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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Top 10 Pokemon Cards of 2008
Dusknoir Lv. 48
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 4.40
Limited: 4.00
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Jigglypuff13 |
1/12 Dusknoir Lv.48 (SF) 5th place
Hello, and welcome to the second week of our top 10
countdown of 2008, thus this week, it's the top 5 of
2008 I suppose. Either way, it's the same card, Dusknoir
Lv.48, which I find a bit of a strange choice. If this
card was going to be on this list, then Unown G and
probably Uxie Lv.X or Chatot should've been ahead of it,
but maybe that's just me. Anyway, onto the review, and
the basics of Dusknoir Lv.48. 120 HP on a Stage 2 is
about average at the moment, and thus Dusknoir should be
able to survive a hit or two. +30 Dark Weakness is
slightly annoying, with Tyranitar being quite big and
the use of the Weavile (SW)/Darkrai Lv.X (GE) combo
being quite common for any deck that wants to either hit
Dusknoir's Weakness or get round Resistance against some
popular deck in the metagame. -20 Colorless Resistance
isn't that great, since there are very Colorless
attackers at the moment (I suppose the odd Blissey (MT),
Garchomp (MT) or Salamence (SF) deck around, along with
the odd Togekiss (GE) that may find it's way into the
active spot for some reason), but I suppose could be
useful at some point. 3 Retreat Cost is rather high, so
make sure you pack a few Switches/Warp Points or, better
yet, Moonlight Stadium, to make sure you can get
Dusknoir back to the bench whenever you need to.
Abilities, and Shadow Command is a rather nice Poké-Power.
First of all, it allows you to draw 2 cards. That
doesn't sound too impressive, especially when compared
to Claydol (GE), who can possibly draw 6 cards. It gets
slightly worse for Dusknoir since if you end up with
more than 6 cards in your hand, you have to discard
cards until you end up with 6 cards. There are decks
that like the discard, but many more prefer just putting
them on the bottom of the deck instead of discarding
them, like with Claydol (GE), for example. Also, as a
final punishment for Dusknoir, after using it's Poké-Power,
you have to put 2 damage counters on Dusknoir. Since it
draws you cards, that's a brilliant start, but the cost,
in most decks, is probably a little too much. However,
that last cost, the damage thin, that really isn't too
bad because of Dusknoir's first attack. for PC, you
choose one of your opponents Pokémon and put damage
counters on it equal to the number of damage counters on
Dusknoir. Because of this, the Shadow Command/Damage
Even combo is very nice and rightly feared. After a
Shadow Command and maybe an attack, it will probably
have enough damage on it for Damage Even to KO a Claydol
or possibly even the weakest of main attackers. That's
quite a good low health attack, but at high health,
Damage even is just average really. That's why Dusknoir
had a second attack. For PPC, Night Spin does a rather
low 50 damage. However, any effects of attacks,
including damage, from one of your opponents Pokémonn
with 2 or fewer energies attached to it are prevented
immediately. In this low energy cost environment, Night
Spin is a brilliant stalling attack. The damage is a
little low, but with that effect, who cares?
Combos, and for the Shadow Command/Damage Even combo,
try it when Dusknor had been leveled up, and attach it
with an Unown G (GE). Dusknoir Lv.X (SF) has the nice
effect of, when KOed by damage from an attack, turns
into a stadium that places 1 damage counter on each of
your opponents Pokémon between turns. Unown G prevents
any effects, so basically only be hurt by damage. In
this combo, you use Shadow Command loads of times to
increase Damage Even's power and then put your opponent
in an akward position. KO Dusknoir Lv.X, and take 1
damage in between each turn, or let it live and keep
taking 100-120 snipes or whatever. Essentially, you
force your opponent to pick the lesser of two evils, and
that isn't always easy. Also powers one of the best
decks in the format, Dusknoir decks (would you believe
it), which are generally based on this Dusknoir, though
they may be based on any of the other Dusknoirs instead.
Modified: I will admit, I didn't like this card too much
originally, but time has made me realise that this is
brilliant. Shadow Command/Damage Even is brilliant on
it's own, though I still don't like the discarding
effect of it, and Night Spin is a nice little stalling
attack. I wish it had a little more HP, and would still
use Claydol with this card, because 2 cards as a draw
and a 6 card hand limit just isn't enough. Uxie Lv.X
(LA) only draws 1 card, but it doesn't limit your hand.
If you are using a Dusknoir deck, I would at least
consider using 1 of these. 4.25/5
Limited: If you manage to get a reasonable line of the
pre-evolutions, then this will be probably quite a nice
little card. Chances are, you won't find any opponent
with a card to OHKO it, Night Spin will basically stop
everything your opponent will throw at you and possible
even OHKO some Pokémon. Damage Even is very nice for
taking out benched threats before they get active. Will
be hard to get out, but if you do, it will be a real
force. |

Meganium45 |
OK, this may be one of the best Dusknoir Cards ever
Let’s begin at the beginning.
120 HP and a +30 weakness to Darkness are good
Resistance to Colorless REALLY helps out in the
Regigigas matches.
The Pokemon Power allowing you to draw 2 cards for the
cost of 2 damage counters is, well, Sweet.
The first attack, allowing you to target any pokemon on
their field, and then place the number of damage
counters on that Pokemon equal to the number of damage
counters on Dusknoir is Really Sweet.
Problem is, heh, that Unown G will stop you from placing
damage counters on their “key” Pokemon. Can’t really get
rid of the G, so, heh…
Second attack can stop Kingdra in its TRACKS in that it
does 50 damage, and prevents all damage done to Dusknoir
by Pokemon with less than 3 energy attached. HEH. Take
Did I mention that this thing ALSO evolves into a Level
X that is COOL?
This is a MUST in any Dusknoir deck, and some people
feel that this card is VERY playable, even without the
Level X.
Dusknoir/Gengar and Dusknoir/Gliscor are two VERY good
decks out there right now. You gotta love a #1 card
which is actually great too!
Modified 4.5/5 Great power, great attacks, not broken,
but really close
Limited 4/5..plenty of prevolutions, but also everyone
else will be drafting this line, so you may have trouble
Thanks, and as Wubsy sez…WOW-WOW-WOW!