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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Shaymin Lv. 44
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 3.33
Limited: 4.00
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD

Meganium45 |
Yay! Flower POWER!
Happiness is an 80 HP Shaymin with a 0 energy attack,
and a resistance to water.
I also love the 1 retreat cost.
The 3 energy attack appears to be largely situational,
but could single handedly counter a lot of Spread/Bronzong
decks that are out there. Removing 20 from EVERY pokemon,
regardless of type, is something to be really
considered. Even the great healing Torterra only helped
his grass bretheren.
Fire is not a huge type right now, so this may be THE
little guy to play.
We appear to have left the “Age of Apocolypse” where one
hit knock-outs are the norm (no offense Machamp or
Rampardos). It appears that building to knockouts is the
way to go, and this little guy causes that strategy
problems. Add to the fact that when comboed with
Tangrowth (which heals itself), this Pokemon may cause
problems all over the board.
Also, it ramps into a Shaymin Level X, either Shaymin
Level X, which are great cards in their own right for
Grass decks.
So be it Scizor, or Torterra, or Tangrowth, this little
guy may find a good home in a deck.
Do I like it better than the Sky forme basic Shaymins?
Do I like it better than the Land forme holo? In certain
decks, definitely.
Modified - I will go 4/5 with this little guy. His power
will be felt.
Limited – 4.5 out of 5. There are NOT a lot of bad
things to say about this card, even without the level X,
a good draft selection.
There you go.
And for you collectors of the rare promos, and other
Pokemon Items…Did you notice the Trainer Deck B on
e-bay? First one up in a year, the first deck ever
released, and the only deck (with Trainer Deck A) ever
released with Red Backs on the cards.
Even if you are not bidding, check this out, as there
are pictures and a set list of all cards. Cool piece of
Pokemon History.
Really, only 18 days until States? REALLY? |
Winner of a
Stormfront Prerelease |
Shaymin (PL38)
Today's card of the day is another one of the new
Shaymin. This is the one from the Theme Deck, so it will
be the easiest to get.
This Shaymin has 80 HP, tying it with the Sky Forme one
for highest HP. The +20 weakness to Fire is average, at
least it's not x2 like some other legends. The -20
resistance to Water is quite nice against Kingdra,
especially if you end up with Shaymin as your active. A
retreat cost of one means that getting Shaymin out of
the fight isn't that hard.
This Shaymin's first attack is Energy Blow., which
basicly does 10 damage plus 10 damage for each energy on
Shaymin. Energy Blow is a mediocre attack at best,
because dumping all of your energies on a Chia Pet isn't
usually a good idea, although if you have a Stormfront
Sceptile, and a Leafeon Lv. X, I can see it being a
major powerhouse.
The other attack is Aromatherapy, which does 40 damage
and heals all of your Pokemon 20 damage, for a grass
energy and two colorless energies. This attack can be
used to stall...if your opponent can only dish out 20 a
turn, like Abomasnow? Actually, I suppose that this
Shaymin can be used as an anti-Abomasnow tech. But if
you attach another energy, then Energy Blow does more
Modified 3/5
Other then being used as an anti-Abomasnow tech, the
other Shaymin are much better.
Limited 4.5/5
Healing and high damage attacks are always great, not to
mention that there are two Lv. X's for you to use.
~KFT |
keeper |
Hello world, it’s Octazookeeper! Today, we are reviewing
one of the many Shaymin in Platinum (38/127). First of
all, why does everyone refer to Shaymin as a hedgehog?
He looks more like an armadillo to me! The flavor text
on the card even states that he curls up to look like a
flowering plant! I suppose I should stop the rambling
and get on to the actual review of the card.
Type: Grass (Grass has some good support.)
HP: 80 (Alright)
Attacks: Energy Blow- An interesting attack. The other
day, I had actually played against an interesting
Leafeon/Shaymin/Sceptile variant that actually used this
attack as a last-ditch effort… And knocked out my T-tar
with it. Still, it is generally not a good idea to keep
Shaymin in your active slot for long, as it is the best
idea to level him up and retreat him. Or better yet,
keep him on your Bench from the start and use Level Max.
Aromatherapy- Too much cost for too little benefit.
Weakness/Resistance: +20 Weakness to fire is alright,
due to the lack of good fire decks in the format. -20
resistance is brilliant against the ever-so-spectacular
Retreat Cost: One is always good.
Overall: The main reason anyone will be playing this
Shaymin is to bring out his Level X, (Land Forme) and to
keep him on the Bench for the extra HP. In terms of non
- Level X Shaymin, I would recommend making your
selection based on what is currently popular in your
area. If your metagame is dominated by Kingdra, use
either this one or the one with Damage Aid/Flower Aroma
(My personal favorite.) If Rampardos or Machamp are
played often, use the one with fighting resistance..
Modified: 3/5 (Good for getting out the great Lv. X)
Limited: 2/5 (Unless either Lv. X is pulled. Then it’s a
5/5) |