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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day


Gengar Lv. 46


Date Reviewed: 12.11.09

Ratings & Reviews Summary

Modified: 1.67
Limited: 2.50

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 
3 ... average.  
5 is the highest rating.

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Baby Mario
Top 4 UK Nats

Gengar Lv 46


What is this? Popular Pokémon week? Isn’t it odd that we only have one Wobuffet (for example) in Modified, but now we have four Stage 2 Gengars (plus an SP and a Level X)?


Gengar is usually at least an interesting Pokémon. Gengar DP has an incredibly risky but potentially devastating attack, Curse Gengar from AR is a useful spread tech, and Gengar SF is hated by everyone (except Seniors who play it to death, for some reason) for its skill-free and incredibly cheap Fainting Spell PokePower. Sadly though, this particular Gengar is relatively boring.


It does have an extra 10 HP over the others, I suppose, and it shares the useful Gengar attributes of Free Retreat, Darkness Weakness, and Colourless Resistance. It does have a decent snipe attack, doing 40 to any Pokémon for [P][C] which can target weak Basic and damaged Pokémon, but when you consider that Gengar SF can snipe for30/60 damage (as long as the target doesn’t have Unown G attached), it seems less worthy of inclusion in a Gengar deck than you might think. Gengar’s second attack, Poison Jab, is ok as it does 60 damage plus auto Poison for [P][C][C], but it’s really nothing special, and Poison is easily removed by retreating or evolving.


It’s not that this Gengar is a terrible card, it’s just a mediocre Stage 2 in a format where there are already better Gengars in existence. When you have a choice of two other Gengars with very useful Powers, plus a LV X which can do nasty things to your opponent’s LV Xs, it is really hard to justify giving this version any deck space at all.




Modified: 1.75 (Won’t make the cut in Gengar decks)

Limited: 2.5 (better attacks here, but it’s a Stage 2, so not easy to get out)



Um, wow. This Gengar is just bad. Not only does it activate the ever growing Salamence deck's Battle Rush (so it can be knocked out quicker), but also there are no consequences to knocking Gengar out. In other words, the ONLY Gengar that should be played in this format is the Shadow Room Gengar. The Curse Gengar CAN be combod well with the level X Gengar in a spread deck, but I have yet to see a good one. Gengar's first attack, Sharpshooting, does 40 to anyone but hardly does it compare to Shadow Room. The second attack is only so-so as it allows you to do 60 and poison (disabling powers/bodies) to the defending. This Gengar is simply not playable. Just keep it in the binder.

Modified: 1.5/5
Limited: 2.5/5

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