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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Infernape Lv. 44
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 3.70
Limited: 3.70
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
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Hey! Welcome back to COTD! Today we'll be reviewing
Sinnoh's fire starter! It's Infernape! (PL-31/127) Let's
look at the stats!
(Fr) Rushing Flames - 80x damage - Discard as many
Energy as you like attached to your Pokémon in play.
Flip a coin for each Energy card you discarded. This
attack does 80 damage times the number of heads.
(C)(C) Rage - 30+ damage - Does 30 damage plus 10 more
damage for each damage counter on Infernape.
Stage: 2
Type: Fire
HP: 110HP
Weakness: Water
Resistance: None
Retreat: None
Ok! Time for the review! First up is no Poke'Bodies or
powers. Not necessarily bad, but not good either. After
that let's look at it's Stats. 110HP for a stage 2 is
pretty low. With that said a weakness to water defiantly
makes you cringe at the thought of Kingdra. You'll need
some Bubble Coat and Potion (Or Poke Healer +) to help
Infernape last a couple of rounds. No resistance
either.. Never good. It's free retreat however is top
notch! Being a stage two you'll defiantly want to use
Broken Rime Space and Rare Candy here.
Next it's attacks. First we have Rushing Flames. A great
attack to use if you're combining Inferape with Heatran
LvX. It's still a flip tho so you may end up discarding
more then you need to. It's one of those attacks that
some people will love while others will despise. It's
all in your play style.
Second we have Rage. Not bad; you could get up to 130HP
damage. Which could OHKO most pokemon in the game. But
you need to be careful here. Trying to get Rage up too
high could cost you the game.
In all I'd say this card is worth looking over. Mind you
you'll have to play something to keep it up long enough
to do some damage, but still a great card. Watch for
Kingdra tho!
Modified: 3.7/5
Limited: 3.7/5