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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Shaymin Lv. X
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 4.25
Limited: 4.00
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Jigglypuff13 |
2/3 Shaymin Lv.X (PT)
Tuesday, and we have one of the nice new Lv.X's from
Platinum, Shaymin Lv.X, and not any old one, the Land
form one! And it doesn't say it on the card, so you can
level it up from a Sky form Shaymin, and can only have 4
in any combination of Shaymins in your deck, which is
slightly restricting, but it shouldn't matter too much.
Why? Well, you'll probably find out during this review
(or our review of the other Shaymin Lv.X, I don't know
yet). Anyway, enough going on about nothing, it's time
for the basics of the card, and first off, it has a
rather miserable little 100 HP, which for a Basic Lv.X,
is quite low. 110 HP would be better, but we can't have
it all. x2 Fire Weakness isn't too bad, with the odd
Heatran Lv.X (SF) variant still being played, but other
than that, you probably won't find many Fire decks
around. -20 Water Resistance is nice against Kingdra
(LA) and Blastoise (PT), but because of the resurgence
of Grass in this set, they probably won't be played too
much (though Blastoise will probably be played more). 1
Retreat Cost is quite nice to have, allowing it to get
to the bench quickly.
Not as thought it should be active that long, as the
abilities should demonstrate. It's Poké-Body is the
reason to play this card. Thankfulness, if you'll excuse
the woeful name, is just superb. It gives all of your
non-Shaymin Grass types in play +40 HP. +40 HP just
gives a whole new level of tanking ability to many Grass
Pokémon. Torterra Lv.X (DP) loves this card, since no
one likes to be against a 200 HP Lv.X that can do loads
of damage and maybe heal. This is just brilliant, making
every Grass Pokémon you have so much more survivable is
just great. If you play a Grass deck, any sort of Grass
deck, you should seriously consider using this card for
the HP boost. The attack isn't quite as useful though.
For GCC, Seed Flare does 40, which isn't a great start.
Then, you get to attach Grass energies from your hand in
any way you like to your Pokémon, and do an extra 20
damage for every Grass energy attached in this way. With
enough energies in your hand, this can become insanely
powerful ad useful, instant energy acceleration, but
it's just a shame it's an attack that can, basically,
only be used once to be effective. If you can some how
use the attack twice in one game for a lot of damage,
then you've either got too many energies, or very lucky.
Either way, don't expect it to happen.
So, that's what the card does, and it's obviously more
of a bench sitter than an attacker (though might be
powerful once or maybe twice per game). So, what do you
use with it? Guess. Obviously, it's in any sort of Grass
deck. Torterra/Sceptile decks are the most obvious,
allowing even the normal Torterra to reach the massive
total of 180 HP. That's just ridiculous. Then the Lv.X
gives it another 20 HP on top of that. I can only think
of one Pokémon that will certainly get a OHKO on either
of them, and even then, you'd have to build AMU. Shaymin
Lv.X can also work in other Grass decks, so Scizor/Cherrim
decks will like the HP boost for Scizor, adding a bit
more frustration to your opponent, and Rock Band will
like having 150 HP Beedrills in play, to keep 120 damage
Band Attacks going. The HP boost is nice, but probably
not worth being the first thing you get out. You'd be
best off get the other parts of your combo out, then
getting Shaymin Lv.X out if you have room on the bench.
Modified: Thankfulness is just brilliant. +40 HP to your
Grass Pokémon, who are already quite a tanky type, will
just make them virtually un-KO-able. However, since most
good Grass decks need a full bench, it might be hard
getting this card in play, since you'll have other bench
sitters you'd prefer to have in play (Scpetile, back-up
attackers, Cherrim, Claydol, etc), and this is fairly
low down on the priorities list. Get it out though, and
you will love it. Just watch out for 100 damage snipers
and Dialga G Lv.X (PT), since they will disable/KO
Shaymin Lv.X. 4/5
Limited: If you can play this card, then it will
probably be worth it. This is because there are a lot of
Grass types in Platinum, so you should get a fair few
Grass types from your packs to benefit from
Thankfulness. Getting it out might be quite tough, but
it's going to be worth it. Seed Flare is still not that
great, but it can be useful due to the amount of
energies you will be playing here, so giving a lot of
instant energy acceleration. 3.5/5 |

Meganium45 |
OK, finally a card worth looking at!!!
This is the little hedgehog we have all been waiting
for, and FINALLY a card that was worth the wait!
100 HP, low for a Level X basic in this envio, but OK.
Weakness to fire, almost a non-issue for now, but maybe
not for long with THIS little guy seeing play!!!
Resistance to Water, still good. If this guy would ever
have the urge to attack.
Pokebody, Thankfulness – all Grass non-Shaymin Pokemon
get +40 HP! WOW! 200 HP Torterra Level Xs!!!
Yes, I know it gets shut down by the new Dialga G Level
X, but really, really. How cool is THIS!
Not only Torterra, but 100 HP basic Turtwigs! 150 HP
Tangrowths! 140 HP Sceptiles!!
The list goes ON AND ON!!!
The attack, the attack. 3 for 40 and allowing you to
mass attach energy to your Pokemon would be good.
Doing 20 extra damage for each energy you attach that
way, is, simply GREAT! Attaching them to any pokemon,
not just Grass Pokemon, is, too good!
1 Retreat Cost. Works just fine.
So, we have a Pokemon that can sit back and relax and
help his grass bretheren, or, late game, be the PERFECT
restart Pokemon to attach mass grass to restart an
entire field!!
Please give me a drawback for grass decks. PLEASE.
Ratings. Modified 4.5/5 You have to love this Pokemon. I
may review this later and go, why no 5??? I might.
Limited…5/5. Plenty of Shaymins to draft. This is a GAME
BREAKER if you get it out.
See you TONIGHT at the Neutral Zone in Mid Rivers Mall,
Tomorrow at B&B Games in St. Peters, Friday in
Evansville Indiana, and Saturday at the Gathering Ground
in Valley Park!
We are going to have a “mass draft” to get rid of the
remaining product at the Gathering Ground. Any boxes
leftover WILL be used for an after-draft. If we have 6
boxes, and 12 players, we will offer a 12 or 16 pack
draft with elite prizes!!!
Have a great day.
Meganium45 |
Winner of a
Stormfront Prerelease |
Shaymin Lv. X (Plt126)
Today's card of the day is one of the Level X Shaymin,
specifically, the Land Form one.
This Shaymin has 100 HP, a decnet ammount for a virtual
Stage 1, but its too bad that Thankfullness doesn't
affect it. The x2 weakness to fire isn't as good as it
once was, seeing as how Heatran decks are becoming more
popular, at least it's not as crippling as a weakness to
Psychic. The -20 reissitance to Water is nice, and it
might hold off a Kingdra for an extra turn. the retreat
cost of one isn't horrible, more like average.
The Land Form of Shaymin Level X's PokeBody is
Thankfullness, which gives all of your non-Shaymin Grass
type Pokemon 40 more HP. With this, Shaymin will easily
find itself splashed into Grass decks everywhere. Even
Scizor can benefit, since Thankfullness is a Pokebody,
and it will improve how long HoneyComb Defender will
keep that crimson ninja bug alive.
Shaymin's only attack is Seed Flare which starts out as
40 damage for one grass energy and two colorless. But it
gives you the option of choosing as many grass energy
cards from your hand and add them to your Pokemon in any
way you want, and doing 20 more damage for each energy.
This attack is awesome if you have a bunch of Pokemon
that need powering up, and a Claydol. You can just put
the non energy cards on the bottom of your deck and keep
dealing 60-100 dmaage each turn. That alone will make
Shaymin great for energy hungry Grass decks, like the
old Torterra. If only energy flow from the old Gym
Heroes set was still legal, you could return all of your
energy to your hand, and then reattach it all with
Modified 4.5/5
Shaymin has now replaced Shadow as my favorite hedgehog
of all time. Shaymin can find its place in almost any
Grass deck, and with the right support, can be a major
Limited 3.5/5
There aren't very many superb Grass Pokemon in this set,
and the fact that there are two full fire evolution
lines spells bad news for our favorite hedgehog.

Eevee |
Hey! Eevee here once again to review one cute little
pokemon! That's right! We're reviewing one of my all
time favortie pokemon! Shaymin Lv.X! (Pl-126/127)
Let's take a quick look at it's stats and attacks! ^^
Poke'Body: Thankfulness - Each of your (Gs) pokemon
(excluding any Shaymin) gets +40HP. You can't use more
then one Thankfulness Poke'Body each turn.
(Gs)(C)(C) Seed Flare - 40+ - Choose as many (Gs) energy
cards from your hand as you like and attach them to your
pokemon in anyway you like. If you do,this this attack
does 40 plus 20 more for each (Gs) you attached in this
HP: 100 - Weakness: (Fr) x2 - Resistence: (W) -20 -
Retreat Cost: (C)
Ok, onto the reviewing! Let's look at it's Poke'Body
First. Wow! This is amazing! Being able to add +40HP to
ALL grass pokemon (excluding shaymin X.x) is a must have
for ANY grass based deck! This PB would put the DP
Torterra Lv.X at a whopping 170HP monster! Then they'd
really have a reason to call it tor-TERROR! ^_^ But
really, this is an amzing ability that would be a great
combo with any grass pokemon.
Now let's look at the attacks. Or should I say attack?
Shaymin (Land) Lv.X only has one attack but luckily you
can level it up from the land or sky forme shaymin so it
in fact has a pretty wide range of attacks. The attack
it does have is Seed Flare. For one grass and two
colorless this attack isn't bad! But the key to this
attack is all in the timing! With the right hand and the
patience to use it correctly you could OKO just about
anything put in Shaymin's path. Or, if you're in a tight
spot you could OKO your opponents pokemon and also use
it to hlep boost the rest of you pokemon! But that's the
trick to this card is knowing WHEN to devistate your
Onto the stats. 100HP on a Lv.X is a little disapointing
but you've got ot take inot account that any card with
an attack as good as Seed Flare has a catch. (No pun
intended ^^) To bad Shaymin can't help itself with it's
Poke'body! As long as you time your attacks right tho
this shouldn't be much of a problem. But I would add in
some Potion or another pokemon that can help Shaymin
out. It's x2 weakness to fire wouldn't be much either.
Just add in some Bubblecoat and Switch. It's resistence
to water is perfect in an area that's sees more kingdra
then it does anything else so that should give your deck
a boost too. It does have a (C) retreat and adding in
it's lower HP is why I suggested Switch.
Overall I think this is one of the BEST Lv.X's I've seen
in a while. While it may not have the diversity in
attacks like Magmortar Lv.X it can be devistating to ANY
deck! Even fire if you play it right! And I would
DEFINATELY combo this with Sceptile from GE! Think about
it! All those energy giving you 2 grass instead of
one?!?!?! That play would be so devistating to your
oppenent it's ridiculious! I to think, everyone was
saying that the little white and green puff wouldn't be
any good. ^_^
Modified: Wo! This card could really devistate all in
it's path! But it's lower HP is a slight downfall. I'd
still give it a 4/5 tho!
Limited: Again, wow! This card could stand up to just
about any thing. I'de give it a 4/5 here as well! ^^ |

Alex |
Shaymin Lv.X #126 COTD
Thank you for finally letting me review this card, Mr.
Pojo. This is probably my favorite card in the set and
if you see me at a tourney, will probably find me
playing this with something grass. This is just my
subjective opinion, but this legitimizes sooo many decks
in the format. On to the review!
HP: 100 - Mmmmm. This is about decent/subpar for a basic
LvX. This little guy probably will never see the active
position (besides to level up), so don't worry about it
too much.
Body: Thankfulness - This is what makes the card. Giving
an extra +40 HP boost to all of your grass types means
having 140 HP Scizors, 200 HP Torterra LvX's, even 100
HP Turtwigs. How can you say a card that gives Turtwig
100 HP ISN'T good? Exactly. Because of this power, we
will see soooo many grass decks in the near future. Say
hello to Scizor, Torterra/Sceptile, Beedrill, Butterfree,
etc because you will be seeing them a lot.
Attack: Seed Flare - This actually isn't a half bad
attack, however with the low HP I wouldn't waste 3
energies on this guy for energy acceleration. If the
energy cost was 2 I might attack here and there but 3
energies is just too much to chance leaving him out in
the open, not with the great body.
Weakness/Resistance: Fire x2/ Water -20 - Don't worry
about the fire weakness just yet. Even though fire is
actually a decent type, the domination of Kingdra means
fire is just nowhere to be seen nowadays. However, the
water resistance is great for the exact same reason.
Here's the only spot where I might power this guy up to
attack, and it's only because he can survive 3 hits from
a Kingdra.
Retreat: 1C - Pretty good. His retreat cost actually
matters since you'll most likely want to retreat him
right after he gets leveled up. 1C won't set you back
too far.
Overall, I am in love with this card. Those of you who
know me know that I constantly complained about the
Gigas matchup for Scizor/Cherrim. Well, this answers
it...plus some. This card instantly gives a lot of grass
decks credibility for States. However, a strong Dialga
LvX showing might ruin Shaymin's parade, but we'll see
how that turns out soon enough.
Modified - 4.5/5
Limited - 5/5 (Awesome here too) |