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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Looker's Investigation
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 4.00
Limited: 5.00
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Arbok14 |
Name: Looker's Investigation
Set: Platinum
Analysis: This card is pretty decent, because you get a
free look at your opponent's hand. If you don't like
what you see, have them shuffle their hand back for a
new one of five cards. Or, you could get a new hand of 5
cards. This could be really useful, at any point in the
game. If it is the only supporter in your hand, you will
probably want to get a new hand, unless you have Claydol,
of course.
Modified: I'd say 1-2 should be in any deck. Depending
on the strategy, maybe more. (4/5)
Limited: If you get it, take it! It helped salvage one
of my games this weekend. (5/5)

Meganium45 |
Well, well well. Now for the fun cards, and needed cards
of the Platinum Set, some of the trainers.
The first one I chose to look at is the most interesting
Supporter of all – Looker’s Investigation.
Reminds me a bit of Professor Oak’s Research – Shuffle
and draw 5 is what POR did.
This adds a twist. You get to look at your opponent’s
hand, and can make THEM shuffle it away and draw 5, or
if you see they have a “Stinker” you can make them keep
it and draw up to 5 yourself.
What other card does this help…HANDS PLEASE…not all at
once! Yes, yes…Stormfront Gengar.
SOOOO tempted to us Poltergeist, just not sure what they
have in their hand….NOW you know. You get to refresh 5,
and NOW you know, if you want to make them draw 5, or
make them keep those delicious trainers in their hand!!!
Even outside of Gengar decks. There are a lot of cards
in this set (Honchkrow, Cyrus and others) and from
previous sets (Furret and others) that allow your
opponent to stack their hand.
Ratings, ratings.
Modified…going 4.5 out of 5 here. Just too good to
ignore. Try it, you will like it.
Limited…5 out of 5 here. Too few draw cards here, and
drafting this is a no-brainer.
Thanks! Vince |
Winner of a
Stormfront Prerelease |
Looker's Investigation (PL109)
This is honestly the first trainer/stadium/supporter
card I've reviewed, so I'm not exactly sure how to
handle it. well, here goes nothing.
Looker's Investigation is honestly a very stupid name
for a card. I'm sorry, but I had to get it out. Changing
Handsome to Looker is like choosing hanging over
decapitation, it's just making a bad thing worse.
Anyways, Looker's lets you look at your opponent's hand
and then gives you the option of shuffling either you or
your opponent's hand into your/their deck and then draw
five cards. This card is most likely going to be the
Platinum Era's version of Team Galactic's Wager,
although I like this one better, in case your opponent
already has a real crap hand, and you don't. If you're
planning on using this for draw power, I think this card
actually out preforms Cynthia's Feelings, since you can
use it on your opponent, and it will usually net you one
card more.
Modified 3.5/5
Team Galactic's Wager is a pretty good card, as is
Cynthia's Feelings, but will Looker's Investigation
replace them? It has the capacity to do so, but only
time will tell.
Limited 5/5
Disruption and draw power in Limited? Count me in!
~KFT |