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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Blissey Lv. 40
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 3.20
Limited: 3.50
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD

Meganium45 |
OK, not as big and not as cute as the Mysterious
Treasurs one, right?? Not so sure.
This 120 HP big egg can cause real trouble to any deck
that does not “one shot” a pokemon, in that it gets to
heal itself and others by discarding cards.
Combine it with any pokemon that abuses the discard pile
(such as the MT Blissey) and you may have a lot of fun!
The nicest part of the power is that it does not have to
be used on Blissey. It can be used on any Pokemon on
your field! Really effective to stop the “Platinum
Ampharos” lock that was worried about.
The attacks are, well, better than average for a Blissey.
1 for 20 and draw until you have 6 in your hand! Wow
except against a pokemon that abuses your hand like
4 for 100 doing 60 to Blissey. A good “final strike”
attack, but without doubling energy, it falls way short.
Weakness to fighting is, well, painful at times.
2 retreat cost is one too much.
Overall, a solid card, that at least should be
considered before tossed in the binder.
Modified 3.5/5
Limited 4.5/5 Only thing that would make this broken is
either it being a basic, or…not much else. I LOVE this
card in draft as it is a big HP, stage 1, low energy
attacker that can support other pokemon on the field.
Removing 2 damage in limited can be game-breaking!

PSC Online
TCG League |
Hey everyone! Eevee here yet again for COTD! Wow... I
actually managed to do four in a row so far! ^^ That's
unusual for me! Anyway, today we'll be reviewing the
happiest pokemon of them all; Blissey! (PL- 22/127)
Let's look at the stats.
Poké-POWER: Nurse Call - Once during your turn (before
your attack), you may discard a card from your hand. If
you do, remove 2 damage counters from 1 of your Pokémon.
You can't use more than 1 Nurse Call Poké-Power each
turn. This power can't be used if Blissey is affected by
a Special Condition.
(C) Return - 20 damage - Draw cards until you have 6
cards in your hand.
(C)(C)(C)(C) Double-edge - 100 damage - Blissey does 60
damage to itself.
Stage: 2
Type: Colorless
HP: 120HP
Weakness: +30 to fighting
Resistance: None
Retreat: (C)(C)
OK! Review time! First up, the Poke'-Power! Not bad but
not as good as some. It basically does the same thing as
a potion with the trade off of letting you remove
conditions as well; but you have to discard a card from
your hand. And of course, if Blissey is effected by a
condition itself this power is a no-go. This is a bad
Power, in fact it could be useful! It saves quite a few
deck spaces that would normally be for Potion and Double
Full Heal. (If you even use them) Personally I like the
MT Blissey's Kind Egg better but that's just me. (I
placed 5th in a tourny where I used that poke!)
OK, next the attacks. It's first attack is Return. A
pretty basic attack. It doesn't do much damage but it's
secondary effect is great at keeping your hand fully
stocked; which could come in handy if you play cards
that have you discarding or putting tons of cards into
play at once. (Such as Shaymin Lv.X) It wouldn't hurt
tho to add a Plus Power to this attack. Still, not bad
for only costing one energy.
It's second attack is Double-edge. Which is one attack
that I don't even like video game wise; which this card
clearly show why... Sure, it does a whopping 100HP
damage but at the cost of 60 recoil! That's half of
Blissey's HP right there! Not to mention the fact hat it
needs four energy to use. But at least it's colorless so
any energy would do. You could also use Sceptile's (GE)
ability here and use two energy instead of four. Even
with that said tho this attack isn't my cup of tea for
Stat wise this is about average for a Blissey. Stage two
is a little knew with the MT Blissey being a stage one.
It's HP is lower than the MT one as well. Still not bad
but not as good. A weakness to fighting isn't the best
attribute to have when you've got the knew fighting and
fossil decks people are trying. (To, I don't see why
anyone uses fossils.) Not having a resistance is never a
good thing. And it's (C)(C) retreat is about par for the
course. Tho still better then most Stage 2's that need
Overall I'd have to say that I like the MT Blissey way
better. In my mind it has better attacks, stats, and
bodies/powers. Not ot mention it's only a stage one
rather then two. But, this card isn't all bad. Its
Return is a nice attack but just not nice enough in my
mind. If you do play it however be sure to have a few
copies of Rare Candy/Broken Time-Space to boost it's
evolution speed and a few Switch for emergency retreats.
Modified: 2.9/5
Limited: 2.4/5 |
2006 National
Champion |
For Blissey being “the Happiness Pokemon”. this Blissey
wont bring you much happiness in your deck.
Today’s card if you couldn’t tell already is a 120 HP
colorless type Blissey.
Attacks: 1 colorless, 20 damage, draw card until you
have 6 in your hand. A decent attack for a single
energy, but its not very helpful if you play cards such
as Claydol or Uxie for draw power. Second attack. 4
colorless, 100 damage, Blissey does 60 damage to itself.
Ouch, there are so many things wrong with this attack.
For one the energy cost, 4 energy? Sorry Pokemon, boost
energy has been gone for a while now, and the 100 damage
just isn’t worth the 4 energy. 2nd the effect. You take
out half of your HP just for an attack. It just doesn’t
Poke-Power: Once during your turn (before you attack)
you may discard a card from your hand. If you do, remove
20 damage from 1 of your Pokemon. Can’t use more then 1
of these powers during your turn, can’t use it if
effected by a special condition. So you trade a card in
your hard for a potion, big deal, the power is only good
in a blast-catty deck, only problem is the Blissey line
takes up space, and that space could be something
good…like a trainer. Its just not worth the space in my
Weakness: +30 fighting. Not good with all the Machamp
running around. But if this Pokemon is active, its
either for a sacrifice to charge one of your Pokemon, or
you’ve lost.
Retreat cost: 2. Its a lot less then I’d think a
blissey’s should be, but less is better.
Modified: 2/5 I don’t see much in this card, I prefer
the other Blissey.
Limited: 1/5 The first attack is a death sentence for
any 40 card deck, drawing until you have 6 O.O not good.
Have you seen it on Ebay? Well neither have I. |