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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Cyrus's Conspiracy
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 4.50
Limited: 4.50
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD

Meganium45 |
OK, this is the best trainer of its type in a long, long
time, since castaway in the time of the cessation
This allows you to get another supporter, an energy, and
a specialized trainer, which is, well, just too good for
no additional cost.
My whole “SP will only be big after the next set”
garbage from a few cards ago seems to be, well, overly
The supporter you search for is TOTALLY dependant on
what you need.
Need the Level X? Get the Bebe’s. Need more basics or
energy? Get the Roseannes? Need more fun Team Galactic’s
stuff? Get ANOTHER Cyrus!
SP is big NOW. This trainer allows SP to be even bigger!
Ratings –
Modified 5/5 Perfect.
Limited 5/5..Even though there are less supporters, the
ability to search and grab the other two items is
Yes, broken, I used the word.
Just wait until Rising Rivals…WOW this will be a HUGE
Vince |

PSC Online
TCG League |
Hey everyone! Eevee here once again for COTD! Today
we'll be looking at a Galactic Supporter! It's Cyrus's
Conspiracy! (PL-105/127) Let's take a look at it's
(You can play only one Supporter card each turn. When
you play this card, put it next to your Active Pokémon.
When your turn ends, discard this card.)
Search your deck for a Supporter card, a basic Energy
card, and a Trainer card that has Team Galactic's
Invention in its name, show them to your opponent, and
put them into your hand. Shuffle your deck afterward..
Type: Supporter
Rarity: Uncommon
Best deck played in: Galactic
OK, as usual you've got the one supporter-per-turn text.
Next is this what this card can actually do. It allow
you to search for three cards. (1 Supporter, 1 basic
energy, and one trainer with TG's Invention in the name)
In all this is a pretty good effect if you're playing a
Galactic deck. It could really help in adding a boost to
your current hand. Watch your timing in playing this
card tho. Since it requires you to show your opponent
what cards you're selecting you're opponent could ruin
your hand if given the time; such as playing Team
Galactic's Wager. (I've ruined quite a few hands myself
with that card ^^)
In all this is yet another really helpful, multitasking
supporter that's perfect (and made for) Galactic Decks.
Although, if you're NOT using a Galactic deck you may
want to skip this card. You could still get 2/3 cards
with it but you'd be better off adding in something that
fits your current deck.
Modified: 4/5 Perfect addition to Galactic decks.
Limited: 3/5 Can only be really useful in a Galactic
deck. |
Pokmeman |
Cyrus Conspiracy – Supporter
This is a fantastic card, reminiscent of Castaway, but
meant only for G Pokemon.
It gets 3 cards while using up your supporter use of the
turn. Good trade-off, though you are out of luck if you
really needed that Warp Point.
I wouldn't recommend using this card outside of Galactic
decks, though it may find itself in decks which benefit
from Crobat G.
But still, for now it is a good card, and with other G
pokemon and tools/inventions coming out in future sets,
I'm sure this card will continue to see use for a while.
4/5 Modified
Searching your deck for the right energy, that one
Energy Gain, and another Cyrus?
5/5 Limited. |

Vini |
Hello again, readers of Pojo.com! Vini here!
This week we will look at some Trainers, Supporters and
Stadiums from the Platinum set, starting with Cyrus'
Conspiracy. Enjoy!
Cyrus' Conspiracy is an excellent card for Galactic
themed decks. Playing it allows you to get a basic
energy, a Team Galactic Invention and another supporter
from your deck and put them into your hand. Pretty
simple, but very powerful.
It's very versatile: you can use it early game to get an
energy and an Energy-Gain trainer card, effectivelly
"attaching 2 energies" to your Pokemon, while getting
another supporter for your next turn. Mid and late game,
its still powerful, helping thining your deck and
getting those Poké-Turns and Power Sprays you need to
assure your victory.
This card is powerful, and if you don't run 4 of these
in your Galactic deck, your excuse should be 'I don't
have that many'.
Modified: 5/5 in a Galactic deck, which is the only
place it belongs. You wouldn't use it anywhere else
Limited: 4.5/5 You probably won't be able to build a
good Galactic deck here, but even if you don't, being
able to fetch the type of energy you need and another
Supporter at once is gold at Limited.
~Vini" |