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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Top 10 Pokemon Cards of 2008
#1 - Claydol Lv.
Great Encounters
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 5.00
Limited: 5.00
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Arbok14 |
All Hail the Number 1 card of 2008: Claydol! I am pretty
sure that everyone who has ever played this game voted
this guy #1. It put an end to the short reign of Absol,
and virtually every good deck still has it in it. It is
rare that you can find a great deck lacking this guy
right now.
Name: Claydol Lv. 45
Set: Great Encounters
Rarity: Rare
HP: (80) - Not great for a stage one, and is certainly
one of its weaknesses.
Weakness/Resistance: (Grass+20/none) - Grass has become
more popular recently, but my advice is not to use this
to attack.
Retreat Cost: (2) - Warp Point/Switch!
Poke-POWER (Cosmic Power) - Quite simply, this is
probably the best power ever made. Claydol helped to
make games go faster and has made it so much easier to
set up.
Attack #1: (FC - Spinning Attack) - Um yeah. I have
never actually used this attack.
Final Analysis: Please, there should be at least 2 in
EVERY deck.
Modified: See final analysis. (5/5)
Limited: This could easily put a limited game in your
favor. (5/5)
Jigglypuff13 |
1/16 Claydol Lv.45 (GE) 1st place
So, Friday, and the eagerly awaited unveiling of the
best card released in 2008 according to us reviewers
here. And the card is *drum roll* ... well, just guess
or look at the picture in the space above all of the
reviews today. Yes, there was only ever going to be one
card to be called the best card of 2008, the most widely
played card since it's release, and one of few cards on
this list that managed to prove itself in both of last
years formats, it's Claydol! It was always going to be
Claydol for all of the reasons that everyone had said a
thousand times last year. However, I'm to explain
everything in detail, hopefully in my standard way.
Whether that's a good thing or not, that's up to you
readers to decide.
Anyway, intro done, onto the basics of the card. First
of all, it's a Stage 1 with 80 HP. That's kind of low,
even for a Stage 1. Because it doesn't evolve again, it
would be better if it had even 10 HP more, so it would
actually have what is (probably) the average HP for a
non-evolving Stage 1 at the moment. Still, this card
isn't really meant to be the active spot at all, so the
HP isn't generally much of a problem, but more on that
later. +20 Grass Weakness, well, it's not too bad. Grass
isn't widely played, with Scizor (SF) decks and Torterra/Sceptile
variants being the main ones at the moment, and even
then, they don't see much play. Leafeon Lv.X (MD) is
another main Grass Pokémon, but even that isn't very
widely used at the moment (as explained a few days ago
when Leafeon Lv.X was reviewed as the 4th place card of
2008). Most Grass types should be only a Plus
Power/Buck's Training or 2 to reach the required 60
damage needed, but even that isn't very likely (since
most should hit the 60 mark on their own). No
Resistance, well, not many Pokémon have one, so we can
gloss over that. 2 Retreat Cost is very harsh, so if you
run this card, make sure you run at least a couple of
Switches/Warp Points, otherwise if it does find itself
active, you will regret not putting any in.
Abilities, and I'll go with the attack first, because no
one cards about it. FC for 40 from Spinning Attack is
quite frankly useless really. it's about average really,
but when there are so many better attacks out there, no
one is going to give this attack a second glance. Don't
use this attack unless you really have to (or it
produces a hilarious result in a friendly, such as KOing
a Tyranitar (SF) or something similar).
So, why is it used then? If you have to ask that
question, then you must be quite new to the game, so I
will happily explain why. The reason is for Cosmic
Power. This is a fantastic Poké-Power. What it does is
it first makes you put 1 or 2 cards from your hand onto
the bottom of you deck. Not a good start, but if you
have something in your hand that's useless there and
then, it's better than discarding it, so you have the
option of using it later on in the game. Anyway, after
you've done that, you draw cards until you have 6 cards
in your hand. A 6 card hand doesn't sound too exciting,
but think of it like this; you can use this every turn,
and use it for each Claydol (GE) you have in play
(unlike Uxie Lv.X (LA), reviewed last week, whose Trade
Off Poké-Power can only ever by used once per turn, no
matter how many you get on the field). Because of this,
it is the best hand refresher and best draw engine in
the game right now. with Cosmic Power, you should be
able to draw at least a couple of cards every turn,
though if you are smart, it will be more. A lot more
probably. Get 2 Claydols out, and the rate at which you
will draw cards every turn will be unbelievable. While
it will be hard to get over a +2 card advantage gain
from each Claydol every turn (pop 2 on the bottom of
your deck, draw a few, but unless you really have used
everything, won't be more than 3 or 4 probably).
However, that's +2 every turn. I have to say this again,
every turn. EVERY TURN. That's the big thing about
Claydol. You may not draw a lot of cards every turn, but
you will draw cards every turn, meaning it has an
advantage against the other engines at the moment. Uxie
(LA) is nice, drawing up to 7 cards, but that's one use
only, and Uxie Lv.X and Trade Off will only ever net you
+1 every turn. Dusknoir (SF) will get you +2, but then
you lose cards by discarding cards if you have 7 or more
cards in you hand after drawing, and damages itself
(yes, it's works with it's attack, but that isn't the
point). Bronzong (MT) will only ever net you 2 cards
maximum. Basically, every other card that could be a
draw engine in the format do not match the brilliant
draw power of Claydol. Not many old ones can either. In
the last 5 years or so, the only one I can really think
of that might give Claydol a run for it's money would be
Pidgeot (RG), and it's a tough choice to decide which is
better. Thankfully, at the moment at least, that isn't
my job, so I can get back to reviewing this wonderful
Claydol by itself. Also, Cosmic Power is very useful for
stopping yourself decking out when nearing the end of
the game and when you have few cards left in your deck.
Place cards on the bottom of the , and make sure that
you won't be able to draw as many as you put on the
bottom of your deck. Brilliant.
Now, that was a massive paragraph, but I cannot over
state how great Cosmic Power is. So, what decks does it
fit well in? 99% of all decks being played right now can
and should use Claydol. Scizor (SF) variants shouldn't,
but that's so it can get the increased attack power for
not having a Poké-Power in play. AMU probably shouldn't
because Uxie and the Lv.X is enough already, and starts
to clog up the bench slightly. T2 decks can use Claydol,
but whether or not it's a good idea is up to the person
who's building the deck. Every other deck, though,
should be running this card. Even a 1-1 line helps. In
fact, a lot of people have taken to using Claydol and
Uxie in the same deck for the largest amount of draw
power possible. Uxie is for emergency Set Ups early
game, while Claydol is the standard draw engine to be
used from when they get it out. Preferably second turn.
Of course, the card has flaws. It's easy bait for anyone
playing Poké Healer + or Palkia Lv.X (GE), bringing up a
vulnerable Claydol and ready to either smite it with all
their power or start disrupting the bench and leaving
you either to need a Switch/Warp Point or 2 energies to
waste on retreating it. With only 80 HP, some snipers
have a field day KOing it, like Raichu Lv.X (SF) or
Dusknoir (SF Holo). It uses up a bench space and you
need to keep it there for maximum effect. While many
decks work around this, Dusknoir (DP) likes it as well,
so will shuffle something in if you have 4 or more
bench, and thus you may regret having that Claydol on
the bench. Baltoy (GE) isn't that bad as a starter, but
it's never ideal and sometimes completely rubbish, so
adding a Claydol line can sometimes hamper consistency.
However, none of this matters because what it does,
which is draw cards like there's no tomorrow, it does
brilliantly, and so well, that no other card in the last
2 formats have been able to replace it. Last format, any
deck that wanted to win apart from T2 decks (like
Blissey (MT)) used Claydol because it was so consistent
and brilliant. Even GG decks (which basically became
Plox because of this card) used it as a main draw
engine, and their draw/search card (Gardevoir (SW)),
left in the supporting role. Even Psychic Lock from
Claydol, or the fear of the ever present Dusknoir (DP)
tech didn't stop it last format. With much more to
hamper it's effectiveness this format (more powerful
snipers, more ways of bringing it active, more ways of
getting a Power lock), it's popularity and it's
usefulness still haven't gone done. That is the mark of
a truly brilliant card, one that can withstand the shift
in formats well, and take everything hurled at and still
be useful, and everything you have just read shows
exactly why it's the card of the year.
Modified: Read the above really. Cosmic Power is so
useful, it's hard to think of a deck that I wouldn't at
least consider using it in apart from those exceptions I
said about earlier (even Regigigas Lv.X (SF) decks, I
would consider Claydol a bit) because of that Power. I
couldn't care less that it's attack is about as useful
as Splash is in the Pokémon Video Games. I couldn't
cares less that there is a lot out there that could
easily destroy, stop, or just generally annoy Claydols
out there. It's just a brilliant card. It's not perfect,
but it still deserves a perfect score for everything it
has done and for all of it's achievements. 5/5
Limited: Here, Cosmic Power is still massively useful,
probably drawing you cards like there's no tomorrow.
Spinning Attack is still useless, and the weakness is
probably a little harsher than in Modified, but 80 HP
might not be too bad here actually (though watch out for
Blaziken). It's still a bench sitter, but with less
threats to worry about (I mean, who is actually going to
be able to run Palkia Lv.X and use it to any real
success?), it's still as useful as ever. However, you
just need to make sure you also get a Baltoy. 5/5
So, those are the best cards of 2008. I wonder what
brilliant cards 2009 and will have in stall for us all
to enjoy. I suppose we'll find out in a years time. |

Meganium45 |
OK, here we go. The final piece to the puzzle. Voted as
the #1 card for 2008.
Claydol GE.
An 80 HP Fighting stage 1 monster with an attack that
does 2 for 40, and a 2 retreat cost, which may be the
ONLY problem of this card!
It has a power (really, is that the excitement) that
lets you on EVERY turn put 1 or 2 cards on the bottom of
your deck, and then draw until you have 6 cards in your
EVERY TURN. And if you have 2 Claydols, you can do it
twice! WOW.
Not since FRLG Pidgeot have we seen a card used SOOO
The recent addition of Palkia Level X to some decks has
made the 2 retreat cost a bit of an issue, but, still,
you HAVE to love that power!
Requires a small hand size, yeah, but SO WHAT? You play
your cards, and then Claydol your way out!
If you play Team Galactic’s Wager, you know, no matter
WHAT happens, either you get 3 cards, then Claydol to 6,
or get 6 cards, then get to use them, and Claydol up to
6 again!
Just a good, good card that should be used in almost
every deck.
Heard it on Saturday…man, this was tough, did you notice
that ALL of the decks in the top 4 all played Claydol?
Yep yep yep.
Modified 5/5 Even the problems do not detract from this
Limited 5/5..If you can get it out, you win! |