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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Dialga Lv. 73
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.00
Limited: 2.67
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD

PSC Online
TCG League |
Hey everyone! Eevee here! Wow. I didn't miss a single
COTD this week! That's amazing! ^^ Oh! ^^' I noticed
yesterday I kinda goofed up on my review. I said Blissey
was a Stage 2 instead of a Stage 1. *sigh* I really do
need my eyes checked. Sorry about that. ^^' Anyway,
today's COTD is yet another Dialga! (PL-23/127) Let's
see how this one compares to the rest from this set.
(C)(C) Energy Stream - 20 damage - Flip a coin. If
heads, search your discard pile for a basic Energy card
and attach it to Dialga.
(M)(M)(M)(C) Diamond Blow - 100 damage - Dialga can't
attack during your next turn.
Stage: Basic
Type: Metal
HP: 100HP
Weakness: +30 to fire
Resistance: -20 to psychic
Retreat: (C)(C)(C)
OK, review time! ^^ First of all it does NOT have any
Poke'Powers or Bodies. This isn't necessarily a bad
thing tho. It means it can't get power sprayed for one.
Although, it does mean you'll have to come p with a
strategy that can still surprise an opponent. Attack
wise it's about average. It's first attack is Energy
Stream. For two colorless energy it only does 20 damage
with a 50/50 chance od adding an energy card. Not too
bad but not the best attack I've seen on a Dialga.
It's second attack, Diamond Blow, is a huge hitter but
with some major drawbacks. Albeit, it does do a whopping
100 damage (which could KO several Pokemon that are
being meta-gamed) but it needs FOUR energy to use; so
you'll have to start piling on the energy cards as early
into the game as possible while still keeping a Pokemon
charged that can attack. Also, if you use it Dialga
can't attack next turn. Not too good when it has a 3
energy retreat. You'd definitely NEED switch or
something to get Dialga out of the shooting lane.
Stat wise is about even with other Dialga. 100HP is
pretty common for a Dialga or Palkia. A weakness to Fire
could be a problem if people in your area are trying to
get the heads up on the Metal/Grass meta-game. But you
could probably handle that with a couple of copies of
Bubble Coat. A resistance is always nice but a
resistance to psychic is really nice with a few lone
AMU/Mewtwo decks still trying to beat the
basics-brigade. It's retreat isn't very good but it
could have been worse. A deck with this card would
definitely need to find a way to get around it's high
In all I'd say while this isn't the worst Dialga I've
seen, it's not the best either. You could possibly find
a way to work it into a deck that can play around it's
higher energy tho. (I just can't think of one off hand.
X.x) Just be on the watch for fire decks or deck that
block you from adding energy.
Modified: 3.5
Limited: 3.9 |

Vini |
Hello fellow readers of Pojo.com! You probably haven't
heard of me, and that's why this is my first review ever
for the site. Today's card is Dialga lv 73! (PT #23)
The Platinum set has a total of 3 Dialga cards (not
counting Dialga G and Dialga G Lv X). This one is
probably the worst of the three, and perhaps the worst
of all Dialgas ever printed.
Let's start with the basics of the card: 100 HP on a
basic Pokemon is good, but expected considering it's a
legendary. The +30 Fire weakness is kinda good, since
most 100 HP basics have X2 weakness; watch out for
Blazetran decks, though, which are raising in
popularity. Psychic resistance is always useful (Toxicroak
G, AMU, Dusknoir...), but its 3 retreat cost REALLY
hurts. Should you use this card (although I have no idea
why you would use this one - there are much better
Dialgas), pack in some Switches or Warp Points.
Attacks, now, and they arent anything special. Energy
Stream does 20 for CC, and nets you an energy from
discard on a heads, but won't get you anywhere. Diamond
Blow requires MMMC for 100, and stops you from
ayttacking next turn. Both attacks are far from being
usable, making this card rather useless.
As far as combo's go, it doesn't have anything, really.
You could use it on a Dialga Lv X deck (which I
have never seen), doing 100 damage on one turn (instead
of doing 80 with Metal Flash) and abusing Time Skip on
the following turn (since you couldn't attack anyway,
you haven't got much to lose). It's flippy, and
definitely won't win any tournaments, but wouldn't it be
fun if it worked? =)
Modified: 1.5/5
Expensive, bad attacks which lack synergy. If you REALLY
wants to use a Dialga, there are better ones to choose
Limited: 3/5
Could work here. Staying power and recovering energies
is good on Limited, and if your opponent plays something
big, you can Diamond Blow them into oblivion. Given
there are only 3 Fire evolution lines in Platinum (not
counting Torkoal), you could give this a go.
And that's for my first review here on Pojo. See you
guys around!
~Vini |
2006 National
Champion |
Its litttleduckdrew!
today’s card is a 100HP metal type Dialga
Attacks: Like most Dialga’s the attacks are
terrible..and that includes this card.
The first attack is 2 colorless energy for 20 damage.
Flip a coin, if heads search your discard pile for a
basic energy card and attack it to Dialga. The attack is
a complete dud. First the attack is a flip a coin,
second it doesn’t match anything with the Pokemon’s
second attack, and I’ll explain that now.
The second attack is 3 metal 1 colorless for 100 damage
and Dialga Can’t attack during your next turn. Another
terrible attack, for one, its 4 energy for 100 damage
and a self damaging effect (when I say self damaging, I
mean it does a harmful effect to itself, not actual
maybe with a discarding or flip a coin for more damage,
but its not, and its bad.
Weakness: +30 fire. Bad if your facing a Infernape, or
Heatran. But fine depending on your division.
Resistance: -20 psychic. Protects against Toxicroak
G…but there’s not a lot of psychic in the format.
Retreat Cost: 3, a standard bad retreat cost for a large
metal Pokemon, but that’s why you play switches.
Modified: 1/5 Another terrible Metal Pokemon from this
set, and another terrible Dialga. It needs to be over
pumped for attacks that don’t truly help your Pokemon
Limited: 1/5 As I said before, it needs to be over
pumped to do attacks that just don’t pack the punch. And
as a rare? Good luck getting this card.