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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Shaymin Lv. 56
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 3.00
Limited: 3.25
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Eevee |
Hey! Eevee here and I'm back to review one of my all
time favorite Pokemon! Shaymin Lv.56 PL-15/127 Ok, let's
take a look at it's attacks and stats.
(x) Growth : Attach a (G) energy from your hand to
(C)(C) Air Slash : 40 damage; Flip a coin. If tail
discard an energy attached to shaymin.
+20 to fire, -20 to fighting, (C) retreat, 80HP
Ok, for once I'm a little disappointed here. It's first
attack, Growth, is pretty good allowing you to add a
grass energy for free. It's second attack, Air Slash,
requires two (C) energy but can only do 40 damage. Not
to mention a 50-50 chance of discarding an energy. It's
HP isn't bad for a basic at 80HP but adding in it's +20
weakness to fire means that it won't last more then 3-4
rounds unless you know how to keep it's HP up. It does
have a -20 resistance to fighting which could come in
handy to counter the Stormfront Torterra and Machamp
Lv.X. It's retreat isn't too bad either at only one (C)
energy. Over ll tho I have to say that this isn't one of
the better legendary cards. If you ask me you would
definitely need Shaymin (sky forme) Lv.X to make this
card worth adding to a deck.
Modified: 3/5 As much as I hate to say it this Shaymin
just can't quite reach the mark when it comes to a great
card. It's not bad tho if you can pull it's Lv.X forme.
Limited: 3/5 Unless you were playing against the lower
HP cards this probably wouldn't be your first choice. |

Alex |
COTD's 1/26
Whatsup guys!
Looks like COTD #2 for me is going to be Dialga G from
Platinum. Since the cards from the set haven’t been
released yet (nor fully tournament tested), this review
is basically just going to be my subjective opinion.
Henceforth we begin!
HP: 100 - Obviously this is very good for a basic. You
won’t get donked by Kingdra or Rampardos if you start
with this, so the only thing to watch out for is Machamp.
Attacks: Deafen; Second Strike – Deafen is a really
great attack. Being able to trainer and stadium lock
your opponent means being able to hinder their setup a
lot of different ways. Of course, I could see this being
played in Dusknoir decks to keep the Dusky Lv.X out
there for awhile to keep the spreading going on, but
with a MC energy cost, it means adding in either a Multi
or a basic Metal, neither of which are usually added to
the deck to begin with. Otherwise this is a decent early
game attack. The second attack, Second Strike, is a
possible 70 for 3 which is becoming pretty average
nowadays. It’s not something you’ll be striving to
attack with so it’s really pointless anyway.
Weakness/Resistance: Fire x2/Psychic -20 – The fire
weakness is really a moot point considering fire decks
barely see any play besides the occasional Magmortar
here or Infernape there. Don’t worry about it. The
resistance, however, is a very good type to have since
so many Psychic decks see play. Unfortunately, most of
the decks place damage counters so it won’t make much a
difference. Still, it’s nice to have.
Retreat: 2C – Not a big deal. 2 is about average and
you’ll be warping him out of the active spot more than
Overall, the card obviously should really only be played
only to level up to its awesome Lv.X counterpart that
will see TONS of play in the upcoming months. I wouldn’t
suggest playing this by itself, so the ratings won’t
really reflect that.
Modified – 3/5
Limited – 3.5/5
COTD #3 time!
Today’s card of the day is Shaymin, which I never knew
existed until last week ;/
Apparently the old 150 Pokemon don’t get any love from
the current PUI team since they make new ones faster
than I can remember them. Anyway, onto the card!
HP: 80 – This is decent for a basic. You won’t get
Kingdra or Rampardos (resistance) donked, but there’s
still a chance of getting Machamp donked. Either way 2/3
ain’t bad.
Attacks: Growth; Air Slash – Growth is a pretty useful
little attack – if you were going to attack with Shaymin.
Unfortunately, this Shaymin should only be in the active
position to level up to the much beefier and more
benevolent Shaymin Lv.X. However, if you end up with a
bad start it’s still not a bad attack to help speed
things up. Air Slash, on the other hand, is pitiful. 40
for 2 is on the lame side in today’s format, and
discarding an energy goes against the first attack. This
guy’s attacks are definitely not his best part.
Weakness/Resistance: Fire +20/Fighting -20 – Don’t worry
about the fire weakness. The fighting resistance is
extremely useful considering Rampardos cannot OHKO this
guy. Also, now a Machamp needs 4 Hurricane Punch heads
for a OHKO. Very useful resistance.
Retreat: 1C – This means that it’s retreatable in a dire
situation. Pretty nice retreat cost.
Overall, if it was up to personal opinion, I would
probably end up using the other Shaymin (14/127) over
this one. It depends on your metagame though. If you see
tons of Kingdra/water then play the other one because 20
resistance to water plus a healing attack means Kingdra
isn’t winning. However, if you see tons of Machamp/Rampardos
play this one because he can’t be FTKO’d by either of
Modified - 3.5/5 (if you play Shaymin lv.X)
Limited – 3/5 (energy acceleration is always good here) |

Meganium45 |
OK, The “Sky Forme” presents itself…both here and on the
COOL prerelease fliers for the event!
80 HP. Good.
Weakness to fire. Not bad
Resistance to Fighting, very good.
Attack for 0 allows you to attach a grass energy from
your hand to Shaymin. Kind of an energy accelerant?
Then for 2 you get to do 40, and flip, if tails, discard
an energy.
Way to high priced of an attack for this. 2 for 40 is
all but normal now. No need for the discard chance here.
Therefor, it is an overcosted attack.
I have a funny feeling if a certain Pokemon that rhymes
with “Mampardos” becomes popular, this will be THE play.
1 Retreat cost. Not bad, but really? Shouldn’t a “Sky
Forme” have a 0 retreat cost? I think so…but hey, I
don’t work for Creatures (yet)
You know, you need to use SOME Shaymin to get to the
level Xs…so…
Modified 3.5/5 Less damage potential but better
resistance. If Rampy becomes the play, this rating
Limited.4/5..Lotsa reasons to LOVE this guy!
Only 4 more days Until the Prerelease parties begin!!! I
KNOW I will see you all there!
Saturday, South County Mall in St. Louis 11:00 am
starting time. Sunday, Belleville, Illinois at Fantasy
More to come next week!!!
Meganium45 |