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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Palkia G Lv. X
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 4.00
Limited: 3.75
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD

Meganium45 |
Can anyone name the ONE card in this set that is ONE set
ahead of its time? Anyone?
Here is it. Palkia G Level X.
Pokepower, basically a Dusknoir DP that forces your
opponent to choose to save 3 Pokemon with all cards
attached on their bench, and send everything else to the
lost zone.
Punishing. Completely.
Anyone playing against a G deck has to really consider
this Pokemon as an option, just as we had to worry about
Dusknoir for the last several series.
Even in a non-G deck, this think could be a NASTY
surprise. You won’t necessarily see it coming, due to
the card Level Max.
OK, Palkia G has a good switch-out attack for 2 energy,
and a 50 plus 10 to everyone attack for 3 energy. Good
to use in a “spread” style deck.
This card has a 4 energy attack that if you discard 2
energy you do 80 to anything on their field. GOOD BYE
Yes, energy gain makes this attack cost one energy less,
but the power comes in the NEXT SET with the projected
return of the double-energy card for SP Pokemon.
You just discard THAT card every turn for an 80 snipe to
anything, with energy gain for what, 3 energy???
This will give BOTH G decks and WATER decks some power
that they have needed. It may even bring a revival of
I like this card, next set. For this set, it will still
find itself to be a bit too slow, and just not hit hard
Usable in Kingdra decks, as a surprise in SP decks, and
in spread decks.
Modified I am going kind of high here with 4/5
Limited…too hard to get out, but I would draft it off of
the field (true, you take any Level X you get, except
maybe that Drapion piece of junk)..2.5/5
Thanks again and see you next week!
Meganium45 |
Winner of a
Stormfront Prerelease |
Palkia G Level X (PL125)
Hello everyone, sorry for my lack of reviews, but I was
staying at a frind's house with no internet. But here I
am, just in time to review the new DP Dusknoir
Palkia G Level X is very simmilar to Dusknoir DP when it
comes to their powers. Dusknoir lets you put one of
their Pokemon back into the deck per turn if they have
four or more benched Pokemon. Palkia lets each player
choose three of their benched Pokemon and shuffle the
rest into their deck. Dusknoir trades power for
percision and doesn't affect your own bench.. Both are
fairly easy to get out, since you can run a 1-1 line for
either one, and then Rare Candy to Dusknoir, or try and
Level Max to Palkia G Level X.
Anyways, Palkia G Level X has 120 HP which ensures it
will live for a bit, provided no one takes advantage of
its x2 weakness to Lightning. Lightning weakness is
pretty bad considering Amphytric will not only KO Palkia
G Level X in one hit, but they also negate the use of
his Power. A retreat cost of two ensures that you'll
want to run some Switches or warp Points, or even a
Moving on to the attack, Hydro shoot does 80 damage to
any of your opponent's Pokemon at the cost of two Water
and two Colorless energies and discarding two of them.
Hydro shoot is okay, but you'd rather have Palkia
sitting safely on your bench rather then getting creamed
by most Pokemon. For two energy, you can retreat or use
Spalshing Turn to get the hell outta there, whcih si way
more cost efficient.
Modified 4/5
In my opinion, this card will never replace Dusknoir
completely, but he has his uses in Galactic decks, and
other basic-heavy archetypes.
Limited 3.5/5
If you're lucky enough to get this guy and the normal
Palkia G, use them. You can quickly reduce your
opponent's bench and then pick them off with powerful
sniping attacks like Pearl Breath, or, dare I say it?
Hydro Shoot.
~KFT |
zookeeper |
Hello world! Octazookeeper here! Well, first of all I
would like to say that I was a little harsh on
Thursday's review. I hadn't quite realized the full
combo potential of Galactic HQ, and it might actually
leave a mark on the state of the game at some point.
Anyway, today we are taking a look at one of the two SP
Lv. Xs in Platinum, otherwise known as Palkia G Lv. X.
Type: Water
HP: 120 (About average for a Basic Lv. X, but is
outclassed by Regigigas.)
Poke Power: Lost Cyclone is an interesting little power,
bearing some resemblance to that of the ever-so-popular
DP Dusknoir. I actually think this may see some play in
SP decks, mainly due to the combo potential here. Think
about it, you just used a Uxie, and your opponent is
wreaking havoc on your bench. What do you do? You send
your own Uxie to the Lost Zone of course! Azelf? No
problem! Spiritomb taking up your bench space? Send it
away! This power does, however, have quite the downside.
Your opponent gets to select their own Pokemon, thus
potentially aiding them. Due to this, I personally
believe DP Dusknoir is still the best choice for bench
Attacks: Hydro Shoot- Not the best attack I have ever
seen. 4 energy is quite a lot, but can be lessened with
Energy Gain. In my opinion, the new Blastoise can
accomplish what this attack attempts to do to a greater
Weakness/Resistance: Any times 2 weakness is never good,
so the occasional Raichu and the like may pose some
problems. Some resistance would always be of some help,
Retreat Cost: 2 is pretty good
Overall: This card was a tricky one to review. I
personally believe that, in SP decks, this thing can
dominate. In other decks, however, other cards can
accomplish what one would wish to do with this card in a
more efficient way. I prefer DP Dusknoir for bench
disruption, and Platinum Blastoise as a bench sniper
Modified: 2.5/5 (Outclassed by other cards that can do
similar things, but still may be teched in some decks.)
Limited: 4/5 (If you pull the line, use it.)
In SP decks: 5/5 |

Alex |
COTD Palkia G LvX
The only thing I can say about this card is WOW.
Definitely going to be a top tech, or possibly even a
staple in the near future. The fact that he has a great
power AND attack means it will be played a lot.
HP: 120 – Probably the worst thing about this card,
however Palkia shouldn’t see the active spot unless
fully needed to.
Power: Lost Cyclone – Definitely will be the new
Dusknoir DP in the format. I’m pretty the Lost Zone
means you can’t get it back, which is very good. Too bad
it counts for you too, however it can easily be played
around with the right setup.
Attack: Hydro Shot – A great sniping attack. I think a
combination of Blastoise/Palkia G LvX will be seen a lot
at States just because they compliment each other so
well. Blastoise can snipe, energy accelerate and Palkia
can back him up. Sounds good to me.
Weakness/Resistance: Lightning x2/na – Well, the
lightning weakness definitely doesn’t help. Especially
since Manectric/Luxray/Ampharos will probably be going
to see a lot of play. Manectric wrecks this deck,
however a Hydro Shot + PP is a OHKO.
Retreat: 2C – Not that bad considering it has a good
attack and power.
Overall, I really think this card will be seeing lots of
play at States and from there on. The power is great,
the attack is great, it compliments well with Blastoise
or can be tech’ed for the power. Overall a very
versatile card.
Modified – 4/5
Limited – 4.5/5 |