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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Pokemon Rescue
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.60
Limited: 4.50
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Jigglypuff13 |
4/9 Pokémon Rescue (PL)
So, continuing the Trainer week we seem to have at the
moment, we have Pokémon Rescue, a little card that has a
simple effect and really can help. The effect of it gets
a Pokémon from your Discard Pile back to your hand.
Comparing this to other rescue cards, it might be more
useful that Night Maintenance in some cases due to being
able to get the card back to your hand instead of your
deck, but it only gets one card, is limited to Pokémon,
and because it doesn't put them back in the deck, it
might not help if your about to deck out. Compared to
Time-Space Distortion, it's a more certain version
really, but slightly weaker because of it (unless they
were going to allow you to get back 1.5 Pokémon).
However, while it does seem slight weaker and thus less
useful than the other main rescue cards in the format,
it does have some uses. First, for people on a tight
budget, it can replace TSD in decks like Kricketune
(does anyone still play that?), Rock Band and AMU
(though if you are on a tight budget, how you got to
playing this is beyond me). Actually, it's useful in
those decks no matter what your budget it like, since
these decks rely on having a swarm of Pokémon out, thus
if one of them dies, the attack power of the deck goes
down, so Pokémon Rescue can help reduce this power
reduction, or at least, how many turns it's in effect
Modified: Simple little card that won't be quite the
staple as Night Maintenance or TSD, but in the right
deck (mainly swarm decks, but others may have uses for
it as well), it should be considered, and probably in
fairly large numbers as well. Also good for those who
can't get their hands on Night Maintenance or TSD, to
give them some sort of recovery trainer. 2.5/5
Limited: The only recovery trainer you can get here, and
you should be using it, especially is you have a lot of
1-1(-1) lines in your deck (and you will have). Your
excuse for using this card better be that you didn't get
it. 5/5 |

Meganium45 |
OK, here is a good trainer that is a “poor man’s Time
Space Distortion except that many find it better to be
guaranteed one pokemon, than have a chance at 3, 2, 1 or
0…when we all know the only time you get 0 with Time
Space Distortion is in a tournament when you really need
This trainer is so useful! And it is not a supporter,
making it even more useful! Great when used in
combination with Night Maintenance, making much
dependant on when you need that pokemon you are getting
A must for swarm decks, stage 2 decks, crobat G decks,
Uxie and Mespirit Decks.
Ratings…modified 4/5
Limited 4/5
Get set for my article next week on the St. Louis
Regionals Preview!
Saturday April 18th! I do expect to see you all there!
Vince |

PSC Online
TCG League |
Eevee here once again for Trainer week here at Pojo! ^^
Today we'll be reviewing trainer call Pokemon Rescue!
(PL-115/127) A perfect card for Pokemon Ranger fans! Ok,
let's take a look.
Effect: Search your discard pile for a Pokémon, show it
to your opponent, and put it into your hand.
Type: Trainer
Rarity: Uncommon
Best deck played in: Any.
OK, time to review! First of all I love this card! It's
a simple yet effective card that does NOT require a
flip! Woohoo! Once you play it you can search your
discard pile for and one Pokemon (and as far as I know
this includes Lv.X's), show it to your opponent, and add
it to your hand! Now think about this, your opponent
KO's your best Pokemon. But no need to worry! Play
Pokemon rescue to get back that Pokemon's entire line,
and the play Broken Time-Space! Bingo, back in action!
And what's even better, you could also combo that play
with Cynthia's feeling after you get your Pokemon back
in play! ^^
In all I say this is a great card! Simple, yet effective
with a huge amount of play potential. I'd definitely
recommend this card with at least two-three copies in a
deck. ^^ The only thing I could say that would've made
it better was to allow you to find two cards rather than
Modified: 4/5
Limited: 4/5 |
Pokmeman |
Pokemon Rescue
We have 3 cards which do the same thing in different
ways in modified. Night Maintenance, Time-Space
Distortion, and Pokemon rescue.
This card is the inferior. Though Time-Space distortion
is much more expensive, it is still much better because
there is a chance that you will be able to get back 2 or
3 cards rather than just one.
Night Maintenance is better than Pokemon Rescue because
it gets back 3 cards from the discard, they can be
energy as well, and you need less of them in your deck
than Pokemon Rescue, allowing for space for other needed
This is the third card this week outclassed by others.
2/5 Modified
Your ace in the hole KO'd? Take it back. Great card in
4.5/5 Limited |

Vini |
Hello readers, it's Vini here. This Thursday's card is
Pokémon Rescue, yet another trainer from Platinum. Let's
take a deeper look.
Pokémon Rescue is a weaker version of Pokémon Retriever,
which was released on ex: Team Rocket Returns set. (and
what a great set that was...) Unlike Pokémon Retriever,
though, Pokémon Rescue allows you to pick only one
Pokémon from the discard pile and put it into your hand.
Now, before I say why this won't see play, it has some
uses. Only a few cards allow you to send cards from
discard pile to your hand in this format: Marley's
Request, SW Suicune, Premier Ball are some of them. The
former is bad because it gives your opponent a choice;
Premier Ball is excellent, but only works with Lv X's;
and Suicune nets you 3 Water Pokémon, but wastes bench
space. Pokémon Rescue allows you to choose any Pokémon
from discard, be it your precious Lv X or a basic. Some
Pokémon, like Spiritomb and Uxie, have Poké-Powers that
activate when they get into play, and recovering them
with Pokémon Rescue would be faster than sending them to
the deck with Night Maintenance. So, Pokémon Rescue's
effect is almost unique in this format.
That said, PR isn't really worth using in most decks.
Night Maintenance recovers more cards, with a better
cost-benefit ratio, and its more versatile. Most times,
you'll need a whole evolution line back and not a single
Pokémon, and while NM sends them to your deck, if you
have a strong trainer line, you'll surely get them in
Modified: 1.5/5 In swarm decks like Scizor/Cherrim,
instantly recovering a Scizor might help you keep your
offensive stance in the first few turns; however, NM is
still superior in almost every way.
Limited: 4/5 Here, however, it shines. Platinum has some
big, mean basics, and playing them once again after they
are Knocked Out wont be pretty for your opponent.
See you guys tomorrow!
~Vini |