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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Pichu Lv. 8
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.75
Limited: 2.25
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD

Meganium45 |
OK, a Pichu that gets you energy cards!!!
Should work perfectly with the Raichu Level X, getting
energy in your hand, right? Right?
Well. Problem here is that you pull those energy from
your discard pile. Not your deck. If it was deck, this
would be uber tier 1.
Problem is, it is NOT the deck.
So, it is a good mid to late game recovery card, but to
start with, not really to useful. Do I really need this
card? Maybe in a Raichu deck.
Low HP, fighting weak. Resistance to metal…not really
Ratings – Modified 2.5/5
Limited…even worse 2/5 |

Alex |
Whatsup Pojo people!
After a long hiatus from reviewing cards here, I've
decided to take another shot at it. It also helps that
being in college means having LOTS of free time to
dedicate to awesome things like the Pokemon TCG (and
other stuff) ;)
Anyway, on to the review!
So I got an e-mail saying that today's COTD was Pichu
from SF and I'll be honest with you, I actually had to
look this card up to see what it did. However, after
looking at the card's attack it seems to have some
potential. Let's look at the basics of the card -
HP: 50 - This is on the low side for basics nowadays but
since he's a baby I'll let it slide. The only thing you
should be worrying about here is T1 donks, but they
become pretty inevitable anyway.
Attack: Electric Circuit - OK, here's where the card
becomes binder material to deck material. The first
thing that popped into my head when I saw this attack
was as a tech into Raichu Lv.X decks. Basically, you
Voltage Shoot twice, putting 4 L energies into the
discard pile and if you don't have the ability to search
out more L energies you play this little guy and put
them back into your hand. Since he's most likely going
to be KO'd after he attacks, you don't need to worry
about his retreat cost and can Voltage Shoot again for
80. If you play this with Plusle SW you can essentially
get 6 energies back into your hand in one turn with
Plusle's power (assuming Pichu gets knocked out). Sounds
like a good deal to me.
Weakness/Resistance: F +10/M -20 - Not very influential
as to whether he should be played or not, although it's
possible for Claydol to OHKO it for 2 (but Clay should
be KO'd in the first place after a Volt Shoot)
Retreat: 1C - Not a game breaker either. Like I said,
this thing will usually get KO'd after it attacks. If it
isn't, consider yourself lucky and proceed to
Overall, this card is pretty useless to most decks, but
is a good tech for Raichu decks.
Modified - 3/5
Limited - 2.5/5 |