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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Miasma Valley
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 3.67
Limited: 3.67
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD

PSC Online
TCG League |
OK! Welcome back! Today we'll be looking at Miasma
Valley! It's a Stadium and this thing's has Beautitox (Beautifly/Dustox)
and Belloplume (Bellossum/Vileplume)written all over it!
But it can work way more decks then just these two. ^^
Let's take a look. Just like Looker!
This card stays in play when you play it. Discard this
card if another Stadium card comes into play. If another
card with the same name is in play, you can't play this
Whenever any player puts a Basic Pokémon (excluding or
Pokémon) from his or her hand onto his or her Bench, put
2 damage counters on that Pokémon.
Type: Stadium
Rarity: Uncommon
Best deck played in: Most any Grass or Psychic.
OK, review time! As usual if one stadium comes in, one
goes out. This is great for messing up your opponents.
^^ But this cards key is in it's effect. The card states
that any basic Pokemon coming into play (other then
grass or psychic) get an automatic 20 damage welcoming
gift. ^^ Yikes, wouldn't they love to return that one?
But really, this is a great effect to use so that you
can get some early damage in. It could easily bring a
Pokemon's HP down for an easy OH-KO by a sniping attack.
Just make sure you don't hit yourself with the effect;
which means this deck is a Grass and/or Psychic deck's
best friend. And with the variety of meta-game decks
right now this effect should hit at least a few decks
pretty hard. Unfortunately tho since it's not an attack
you can't add in any weakness. But it's still really
great; it forces your opponent to either jam his bench
and prevent the damage or take it. And something else
you could do to jam your opponent is play a card that
prevent the play of supporters or stadiums! (I'd name
one but I can't think of one off hand. X.x')
Modified: 4.5/5
Limited: 4/5 |
Pokmeman |
Miasma Valley
One of the new stadiums that we got in Platinum, this
card is overshadowed by its set counterparts, with
Galactic's HQ dealing damage to evolutions, and Broken
Time-Space speeding up the evolution decks like never
Though dealing damage to other deck types is nice, this
will rarely ever actually take place, what with Call
Energy, Great Ball, and Pachirisu all getting around the
Overshadowed again by better cards.
2/5 Modified
If you happen to get a lot of Grass and Psychic pokemon,
go for it. It's also a decent counter-stadium if you
happened to only obtain this one.
3/5 Limited |

Vini |
Vini's here, once again, with yet another card! Today we
will be looking at a very interesting Stadium card from
the Platinum set: Miasma Valley!
Miasma Valley's effect is simple: whenever a player puts
a Basic Pokémon in play, that player puts 2 damage
counters on it, if it isn't a Psychic or a Grass
Pokémon. While 20 damage may seem low, its the magic
number that allows SF Gengar to OHKO a Claydol.
Many decks benefit from it: Dusknoir variants will enjoy
the extra damage counters, which helps its spreading;
Scizor/Cherrim gets an extra boost in power, allowing
for some swift OHKO's; when played along with PT
Ampharos, Miasma automatically shuts down a number of
threats, including MD Omastar; and the list goes on.
Modified: 4/5 It has a powerful effect, and works as a
Counter-Stadium. If it benefits your deck, use it; if
not, be prepared to work with it, because it will be
Limited: 4/5 Most of the time, you will be facing Basics
or Stage 1's here. The extra punch might make the
(Also, as a side note, for all you Unlimited lovers out
there, this is a nice addition to Rock Lock decks)
Take care, and see you tomorrow!
~Vini |