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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Life Herb
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.00
Limited: 2.75
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Jigglypuff13 |
4/7 Life Herb (PL)
Hello, and sorry for not doing much reviewing recently,
I just haven't had time. Anyway, onto the card, one that
was first released in EX Hidden Legends, then the set
straight after, EX Fire Red Leaf Green, and not since
until Platinum, yes, it's Life Herb and it's long
awaited return to the TCG. OK, when I say long awaited
return to the TCG, what I really mean is, no one could
card less, because when it first came out, no one used
it, and now it's been reprinted, no will use it again.
In a stall deck, it could see play. Outside of that, it
won't. Flip to possible remove 6 damage counters and all
Special Conditions from one of your Pokémon doesn't
sound too bad, but when you consider Poké Healer + does
better than that (removes 8 damage counters) and has the
same number of uses (seriously, you will probably only
get 2 heads per game with 4 Life Herbs, thus 2 uses), so
will be of greater use. Heck, even Potion is better
since it's certain it will work. Life Herb just doesn't
On the plus side, it does effect EX's, so if you play
Unlimited, it effects nothing since it's still rubbish.
Modified: Poké Healer + and Potion are better in stall
decks and decks in general. Use them in stead if you
need healing. 1/5
Limited: Not so bad here. Healing can be useful is you
have a bit of tank active to frustrate your opponent.
It's still flippy, but here, sometimes you can afford to
take the risk. Also, since it's an alright little
healing card, it can get rid of Poison, which is nice if
you are up against Skuntank G with your opponents choice
of stadium in play. 2/5 |

PSC Online
TCG League |
Hey! Welcome back to COTD! We'll be looking at trainer
today called Life Herb. (PL-108/127) It's also one of
the first Platinum trainers to be reprinted from EX
Hidden Legends! (Yay for the legends!) Let's take a look
at it's effect.
Flip a coin. If heads, choose 1 of your Pokémon, and
remove all Special Conditions and 6 damage counters from
that Pokémon (all if there are less than 6).
Type: Trainer
Rarity: Uncommon
Best deck played in: Can be well fit into most any deck.
OK, like I said before this is a HL reprint; and one of
my favorite trainers from the set. It's effect is a
50/50 chance of working but if it does hit, it's going
to drive your opponent crazy! It can remove ALL special
conditions and up to 6 damage counters! It would be
perfect to counter all the cards in this set that pile
on the conditions! Not to mention the huge recovery it
allows! That ONLY drawback to this card is having to
flip. But, there is something the card can do that
counters that as well. Since it's a Trainer and NOT a
supporter you can play more then one per turn! Make sure
tho that you don't waste all four possible copies tho.
This is definitely a card that needs to be timed.
In all I love this card! The recovery here is awesome!
But, it does require a flip.
Modified: 4/5
Limited: 4/5 |
Pokmeman |
Life Herb
This card was first printed in the ex series sets, as a
supplement for non-ex pokemon only. As everything is now
non-ex, this gives all pokemon a healing option.
But it's flippy.
Super Scoop Up does Life Herb's job far better because
it completely takes the card out of harms way, whether
from being active or from being sniped on the bench. Oh,
and there's that whole healing 150 damage off of
Torterra LvX thing. That has happened to me way too many
And for G pokemon there is the no-flip Poketurn....
Life Herb is simply another card to be cast aside
because other cards do nearly the same thing, only
2/5 Modified
Poketurn will see much more use in Limited because of
all the G pokemon anyway...
2/5 Limited |

Vini |
Thursday's Review, for Life Herb:
"Vini here, once again. Today we will look at a card
that was first printed on ex Hidden Legends, and was
re-printed on Platinum... that's right, it's Life Herb!
Life Herb was one of the most powerful healing cards
when it was released; recovering 60 damage and removing
all Special Conditions was nothing to laugh at. However,
it was flippy, and was rarely seen.
In today's metagame, Life Herb won't have any chance
either. It's too risky for you to waste a slot of your
deck for it, and if you really want healing, there are
Poké-Healer + and even Leftovers (which is actually
usable on things like Wailord GE or Tangrowth SF). Being
inferior to other cards when it comes to healing and
flippy at the same time seal Life Herb's fate.
Modified: 1/5 There are much better healing cards.
Limited: 3/5 You could give it a go here, since you
won't have many other resources anyway. This is the best
healing card Platinum offers us, so consider it if it
~Vini |
Today's Card of the Day is Life Herb. The card is
simple, for a single coin flip of heads, you can heal 60
damage and all special conditions from one of your
Pokemon. That seems nice, but taking into account
Gambler's Ruin (Thank you Jurassic Park), which states,
simply, that over time, you will lose more then you win
at a game of chance, you're better off playing Poke
Healer +, since you restore more health, at a better
chance, and special conditions can always be avoided by
retreating, switching, etc.
Modified 2/5
Poke Healer + beats this card up the block and then
steals its lunch money.
Limited 3/5
Whatever healing you can get, you should take,
especially with Skuntank running rampant.
~KFT |