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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Top 10 Pokemon Cards of 2008
#4: Leafeon Lv. X
Majestic Dawn
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 4.38
Limited: 3.13
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Jigglypuff13 |
1/13 Leafeon Lv.X (MD) 4th Place
Tuesday, and the 4th place card is also the 4th Lv.X on
the list (with Mewtwo Lv.X, Mesprit lv.X and Uxie Lv.X
all being on the list last week), Leafeon Lv.X, and it's
a very deserved 4th place as well. Now, I have reviewed
this card before, but I'll happily review it again.
First, the basics, and 110 HP on a Stage 1 Lv.X is
slightly low. I wish it had more HP, but Espeon (MD)
will happily solve your problems by giving it an extra
20 HP when in play. Great Stuff. +30 Fire Weakness is
slightly annoying due to Heatran Lv.X (SF) being fairly
popular, but since Kingdra (LA) is a lot more widely
played, they shouldn't be too much of a problem.
Speaking of Kingdra, Leafeon Lv.X has a -20 Water
Resistance, which helps against that card, and is very
useful. 2 Retreat Cost is annoying, but another
Eeveelution gives it free Retreat Cost and no Weakness (Umbreon
(MD) before anyone asks), so neither that nor the
Weakness should be too much of a problem.
Abilities, and firstly, the reason why it's so
brilliant, Energy Forcing. First of all, I wish it
wasn't called that, and secondly, it's just incredibly
useful. Basically, you get to attach an extra energy per
turn. That is just brilliant, attaching an extra energy
from your hand every turn will give you so much of an
advantage. Best of all, it stacks. Have 2 Leafeon Lv.X
in play and you will be attaching up to 3 energies every
turn, which is nice. It also says energy cards, which
last format, was great for attaching a DRE/Scramble and
a Basic energy every turn. Now, it's slightly useless
since there aren't many Special energies you will care
about (Call? Multi? Soon, Rainbow will be added to that
list, but that's for another day), so it isn't quite as
good as it was, but that is still good. Energy Forcing
has almost limitless combos, but one of them is with
it's own attack. Verdant Dance does a fairly all right
30 for GC. However, it then does an extra 10 damage for
each energy (again, includes Special energies) you have
in play. Essentially, it's 50 for GC, and then you get
more damage added to it when powering up other Pokémon
with Energy Forcing and your normal attachment.
Combos, and first off, I have to talk about other
Eeveelutions, making the deck, er, Eeveelutions! I've
already mentioned Espeon and Umbreon, and, to be honest,
they are the main 2 you will want to play with Leafeon
Lv.X. There are maybe only 2 other ones that should be
considered, Glaceon (MD Holo) and Vaporeon (MD). The
reason is because both of these are Water types and will
cover Leafeon Lv.X's Weakness. Umbreon (MD) already does
that, but still, if you prefer a more direct approach to
getting rid of your opponents Fire types. Another combo
is with Sceptile (GE). Attach loads of energies to your
Grass Pokémon, and they all double, adding 20 more
damage to Verdant Dance. With Energy Forcing, you will
(hopefully) be adding 40 damage every turn. You can
leave it at that, or you can use a Grass type that can
use another abuse loads of energies, such as Exeggutor
(MT) or Tangrowth (GE). One final combo to consider is
with just about any energy abuser in the game. Blissey
(MT), Infernape (MD), Mesprit Lv.X (LA), Magmortar
(SW)... the list goes on. Energy Forcing will happily
give these cards the energies they need, adding damage
or just powering up a massive damage, high discard
Modified: This card is awesome. Energy Forcing is just
such a brilliant Poké-Power, any deck thinking of adding
an energy accelerator should think about this card. It
may be a Stage 1 Lv.X, but it's worth it. The attack,
which should be rubbish considering how brilliant the
Poké-Power is, combos well with the attack, and can make
a decent attacker. There is a problem. It's a Stage 1
Lv.X, which means you will need to get Leafeon active
and then preferably beck to the safety of the bench in
one turn will be quite tough and annoying, but it will
be worth it every time that happens. 4.25/5
Limited: If you somehow get the cards to use this card
here, do it. It's an energy accelerator and a power
house. With the normal holo Leafeon, it's also a bit of
a tank. However, 110 HP here on it's own it's rather
nice anyway. However, it will be tough to get it into
play, so if you ever do, you'll get luck. However, once
you do, you will be pleased, both when you use it in the
tournament, and afterwards, when you get swarmed with
people trying to trade it with you. 3.25/5 |

Meganium45 |
OK, Leafeon Level X.
Let’s take an environment, totally dominated by one
deck, and have a player win Nationals with this card!
Orion really opened a lot of eyes on that day.
Leafeon Level X will always be known for his power,
allowing you an extra energy attachment every turn.
Really powers up decks that like energy, like, say,
Leafeon Level X’s attack (30 + 10 more for each energy
you have in play! WOW)
It also compliments “Energy Hogs” like Magmortar, and
all his friends.
With energy acceleration always being a huge part of the
game, this is one of the best.
Grass, with fire weakness, not good around the next tier
Magmortar deck. When this card was at its height, almost
everyone had ditched Magmortar for Gallade or Empoleon
110 HP is quite good. And will keep him around.
Resistance to water frustrated the Empoleon decks of the
day, and the Kingdra decks of today.
I am sorry to say, I don’t see much of him being played
today. Hope that changes.
The doubling power of Sceptile GE really put a damper on
this otherwise great power for grass decks. You could
either attach an EXTRA energy with Leafeon Lvl X, or
double ALL your grass in play with Sceptile GE…pretty
easy choice for a Grass player (Torterra, Tangrowth),
although I don’t think we’ve seen the last of Leafeon
Lvl X.
2 Retreat cost hampers this card slightly. Of the final
4, I think this is the weakest one, but it DID win
Nationals in the US!
Modified 4.5 out of 5. A good card. A fun play.
Limited 3 out of 5. Too hard to get the Leafeons to
draft under him, and in a pass draft EVERYONE is taking
eeveelutions. You should ALWAYS take him if you have the
There you go! #4 in the books. 3 Great cards to go (most
of you have figured them out, I am SURE)
Meganium45 Eagerly awaiting PLATINUM to come and change
the game again! |
Arbok14 |
Ranked this at #5 on his Top 10 List |
Octillery49 |
Ranked this at #4 on his Top 10 List |