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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day


Torterra Lv. 48


Date Reviewed: 02.05.09

Ratings & Reviews Summary

Modified: 4.00
Limited: 3.33

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 
3 ... average.  
5 is the highest rating.

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Jigglypuff13 2/5 Torterra Lv.48 (PT)
I wanted to do a review yesterday, but I forgot. Oh well, I'm back for Thursday (today), so it isn't all bad, and least this card is actually good, the new form of the tank of the moment, Torterra! The 4th different normal version of Torterra in 8 sets. That has to be some sort of record for a Stage 2. Anyway, the card, and first off is the basics of the card. 140 HP on Torterra is average, but compared to all Stage 2 Pokémon, that's pretty impressive, and thus should be able to survive a hit or two. With Tuesday's card, Shaymin Lv.X (land), it becomes a massive 180 HP, but I'll get on to that later on. +30 Fire Weakness is expected, and alright, but with the Grass uprising in PT, Fire will probably see a little more play soon. No Resistance, well, I'll gloss over that. However, I can't gloss over the massive 4 Retreat Cost this card has. Switches/Warp Points are needed if you play any Torterra, simply so you don't have to pay that hideous amount when you want to get a Torterra to the bench. Anything that can get rid of Retreat Cost might worth a space 2 as well.

Abilities now, and first of all, Green Blast. For GCC, it does 40 damage. Not very impressive. However, it then does an extra 10 damage for every G energy attached to all of your Pokémon in play, so it essentially starts at 70 damage, and will increase quickly. Thanks to Sceptile (GE) and the already proven Tortile deck, this just adds another powerful and reliable attacker to the mix, since with every Grass energy proving 2 Grass, each Grass energy card you attached will make Green Blast do 20 more damage, which is impressive. I have only 1 gripe about this card is that Green Blast has featured on 2 other cards in the past, Sunflora (UF) and Venusaur (CG), and both of these cards were hyped up because of Green Blast (Venusaur more because of Chlorophyll, where all C providing energy cards provided G energies instead), and then both just faded from the limelight, both proving rather over hyped. I will admit, neither of these were used a card like Sceptile (GE) (though Venusaur did have a chance last format to be used Sceptile), so I suppose it's different for Torterra here. Only time will tell if the hype surrounding Torterra will be worth it. Oh, you may want to know about Torterra's second attack. Soothing Scent uses GGCC for 80, which is about average really, and then puts the Defending Pokémon to Sleep. Not bad as an attack, but Green Blast is obviously the more powerful attack, and thus will be the main attack. Mind you, Soothing Scent could be used as a bit of an expensive stalling attack.

Combos, and I've mentioned the main ones already. First of all, you will want to use this card with Sceptile (GE), so you can get the maximum damage output from Green Blast and for Energy acceleration. Kind of obvious. Shaymin Lv.X (Land) is quite nice as well for the +40 maximum HP boost to your Grass Pokémon, making the already annoying to KO Torterra almost un-KOable, which is nice really.


Modified: This card is a tank that can deal a lot of damage. 140 HP and a Grass type means it has easy access to Grass healers and HP increases, of which there are many. Green Blast just becomes massively powerful with Sceptile aiding it, and soothing Scent seems more like an after thought. My only problem with this card is that Green Blast decks have been tried before, and few have every really been any good. I just hope this one won't be the same, otherwise, my rating will be way too generous. 4/5

Limited: This card, if you can get it out, will probably never be KOed. I mean, 140 HP and probably facing either a load of basics or the odd uncommon Stage 1 means Torterra generally won't be in any real danger. Annoyingly, Green Blast isn't very effective here, since chances are, you won't be able to make a deck with as many Grass energies as you'd like for this card. This means you'll probably end up relying on Soothing Scent as your main attack which, while it make take many OHKOs, will take a while to power up. Once you do, you'll be rewarded almost instantly. 3.25/5

OK, I know I gave love to Shaymin, but this is right up there as one of the best cards in the set!

Huge 140 HP. Weakness to fire +30 does not really matter, much, yet.

These HP can be increased by 40 with Shaymin Level X (Land forme)…180, with decent attacks!

For 3 energy you get Green Blast, 40 Damage plus 10 Damage for each Grass energy attached to all of your Pokemon.

Does Sceptile Double this?? Yeah! Does Rainbow or Multi Count for this? Yeah (if they provide Grass, which they do!)

So, really, on a “normal” Torterra deck, you are looking at 3 energy for a MINIMUM of 70 damage.

Then a 4 energy attack that does 80 and auto sleep.

Combos here are obvious. Sceptile GE will REALLY help. Leafeon Level X is an option too. Togekiss maybe..Shaymin Level X (Land Forme) definitely!

Maybe a touch of Tangrowth, who knows?

Grass just got a lot better. At least 3 good Torterras to choose from with a Powerful Level X.

Look for Torterra to be played a lot, as people try these combos.

There are counters to the helpers (Dialga G Level X) so be careful, but this card works decently without the helpers, and makes Rampardos shake in its boots.


Modified ---- 4.5 out of 5. One of the best cards

Limited --- 3 out of 5 ---- I hate stage 2s in draft, even with the Broken Stadium
Winner of a Stormfront Prerelease
Torterra (PL39)

Today's card of the day is Torterra the turtle that has plants growing out of it.

This Torterra has 140 Hp, a huge ammount that can be made even huger with the Shaymin from tuesday. The +30 weakness to fire is bad since it means that magmortar needs only two hits to KO it. The lack of a reisstance isn't crippling, but I think that all torterra should be resistant to lightning. They are half ground after all. And that brings us to the Turtle's retreat cost: 4. If you run him, you're going to want to pack some switches or warp points.

Torterra's first attack is Green Blast, which, for one grass and two colorless energies, does 40 damage, plus 10 for each Grass energy attached to your Pokemon. Once again, Shaymin Level X really shines, since you could get out a huge amount of grass nergy and then use Torterra to crush the opposition. I'm not sure if GE Sceptile doubles the grass enrgy for this, but if he does, then he could prove to be a worthwile partner for this Tortoise.

Torterra's other atack is Soothing Scent, which does 80 damage and puts the defending Pokemon to sleep for two grass energy and two colorless energy. That attack isn't nearly as good as Green Blast, unless you were putting energy only on Torterra, and even then, by the time you power it up, the next turn you can just Green blast for 10 more if you can attach an energy.

Modified 2.5/5
I don't think that this turtle will be able to make it into a Torterra deck, seeing as how there are three other Torterras and a Level X to choose from.

Limited 3/5
There are two Level X Shaymins to provide some form of support, but the sheer number of fire types and that hue weakness ensure that Torterra will be tradebait for turtle-lovers.

COTD - Torterra Platinum

Hey guys,
It seems as if we get a new Torterra every single set, which means that this guy has some tough competition for a deck spot. I'm pretty sure all of them have 140 HP, which is very good for a stage 2. This particular card, however has one thing that the rest don't: an unlimited damage attack - enough of the small talk. On to the review!

HP: 140 - Like I stated before, this is very good for a stage 2. I think Torterra prides itself on always having big HP, so this card is just continuing the trend, but nonetheless 140 is extremely good. With Shaymin X you'll have a 180 HP non-lvX attacker; sounds good to me.

Attacks: Green Blast, Soothing Scent - Green Blast is what I was referring to before when I said that this one attack makes this Tort unique. The base damage is only 40 for 3, which is bad, however it does an extra 10 for each grass energy you have in play. That means you'llbe doing 70 at the minimum, but the one card that makes this great is Sceptile. Pair this with good ol' Sceppy and you're automatically doing 80 for 2 energy (or 100 for 3,etc). If you have even more grass energies on the field there's a possibility you'll be OHKO'ing anything on the opponent's field. This is an extremely good out to have since a lot of the current metagame cards have very high HP. The only other Tort that can even compete with this guy's damage output is the MD Tort, which only maxes out at 100. However, the hard part is getting this guy plus the Sceppy out. The second attack is pretty subpar, although auto sleep is pretty cool. 80 for 4 is pretty lame, imo.

Weakness/Resistance: Fire +30/na - Like I've stated before, fire isn't anything to worry about atm. We might see a bit of fire being played since grass decks will be very prevalent with the addition of Shaymin X.

Retreat: 4C - Ehhh, guess this means you won'tbe retreating him anytime soon. If you do get the Sceppy out (and I do suggest you do), it reduces to a relatively decent cost of 2.

Overall, this is actually a pretty decent card to play in a Tort/Sceppy deck. I would only play 1, however with a combination of 1 SF/1DP/1 LvX. I like the DP one here because he combats Dusknoir and spread decks. However, he can easily be replaced with another Platinum Tort. I think you'll be seeing a lot of this guy in Tort decks because the damage never stops, meaning anything is within OHKO range.

Modified - 4/5
Limited - 4/5 (If you get the line)
Octillery49 Torterra is an AMAZING card.......................... If it weren't for Dialga G Lv.X. Although it does nothing to harm Torterra directly, it locks Sceptile's body, which hurts this card very badly. So, as long as Dialga G Lv.X is popular. 3/5

Soooooooo underrated. It can do a LOT of damage for a stage 1 and also has a great level X that you can combo with it.
You just need to play it right. Use lots of basics that you can use as one-offs (Uxie, Mespirit, etc.) 4/5

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