC Online
TCG League |
Hey everyone! Welcome to the last COTD for thsi week.
Yeah, we're taking a break for the rest of the week but
we'll be back next week with more awesome reviews!
Anyway, to wrap up the week we're reviewing Seviper!
(PL-61/127) Let's look at it's stats!
(X) Shed Skin - Remove 4 damage counters from Seviper.
(P) Bite and Escape - 20 damage - You may switch Seviper
with 1 of your Benched Pokémon.
(P)(C)(C) Paralyze Poison - 40 damage - The Defending
Pokemon is now Poisoned. Flip a coin. If heads, the
Defending Pokémon is now Paralyzed and Poisoned.
Type: Psychic
Stage: Basic
HP: 80HP
Weakness: +20 to psychic
Resistance: None
Retreat: (C)
Ok! Unlike it's counter part, Zangoose, this Pokemon
doesn't have any powers or bodies. Not always good but
not always bad either. That just means no Power Sprays
to worry about. So, with not Bodies/powers we'll just
move right along. Let's look a it's attacks. First up is
Shed Skin. Probably one of the best free attacks out
there. Does the job of two potion cards for no energy.
Altho it is a great free attack it is still an attack
there for taking up your turn. You'd probably wan tot
keep this for any tight pinches you find yourself in.
Next is Bite and Escape. Basically Seviper's version of
Zangoose. So I'll review this attack the same way. Last
but not least is Paralyze Poison. Base of 40 with a flip
for Paralyzing and poisoning. Not bad but still way too
Same HP as Zangoose, 80. Not bad for a basic but don't
expect it to last more then 2 turns if you're lucky. Yet
again no resistance is never good.
In all I'd say this card matches up to Zanggose. On the
face it looks good but in the current format it takes
way to long to charge up for an attack.
Modified: 1.5/5
Limited: 1.7/5