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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day


Giratina Lv. 70


Date Reviewed: 02.18.09

Ratings & Reviews Summary

Modified: 2.50
Limited: 3.50

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 
3 ... average.  
5 is the highest rating.

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COTD Giratina #28 Platinum

OK – I really dislike this card a lot. Since they made about 25 billion Giratinas this set, this guy has tons of competition for playing time. It doesn’t help that he’s probably the worst of the bunch of either, but anyway on to the review we go.

HP: 110 – Probably the best part of this card. I mean, they had to balance this card with SOMETHING decent. 110 for a basic is awesome, and means you won’t be getting FTKO’d by anything other than Machamp.

Attacks: Dragon Claw, Dragonbreath – Dragon Claw is a waste, and Dragonbreath is just bad. This is why the card pales in comparison to the other Giras. 3 for 80 with a chance of not succeeding means that half the time you won’t be doing any damage. Not good.

Weakness/Resistance – Darkness +30/Colorless -20 – Dark weakness is not good right now, but what do you expect from a ghost. The colorless resistance is good, however. This really doesn’t change anything IMO.

Retreat: 2C – This is alright, I guess. It’s better than having 3 like the other ones, but then again the attacks more than make up for it. I doubt you’d be retreating this guy anyway.

Overall, please don’t play this Gira. If you need to, then do it but the attacks are way too horrible to warrant me suggesting it.

Modified – 2.5/5
Limited – 3.5/5

OK, THIS Giratina

110 HP is good, double weakness to dark is, well, expected.

Resistance to colorless becomes more and more irrelevant every day.

Retreat cost of 2 is workable, especially with some of the options out there.

The attacks, 2 for 30 for a basic is OK, but maybe a bit overcosted.

The 3 for 80, tails fails, flip paralyze is SUBPAR at best.

Overall, not a very impressive card. There are better Giratinas out there I think.

Modified rating…2.5 out of 5.

Limited Rating…3.5 out of 5, it is a big hitter with colorless costed attacks. The darkness weakness really hurts here.


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