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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Giratina Lv. 63
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 3.00
Limited: 4.00
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Jigglypuff13 |
1/19 Giratina Lv. 63 (PL)
Hello, and welcome to another new week of cards, and a
very exciting week as well, with new Platinum preview
cards! Today, we start with one of those cards, the new
Giratina Origin Forme! It doesn't say it on the card,
but it's obvious from the picture (just compared this
Giratina to the one from LA and you'll see what I mean).
Anyway, while that is a nice picture, I would prefer
analysing how the card itself plays. First, the basics,
and 100 HP on a non-evolving Basic is tremendous. Since
it's a legendary, it was going to be big, but it's a
nice amount, even for a legendary. x2 Dark Weakness is a
little harsh really, since Weavile (SW) can be easily
teched into any deck, so you could face a x2 weakness at
any time without knowing it. Pure dark Pokémon are
probably going to be slightly hard to find, though the
new Honchkrow (which will be reviewed soon), along with
other dark types you can find from looking at the
Japanese spoilers (though, if you can't be bothered to
find them, so to look out for include a new Mightyena
and Weavile, though there are probably more I've missed)
that might be quite widely seen, making it quite a bad
weakness. -20 Colorless Resistance isn't that great
really, there aren't that many/probably won't be that
many Colorless types being a main attacker in a deck.
You might see the odd Regigigas Lv.X (SF) deck (if it
survives the entrance of Platinum into the format), or
Togekiss (GE) acting as an energy accelerator in a deck,
but you probably won't find many. 3 Retreat Cost is just
massive. Switches/Warp Points/Moonlight Stadium will
help out there, so make sure you pack at least 2 in any
combination really.
Abilities next, and I have 3 attacks to wade through
here. First, Over Slash, which isn't too bad actually.
CC for 10 spread is a little on the pricey side, but it
is guaranteed, so it isn't too bad really, and it's hard
to find something similar and better on a Basic that can
actually survive some hits. Bench damage prevents will
be annoying, but they are for all spreaders, so what's
new? Unfortunately, I can't be so king about Dark Wing
Flaps. PP for 20 is poor, and the effect of shuffling a
random card from your opponents hand into their deck
isn't that great with Claydol (GE) and Uxie (LA) being
such great hand refreshers, they will actually benefit
from it, and you don't want to do that. Wrack Down is
rather average. PCC for 60 is just that. It's the cards
main beatdown attack, but since it's so average, it
probably shouldn't be used as often as Over Slash, which
is a good little spreading attack.
Combos, and it works quite nicely with Giratina Lv.X,
but I'll let you look at the spoilers and find out why
for yourself. Over combos, well, might work in hand
disruption decks, but Absol (SW) already fulfils the
basic disruptor role nicely, and Giratina here isn't
going to disrupt it any time soon. Might work in spread
decks, doing 10 to everything for CC from a Basic isn't
too bad and should survive for a turn or two more than
your average spreader, but you may prefer other
spreaders, even if they are Stage 1, and there are
plenty to choose from as well.
Modified: It's not bad at surviving a few hits, just so
long as you don't encounter any Dark types. It's attacks
are generally sub-par, making only a reasonable spreader
that's easily surpassed. The only use for this card is
for the Lv.X, which I shall talk about as soon as we
review it. However, the reason why this card would be
useful for the Lv.X, the Lv.X just does better, so once
you level up, there really isn't any point in even
considering using the normal forms attacks. 1.5/5
Limited: It's a tank (100 HP is very nice here), it's a
Basic, it can spread, weakening everything to be KOed by
Wrack Down, and does hand disruption from Dark Wing
Flaps. Everything I just mentioned there is the reason
why, if you only care about winning your Limited event,
I would suggest using this card. However, it will be
useless afterwards, so use it with that in mind, and
don't say I didn't warn you. 4/5 |
Octillery49 |
Giratina is a pretty good card when combined with the
new Lv.X that it will get. It's first attack Overslash
is great and combos well with many cards. Dark Wing
Flaps isn't very good I can't imagine using it over Over
Slash, finally, we get Wrack Down. Wrack Down is a
pretty good attack, especially for a basic, normally,
you'll still be using Over Slash though. The more I look
at this card, the more I like it.
I'll give it a 4/5 (If played with the level X.) |

Meganium45 |
New set YAY!!!
OK, this is one we can expect to see played. The hype
around this card, and the fact that “kids and adults
alike” are attracted to this…add to this a “Lost Zone”
issue with the Level X potentially, and get used to this
card people!!!
First – HP 100. With weakness to darkness, that could be
a problem, but not so much right now. (Double weakness
REALLY hurts). Resistance to colorless. Good with
respect to Regi and the other big hitting colorless
monsters out there right now. No telling if Regi has ANY
staying power in the post-platinum world, but given its
success in pre-Platinum, you can expect to see some
stragglers, even if it goes completely out.
3 retreat – Moonlight, switch, warp point, or “let it
Attacks…Over Slash 2 for 10 to everyone. Very nice.
Colorless cost, makes it very “Prinplup like” Combo with
the new Amphy (if it is released) and…yeah.
Dark Wing Flaps – 2 Psychic for 20 damage and shuffle a
card away? Cute but, really? Kind of worthless in my
opinion. For 1, OK. For 2…no.
Wrack Down – 3 for 60 is undervalued in this current
envio. Way undervalued. Maybe to hold on until you get
the Level X out, but still.
Lotsa combo potential here, but by itself???
Modified – Early to tell, so I am going 3/5
Draft – Yes, High HP, colorless attack, good. 4/5