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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Level Max
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 3.15
Limited: 2.33
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD

Meganium45 |
Arrrggghh.. I missed Thursday’s Energy Gain. Good
trainer, but today, we have an interesting Trainer.
Level Max
Trainer Card – Not supporter, so good.
On a flip of heads, you search your deck for a Level X
Pokemon, and level up one of your pokemon (even on the
bench), which is very good.
This would have been a MUCH Better card if they would
have made it a supporter and taken the coin flip AWAY.
FLIP A COIN = in most EVERY instance a card that is just
not good.
The risk reward has to be very in favor of the card.
Will I try this to level up my Shaymins, and Dialga Gs?
Will I probably toss it away after it misses when I
really need it to hit. Absolutely.
Modified…I give it a half – 2.5 out of 5
Limited…Not enough potential here to draft the Level X
AND the prevolution, so 1 out of 5
Vince |
Winner of a
Stormfront Prerelease |
Level Max (PL107)
Level Max is the only way to Level Up Pokemon on your
bench, rather then evolving them as your active.
Unfortunately, it recquires a coin flip, and some
people, like me, suck when it comes to flipping heads.
Regardless, if you can get it to work, it bypasses the
rule that you can't level up on the turn you evolve. I'm
pretty balanced about this card. On one hand, I hate it
when you have to flip for something. On the other hand,
this card is so powerful it just needed a cap like the
flip. Nyeh, anyway, all decks with Level X's as support
Pokemon, i.e. Uxie Lv. X, Dialga G Lv. X, ect, should
run at least one of this card, so you don't have to risk
your Pokemon in the fighting.
Modified 4/5
I personally prefer Premier Ball, but this card is too
good now that Dialga G is running around everywhere.
Limited 3/5
If you're lucky enough to get a Level x and it's basic
form, then use this card, especially Giratina Lv. X, or
Shaymin (Land) Lv. X, or other support Level X's.
~KFT |

Alex |
COTD – Level Max
Alright guys. Sorry for taking the week-long hiatus but
it seems as if school is wanting me to fail just for the
fun of it. Anyway, I have some free time on this most
lovely of Valentine’s Days (all love mail can be
forwarded to my email account) so I’m gonna try to nail
out some reviews. It looks like today’s COTD is Level
Maxfrom Platinum, a card that can possibly make a lot of
decks better.
OK – so Level Max essentially says that if you flip a
coin and get heads you can level up any of your Pokemon.
Pretty good, right? Well, if it weren’t for that flip
I’d say this card was extremely broken. However, the
flip definitely counterbalances its potency. I
definitely think this card has some potential, but the
inconsistency with the flip makes me kind of shrug my
shoulders. I mean, instead of playing 4 of these you can
just play some more Bebe’s/Roseanne’s and a few more
Switch and you’re good to go. This card does accomplish
a Bebe’s AND a Switch in one swift move, but the coin
flip makes it kind of useless. I guess you can say that
I really don’t like cards that needed coin flips to
work. If you’re playing like 4-5 Lv.X’s this might be a
good route to go with, but if not then I would just
invest in a Switch or two more.
Modified – 3/5 (Personal choice here)
Limited – 5/5 (Ifyou get the LVX of course) |