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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Top 10 Pokemon Cards of 2008
#3: Kingdra Lv.
Legends Awakened
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 4.70
Limited: 3.33
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Arbok14 |
Hello, sorry that I have missed the last few days, I
just moved back into my dorm. Anyway, today I am back to
review the 3rd best (by our standards) card from last
year, Kingdra! I voted Kingdra #4, but because we did
not include trainers, Premier Ball would have been
ousted and Kingdra was my 3rd best card as well.
Name: Kingdra Lv. 52
Set: Legends Awakened
Rarity: Rare Holo
HP: (130) - Very good for a Stage 2.
Weakness/Resistance: (Lightning+30/none) - Lightning
wasn't a terrible weakness to have, but Luxray obviously
easily countered Kingdra decks.
Retreat Cost: (1) - Great retreat cost, especially for a
stage 2. You can get the energy back later anyway, and
with Kingdra's cheap attacks, 1 retreat cost is decent.
Attack #1: (0 - Aqua Stream) - One of the main reasons
it was played, this attack could easily do 100 damage in
Attack #2: (W - Dragon Pump) - This is also why Kingdra
was played. This attack is so cheap and so destructive,
that it was a great play. It also combos very well with
Aqua Stream.
Final Analysis: Kingdra was, and still somewhat is, the
force to be reckoned with. It was the strongest play
when it came out, and still presents a great deck. In
addition to that, this is an easy deck to play.
Modified: Definitely the most influential attacker of
the year. There is no reason it should get less than a
perfect score. (5/5)
Limited: Still a great attacker here, especially with
the many water pokemon that was in this set. If you get
the line, play it! (4/5)
Jigglypuff13 |
1/14 Kingdra Lv.52 (LA) 3rd place
Mid week and the 3rd place card of our top 10 is given
(and rightly so) to Kingdra! This card got the most
Battle Roads wins under it's belt (I believe) and has
had a rather good showing at cities as well. The reason?
Well, that's the reason why I'm doing this review.
First, the basics of the card, and it has the rather
nice 130 HP, which is a slightly above average amount
for a Stage 2 main attacker at the moment, which is
nice, and should survive a hit or 2. It's +30 Lightning
Weakness isn't too bad, with the only really largely
played Lightning deck at the moment being Raichu/Lv.X
(SF) variants, with Raichu (SF) being able to do the
required 100 damage with it's last attack. There are
other Lightning types that can do the same, but few are
actually played. No Resistance, well, who cares, most
Pokémon don't have a Resistance and it's never effected
most of them. 1 Retreat Cost is very nice, lower than
the average for a Stage 2, so you probably won't need
quite so many Warp Points or Switches.
Abilities next, and I'll start with Dragon Pump. It may
be the second attack, but it will be the first one you
use. For W, you do 40 straight away. That isn't exactly
bad on it's own, but not enough for a main attacker.
However, it's effect does. You can discard 2 cards from
your hand. If you do, you W and discarding 2 from your
hand for 40 turns into a W for 60 and 20 snipe to one of
your opponents bench. With such a low energy cost,
getting a swarm of Kingdra's out isn't hard, and so long
as you can refill your hand with cards to discard, you
will be getting the most out of this little attack.
However, there must be some point to this discarding,
you must be asking. Now, go back and check that first
attack, Aqua Stream. Read it? You see what to discard
not then. If you were lazy and didn't go back to look at
the card, then discard Water energies for dragon Pump.
The reason is because Aqua Stream, for nothing, does 10
damage for each Water energy card in your discard pile,
and then shuffle those Waters into your deck. Basically,
this is a great little combo in this one card, discard
Waters from your hand for Dragon Pump, then when you've
run out of Waters, use Aqua Stream for loads of damage.
Simple, but very, very effective.
Combos, and basically, use it with itself mainly. Swarm
Kingdras, but make sure you use a good hand refresher.
Claydol (GE) or Uxie (LA) are obviously the best for
this. Claydol is the best for this, since it will refill
your hand with Water energies every turn with near
certainty. Uxie and it's Lv.X may, but it won't be as
reliable as Claydol. If you want any other discarders to
help Kingdra, then the best for this are Felicity's
Drawing, for getting rid of, hopefully, 2 Water energies
and also drawing 4 cards. Another discarder you may want
to think about is Regice (LA), for getting rid of 2
cards from your hand for either switching your opponent
active Basic with one of your opponent bench, or nothing
if they don't have a Basic active. You could use
Registeel (LA) instead, but at least Ice would have some
use (maybe).
Modified: This is a brilliant card. It was hyped
massively, and has been a massive success, with cheap,
powerful attacks being the main source of it's success.
It needs support, mainly from a drawer like Claydol or
Uxie, otherwise it's not bad on it's own. Other
discarders can be used, but due to Dragon Pump, they
probably aren't really needed. 4.5/5
Limited: Chances are, you won't have many Water energies
here, so Aqua Stream won't be that much use until you
have defiantly run out of them. Dragon Pump is still
brilliant, for only being a single energy attack and can
get rid of any useless cards in your hand. However, it's
still a Stage 2, so won't be easy to get out. Or play.
The top 2 in our top 10 are coming up, and hopefully,
you will have at least a vague idea as to what they
could be, otherwise you better have a really good
excuse. |

Meganium45 |
OK, here we go…
130 HP Stage 2…Great
Weakness to Lightning, that is OK, good too. Other than
Raichu, not much electric played (yet)
No resistance….boo (colorless resistance would have been
1 Retreat…that works too and allows for it to be a
swarming Pokemon!
A 0 energy attack that can do 10 damage for each energy
in your discard pile. This is a GREAT finishing attack.
A 1 energy attack that does 40 damage. Pretty good.
Discard 2 cards from your hand (maybe powering up the
first attack) and it does 60 damage to the active, and
20 to one of your opponent’s benched Pokemon.
This card is hard for any Pokemon to take down right
now. Even with the “Hot” decks that have been released,
it still ends up doing well, and winning a good number
of cities.
The ability to, going 2nd, Rare candy Horsea to Kingdra,
attach and energy, and discard 2 cards to do 60 is,
well, as broken as can be.
There are plenty of draw and search cards to make this
work too…Wow.
The only “heel” to this card is the limited damage it
can do…especially to Tangrowth decks (eh, eh???)
Modified 4.5/5 This is one of those cards that either
you play, or have to expect to see played. It is not to
the point of “play it or lose” like Feraligatr was, but
it dogged close.
Limited 3/5..Stage 2s are tough to get out. Good card
though |