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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Team Galactic's Invention
G-103 Power Spray
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 3.67
Limited: 4.00
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Arbok14 |
Name: Team Galactic's Invention G-103 Power Spray
Set: Platinum
Analysis: OK, so you will obviously be using this with
Pokemon-SP. A nice combo would be with Aerodactyl, since
this card cancels the power, but it still counts as a
power being used, so Aerodactyl will lay out 2 damage
counters for nothing. Nice. Another nice combo would be
with Dialga G Lv. X, as you can effectively stop both
Powers (well 4 at most) and Bodies. If you will be
playing Pokemon SP, this should be in your deck.
Modified: Definitely play with Pokemon-SP. (4/5)
Limited: You should have a bunch of Pokemon-SP in your
packs, so this would be a good card to use. (4/5)

Meganium45 |
Can you say Counter-Spell? I knew you could.
OK, when the final set list came out, who didn’t sit
here and just drool about the potential of the SP
The ability to have big basics, with decent powers, that
worked together, and had trainers that allowed them to
be scooped up, have less energy costs for attacks, and
so much more.
And then we got them, and looked at them, and realized,
that is this was another “Magma-2004” it was not here
No SP Pokemon has the hitting power in my opinion to
make a major impact on the metagame. There will be
changes, but I think they really come in the next set,
when some of these SP Pokemon get even bigger, and have
great attacks to boot.
That being said…on to Power Spray.
If you have 2 SP Pokemon in play, you can play this card
to stop your opponent from using a power. Big deal? Heh,
in this age of Uxie, it really makes that card a risk,
as when you drop it you run the risk of being Power
Sprayed and having, essentially, a wasted spot on your
bench. Mespirit, same deal. Hurts Claydol, but you can
only play 4 of these in a deck, and (for now) there is
no way to get them back into your deck or your hand.
Stopping the right power at the right time can be
game-changing. Not allowing an Uxie to go off, or a
Mespirit to lock powers, or a Claydo when the opponent
has a 1 card hand could be huge. There are many others I
am even forgetting, such as the power of your opponent’s
SP pokemon (such as Crobat or Skunktank).
The power of this card is yet to be seen, but it could
be huge in SP Decks, and we all know (or should know
from my 18 pack draft report) that SP pokemon are the
WAY to go in the draft of this set.
Modified 3.5/5 Only usable in one set of decks, but a
good card
Limited 4/5 Still only usable in one set of decks, but
this is the deck you SHOULD be playing in limited.
Thanks and see you all soon! Missouri States coming to
Eureka Missouri on March 21st!! Pay attention to COTD
for some bonus door prize clues starting March 1st!!!
The Meganium45! |
Winner of a
Stormfront Prerelease |
Power Spray (PL117)
Power Spray, or rather Team Galactic's Invention G-103
Power Spray will easily become a staple in SP decks. You
can simply lay it down on your opponent's turn and stop
a power from working. Bye bye Claydol, Uxie, Azelf, and
so many others. Heck, it can even stop a Regigigas's
Sacrifice and enable you to KO him the next turn. There
are so many uses for this card, but it is unfortunately
limited to SP decks, or people who run multiple SP
Modified 3.5/5
Able to shut down one of your opponent's powers at will?
That can easily shut several decks down. The fact that
you need two sP Pokemon, is a bit of a downside, but so
much to outwigh the gains.
Limited 4/5
Everyone's running SP Pokemon in here, so any deck can
use this card. Plus, there are so many great Powers to
shut down. Blastoise, Blazekin, ect.
~KFT |