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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Swablu Lv. 16
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.25
Limited: 3.10
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Jigglypuff13 |
2/2 Swablu Lv.16 (PT)
Ah, Monday, and a new month to go with the new week and
new cards. And we start off with, er, Swablu. It's not
any old Swablu, though, it's the Shiny one from the new
set, Platinum! With the first set of pre-releases over,
it's the perfect time to start reviewing the new,
non-revealed cards. Right, Swablu, and the basics of
this special card. Oh, before I start, why did they have
to make Shiny cards reverse holo? Why not something a
little more special? Yes, anyway, the basics of the
card, and first of all, 50 HP. This is kind of low for
an evolving basic, but it's better than the HP of the
normal Swablu in this set. Might only by 10 HP, but that
could make the difference. +10 Lightning Weakness is
average really, and to be expected. -20 Fighting
Resistance is nice, and expected since every other
Swablu also has this Resistance. Both of these won't
really effect much. Machop (DP) won't deal any damage,
and Lightning basics will have fun getting a 2 or 3HKO,
but chances are, it won't make too much of a difference.
1 Retreat Cost is annoying for what is, essentially, a
flying cotton ball, especially since Swablu has no
Retreat Cost. Between them at the moment, I'd say it's
honours even, and kind of average.
Now, abilities, and since this Swablu has 3 attacks,
it's already looking quite nice. It's just a shame the
attacks don't match up to special status of the card.
Roost is a rather bad attack on this card. Healing
damage for no energies is normally a rather nice ability
to have, but removing 4 damage counters from this
Pokémon isn't going to help much. Against other basics,
it might help in stalling for a couple of turns, but
once they get evolved or anything that can do 50 damage,
it becomes useless. Mirror Move is rather situational,
and annoyingly, tops at 40 damage. For C, dealing the
same amount of damage to your opponents active equal to
the amount of damage Swablu received last turn is rather
unreliable. I'd prefer some certainty with a drawback
rather than uncertain damage. Personally, I don't much
care for Fury Attack either. It's the standard Fury
Attack. Flip 3 coins and deal 10 damage for each heads,
all for C. This can reach a max output of 30 damage,
which is nice, but averages out at 15, which isn't so
great. Against most basics this card will be against,
you will see it 4HKOing them on average, which isn't
good. Mirror Move is similar, but will often lead to
Swablu being KOed before your opponents active is.
Really, they aren't very good attacks.
So, how do these attacks stack up to other Swablus?
Well, before comparing this card to the GE one, lets
compare it to it's PT rival, and this isn't good. It has
2 attacks, both costing C, and both have slightly nice
effects. First is Sing, which put your opponents active
to sleep, and the second does 10 and puts Swablu back to
the bench. Run Around isn't quite as useful as Sing, but
it's better than Mirror Move and Fury attack, and I'd
prefer to Sing than to Roost. If you ask me, the normal
PT Swablu has the better attacks, making it the more
useful Swablu from the set. I would now go to comparing
both to the GE Swablu, but since there isn't any need
since the Shiny one has been established as being the
second best from PT. If, at some point in the future, we
review the normal Swablu, I will do the comparison then.
Until then, you'll have to wait with baited breath, or
just not care at all. Some how, I think it's the latter.
Modified: I hate giving ratings to not fully evolved
Pokémon since it's hard to judge their usefulness
sometimes. Thankfully, I can report that this one is the
second best Swablu from PT. Since there are only 2
Swablu cards in PT, it's easy to tell you shouldn't use
this one, and should go with the normal one instead. The
only thing this card has going for it is it's 50 HP, and
if truth be told, it isn't quite as helpful as free
retreat, Sing, and reliable damaging attack that can put
it in the safety of the bench. Go for the normal one.
Limited: I suppose this card can have a bit of use here.
Until your opponent can get a heavy hitter out, 50 HP
and Roost might allow Swablu to live for a little while,
but Plus Powers may ruin the day for little Swablu. It
won't deal any real damage, since Fury Attack and Mirror
Move are too unreliable to be used a lot. Maybe a nice
little staller until you can get a good attacker out, or
until your opponent does. 2.5/5
Winner of a
Stormfront Prerelease |
Swablu (SH5)
Today's Card of the Day is Swablu, the Cotton Bird
Pokemon, and the thing you'd think the PokePillows are
amde out of. Anyways, let's take a look.
Swablu has 50HP, a rather mediocre amount, but it is
helped by Roost. The +10 weakness to Lightning isn't
that bad, seeing as how it just makes Swablu more
susceptible to the classic Electabuzz that is coming
out. The -20 resistance to Fighting is nice, ensuring
that it can hold off some Larvitars, Pupitars, or
MAchops, but past that, Swablue will get pummeled. A
retreat cost of one is not horrible, but honestly, this
thing is a bird, and it's a basic, I thought that
guranteed free retreat?
Roost is Swablu's first and best attack. For no energy,
Swablu can heal 40 damage, at the cost of not being able
to retreat the next turn. The upsides to this attack are
amazing, any basic, or sometimes Stage 1 Pokemon that
can't deal over 70 damage will be stalled indefinately.
However, without the resistance Swablu is a sitting duck
(bird?) to other types, and since it can't retreat,
chances are you'll just use Roost over and over again,
until that little Machop you were blocking so nicely
turns into a Machamp and uses Take Out.
Mirror Move is Swablu's second attack, and unlike Mirror
Moves of old, this one just copies the damage for 1
energy. Unfortuantely, Swablu doesn't have the health to
use this, since 40 damage won't KO anyone except the
most fragile of basic Pokemon.
And now the icing on this cake of mediocrocy, Swablu's
final attack, Fury Attack. For one energy, yu can flip
three coins, and do 10 dmagae for each heads. This
attack is flippy, generic, and has a low damage output,
three things I hate. But if Swablu has no damage, and
you were stupid enough to put an energy on it, this is
your best option, besides retreating.
Modified 2/5
Much better then the other Swablus, now, if only they
would make a decent Altaria.
Limited 3.5/5
If your opponent is running fighting, congrats, you just
found a way to royally PO them, if not, well, it can buy
some time with Roost, and the Altaria, isn't that bad...
~KFT |

Eevee |
Alright! Eevee here, sorry for missing the last few! ^^'
Ok, today's COTD is one cute little bird with some
power! That's right! None other then Swablu!
(PL-SH4/133) Let's take a look at it's stats and
(x) Roost : Remove 4 damage counters from Swablu. Swablu
can't retreat during your next turn.
(C) Mirror Move : If Swablu was damaged by an attack
during your opponents last turn, this attack does the
same amount of damage done to Swablu by the defending
(C) Furry Attack 10x : Flip 3 coins. This attack does 10
damage times the number of heads.
Weakness: (L) +10 Resistance: (Ft) -20 Retreat: (C) HP:
Ok, attack wise this pokemon isn't too bad for a basic.
Having one free and two single energy is pretty good but
the actual effects of those attacks may not be. Roost
will help you to keep Swablu in play long enough to draw
out your Altaria but then you can't retreat. (Ever been
in that vicious circle on the VG's? As soon as you
recharge it, boom, needs recharging again.) Mirror Move
is one of those higher risk attacks. To do much of any
damage Swablu would have to e down to it's fianly 10HP
and then it would be easily KO'ed the next turn. As for
Furry Attack, personally, I think it stinks. Sure, there
is a possibility to do 30 damage using only one energy
but how often can you really flip three heads in a row
when you need it to? You'll end up doing 10, possibly 20
damage more often then not.
Ok, now let's look at it's stats. 50HP on a basic is
pretty common comparatively speaking but it's still quit
a bit lower then some of the others I've seen. (Altho,
nothing could beat Magikarp's whopping 30HP... X.x) A
weakness to Lightning could cause some trouble if your
area sees alot of those killer Raichu decks. But you'll
more then likely be dealing with Pixie(MAU), Mewtwo,
Kingdra, and Galactic pokemon for right now. (Or at
least you are in my area) Swablu's resistance to
fighting pokemon could be a help if you deal with
Machamp Lv.X decks alot. And it's (C) retreat could
cause some trouble here. Since Swablu needs so few
energy to function you might forget to keep it at a
level that it can retreat.
Overall I'd say that altho this pokemon looks good at
first you might want to think it through. Adding in
Altaria does give it quit a boost but unless you play
your deck carefully you could run out of Swablu before
you could draw your Altaria. Personally I may not play
this card but If you could swing then give it a try! I
would suggest at least a couple of copies of Bubble Coat
to help balance it's lower HP however. Not to mention
something to boost it's attack like Plus Power.
Modified: 2.8/5 This is where you'll run into the higher
HP basics.
Limited: 3.5/5 Here Swablu would probably fare better.
Since most of the older basics (and some stage ones) had
closer HP it could probably stand a better chance of
lasting at least a couple of rounds. |

Meganium45 |
OK, a Swablu!! YAY?
OK, it is a SHINING SWABLU with…um…50 HP. Not very
Second, it has 3 attacks! YAY….
0 Energy attack to remove damage counters, and you can’t
retreat. What? What have I missed?
Mirror Move. Yay, an attack that maxes at 40, with no
special conditions, or any other effects.
OK, Fury Attack, 3 coins for 0, 10, 20 or 30 damage.
Average 15 for 1, so not too bad. Not going to First
Turn Knock Out anyone with this little guy.
Weakness +10 is good.
Resistance -20 to fighting is fine.
Retreat of 1 is , well, OK.
This may not even be the BEST of the Swablus out there
right now! How sad is that???
If you are playing Altaria, you this is a decent one,
but is anyone sold on Altaria right now??
Ratings Modfied 2/5
Limited…Yeah, you are going to draft it, it is a shining
worth a few bucks, but for playability in this set, with
all the better stuff out there, I am going 2/5
Good luck to all…Prereleases TONIGHT in Eureka, MO at
B&B, Tuesday at the Neutral Zone in Mid Rivers Mall in
St. Louis, Wednsday at B&B in St. Peters, Missouri, and
Friday in Evansville, Indiana!
Vince |